31 research outputs found

    Advantages of application of mycorrhizated plants in environmentfriendly agriculture and forestations

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    Ectomycorrhizal inoculation procedures have been developed to improve forestation practice in areas with unfavourable habitat properties. The inoculation of cultivated crops with specially developed inocula of arbuscular-mycorrhizal fungi succeeded in reaching a substantial harvest surplus of plant material, and makes environment-friendly, fertilizer-free farming practices around shallow lakes possible

    Aspects of in situ, in vitro germination and mycorrhizal partners of Liparis loeselii

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    Our present work investigated asymbiotic in vitro and symbiotic in situ germination of the rare and protected terrestrial orchid, Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. as one of the possibilities for its conservation. Asymbiotic germination array was tested on four different asymbiotic media (different macroelement and organic nitrogen levels) in dark and light. Additionally the effect of cold-treatment was also investigated. In situ germination rate was moderate, protocorms was observed only in the close surroundings of adult L. loeselii individuals. The fungal partners of L. loeselii were identified by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA). The ‘root segment technique’ was effective for isolation of only one species, Tulasnella (Epulorhiza), whereas using ‘in situ bating’ yielded isolates of both Tulasnella and Ceratobasidium (Rhizoctonia) species

    The use of the reed (Phragmites australis) in wastewater treatment on constructed wetlands

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    The constructed wetland is a near-natural wastewater treatment technique, where reed (Phragmites australis) is an important component. The high rate of small residential settlements (less than 2000 population equivalent (PE) in Hungary suggests the consideration of cost-effective, locally operating wastewater treating methods. The present casework compares the conventional activated sludge treatment with the near-natural root-zone technology by means of the pollutant removal capacity of currently operating waste treatment plants. Examination of the water quality data shows that reed bed systems have a stable removal efficacy of organics of a similar rate to the conventional technologies, while in view of nutrients they have higher retention ability, so are beneficial against eutrophication

    Mycorrhizal colonization by Tuber aestivum has a negative effect on the vitality of oak and hazel seedlings

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    Ectomycorrhizal fungi have a great impact on the ecosystem in boreal and temperate regions, and it has commercial, silvicultural and crop importance as well. The summer truffle (Tuber aestivum), a common mycorrhizal partner of several trees, is a valuable ectomycorrhizal fungus since its fruit bodies (ascomata) are a popular and expensive product on the global markets. To understand the physiology and ecology of a natural forest or a plantation, the participants and relationships between them should be examined. Hence, the maximal quantum efficiency of photosystem II centers, that is vitality of half a year old oak (Quercus robur) and hazel (Corylus avellana) seedlings inoculated with summer truffle was measured. The relation between the vitality of the plants and the rate of colonization of the fungus was examined applying single and multiple linear regressions. In the case of the oak seedlings contamination of Scleroderma spp. morphotype colonization was observed. Negative relationship between rate of colonization and the vitality was detected in the case of hazel seedling and non-contaminated oak seedlings. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that there is no effect of truffle and contaminant fungi together, but alone the truffle has a negative impact. Consequently, the Scleroderma ectomycorrhiza seemed to have a balancing effect on the negative impact of summer truffle

    Changes of hypogeous funga in the Carpathian-Pannonian region in the past centuries

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    The exploration of hypogeous fungi in the Carpathian-Pannonian region speeded up in the past decades, owing to the widespread of truffle hunting with dogs. As a result, not only several new species were found in the region, but our view of the frequency of truffles also changed fundamentally. It became evident that Tuber aestivum, T. brumale, T. macrosporum, T. magnatum, T. mesentericum and Mattirolomyces terfezioides can be collected in commercial quantity. Among the dog preferred hypogeous fungi (DPH) several species, earlier believed to be rare like Octaviania asterosperma and Stephensia bombycina, also occurred. The taxonomic alterations and revisions brought about changes in the list of hypogeous fungi, and further changes are expected from molecular taxonomy research on a number of genera at present

    Mycorrhizal colonization by Tuber aestivum has a negative effect on the vitality of oak and hazel seedlings

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    Ectomycorrhizal fungi have a great impact on the ecosystem in boreal and temperate regions, and it has commercial, silvicultural and crop importance as well. The summer truffle (Tuber aestivum), a common mycorrhizal partner of several trees, is a valuable ectomycorrhizal fungus since its fruit bodies (ascomata) are a popular and expensive product on the global markets. To understand the physiology and ecology of a natural forest or a plantation, the participants and relationships between them should be examined. Hence, the maximal quantum efficiency of photosystem II centers, that is vitality of half a year old oak (Quercus robur) and hazel (Corylus avellana) seedlings inoculated with summer truffle was measured. The relation between the vitality of the plants and the rate of colonization of the fungus was examined applying single and multiple linear regressions. In the case of the oak seedlings contamination of Scleroderma spp. morphotype colonization was observed. Negative relationship between rate of colonization and the vitality was detected in the case of hazel seedling and non-contaminated oak seedlings. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that there is no effect of truffle and contaminant fungi together, but alone the truffle has a negative impact. Consequently, the Scleroderma ectomycorrhiza seemed to have a balancing effect on the negative impact of summer truffle