118 research outputs found

    How to avoid potential pitfalls in recurrence plot based data analysis

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    Recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis have become popular in the last two decades. Recurrence based methods have on the one hand a deep foundation in the theory of dynamical systems and are on the other hand powerful tools for the investigation of a variety of problems. The increasing interest encompasses the growing risk of misuse and uncritical application of these methods. Therefore, we point out potential problems and pitfalls related to different aspects of the application of recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analysis

    The formation of professional foreign language competence as an integral part of the cultural background of new generation Russian entrepreneurs

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    The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of professional foreign language competence as part of entrepreneurs' cultural background in today's Russia. The article focuses on improving the education of Russian businesspeople through the integration of a professional foreign language course and the disciplines of their university major. The authors examine their own experience in searching for the most effective teaching tools, self-study evaluation tools including. The outcomes gained indicate that the modular interdisciplinary design of suggested training courses may have a positive impact on entrepreneurs' job performance

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)


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    This study focuses on the relationship between exogenous factors (that cannot be directly impacted by the actions of an economic agent) and combined heat and power (CHP) plant efficiency. As a measure of fuel utilization efficiency this paper proposes to use the Сoefficient of Fuel Utilization (CFU), which is the Russian equivalent of the Primary Energy Factor indicator. Climate conditions and fuel type were used as the exogenous factors in this article. Climate conditions were measured via climate zone proxies. The cause-effect relationships were analyzed using a linear regression model. The findings of the study showcase that the plants, which use natural gas as their primary fuel, show higher fuel utilization efficiency compared to coil plants. Climate conditions were also proven to be a statistically significant factor with plants situated in the third climate zone (mostly regions of the Central and North-Western federal districts) showing the highest average CFU of about 71%. The research shows that the exogenous factors account for close to 20% of CHP plant fuel utilization efficiency in Russia. The authors conclude that climate conditions and fuel type should be taken into account when constructing various energy efficiency models applicable to the Russian context


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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent chronic metabolic disorders. Its role in patients with heart transplantation is not unifi ed. According to some authors, post-transplantation diabetes mellitus increases the risk of acute rejections and infections, increases the incidence of coronary artery disease of the graft and reduces long-term survival of patients with heart transplantation. On the other hand other studies did not confi rm these fi ndings. However, when diabetic patients were stratifi ed by disease severity, recipients with less severe disease achieved better survival. Accordingly, posttransplant survival was not signifi cantly different between recipients with uncomplicated diabetes and nondiabetic recipients. Diabetes alone should not be a contraindication to heart transplantation. Well-selected diabetic patients achieve the same survival as nondiabetic patients. Conversely, patients with complicated diabetes have signifi cantly worse survival. Therefore, given the critical shortage of transplantable organs, maximal benefi t may be achieved by exploring alternative treatment options in individuals with severe diabetes. These include use of high-risk transplant lists and destination therapy.СД является одним из самых часто встречающихся хронических метаболических нарушений. Роль СД в посттрансплантационном течении после ТС не определена однозначно. Согласно некоторым авторам, СД повышает риск острого отторжения и инфекционных осложнений, вероятность прогрессирования болезни коронарных артерий сердца трансплантата и уменьшает выживаемость реципиентов. Другие исследования не подтверждают эти данные. Однако реципиенты с СД осложненного течения имеют выживаемость значительно худшую, чем реципиенты без СД. Пациенты, скомпенсированные по СД, имеют такую же выживаемость, как пациенты без СД. С другой стороны, у пациентов с осложненным СД выживаемость значительно ниже. Таким образом, изолированно СД не должен рассматриваться как противопоказание к ТС. В условиях нехватки донорских органов лучшие результаты в этой области могут быть достигнуты совершенствованием базисной терапии СД и использованием «альтернативного» листа ожидания


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    Specific personal features of 296 children and adolescents exposed to tuberculosis and those with unidentified exposure were comparatively analyzed. Children with unidentified exposure demonstrated psychic tension, poor self-control, poorly developed social communication skills which determined disruptive interpersonal relations and uneasy personal growth. Children exposed to tuberculosis in their families were characterized by judging didactive position towards their neighbors which was formed by dysfunctional patterns of relations in their parental families. Adolescent with unidentified exposure manifested the contrast combination of pre-morbid personal attitudes which had certain etiologic contribution to the development of borderline neurotic states. The higher level of destructive reactions in the interpersonal communication was observed in the adolescents exposed to tuberculosis in their families. Identified personal features are considered to be psychological factors determining the hyperactivation of adaptive systems at the pre-morbid state and consequent development of structural functional disorders in various systems of the host, as well as providing impact on the course of tuberculosis

    Инструменты зеленого финансирования как фактор повышения утилизации промышленных отходов в России

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    Influenced by the governmental policy of national economy decarbonization and greening fundamentally new institution of green finance is currently developing in Russia. One of the key areas for the development of green finance is industrial waste disposal. The aim of the paper is to determine the efficiency of green financing of industrial waste utilization projects in Russia. The methodological basis of the paper consists of domestic and foreign scientific articles in the field of green financing and waste disposal, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as Rosstat data on the volume of industrial waste disposal. As a research method, the authors applied an analytical approach to systemize green finance concept definitions, and analyzed foreign experience of using green financial instruments in the industrial waste management industry. The article represents the content analysis of the Russian taxonomy of green and adaptation projects, as well as an assessment of the industrial waste utilization volumes that can potentially be achieved due to the implementation of projects within the framework of taxonomy areas. The results of the analysis show that through the implementation of green and adaptation projects, it is possible to additionally dispose of about 91 million tons of industrial waste, or 2.5% of the total volume of waste generated. Such a low recycling rate is a result of the limited amount of industrial waste types, the utilization of which is included in the taxonomy. It is necessary to expand the list of industrial waste, the disposal of which can be recognized as an independent project or a criterion for the implementation of projects within the framework of the taxonomy.Под влиянием государственной политики в области декарбонизации и экологизации национальной экономики в настоящее время в России развивается принципиально новый институт зеленого финансирования. Одним из ключевых направлений для развития зеленого финансирования является утилизация промышленных отходов. В связи с этим цель данной статьи – обосновать эффективность зеленого финансирования проектов утилизации промышленных отходов в России. Методологическую основу исследования составили отечественные и зарубежные научные статьи в области зеленого финансирования и утилизации отходов, нормативные правовые акты Российской Федерации, а также данные Росстата по объемам утилизации промышленных отходов. В качестве методов исследования авторами применен аналитический подход к систематизации определений концепции зеленого финансирования, а также рассмотрен зарубежный опыт применения зеленых финансовых инструментов в отрасли обращения с промышленными отходами. В статье представлен контент-анализ российской таксономии зеленых и адаптационных проектов, а также проведена оценка объемов утилизации промышленных отходов, которые потенциально могут быть достигнуты за счет реализации проектов в рамках направлений таксономии. В результате анализа было выявлено, что за счет реализации зеленых и адаптационных проектов на сегодняшний день дополнительно может быть утилизировано порядка 91 млн т промышленных отходов, или 2,5% от общего объема образования. Столь низкий процент утилизации является результатом ограниченного количества видов отходов, которые могут быть утилизированы в рамках проектов таксономии. В связи с этим необходимо расширять список промышленных отходов, утилизация которых может быть признана самостоятельным проектом или критерием для реализации проектов в рамках таксономии

    Возможности нормализации психоэмоционального статуса детей с туберкулезом органов дыхания в стационаре в условиях пандемии COVID-19

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    The objective: to evaluate changes in parameters of psycho-emotional state in children with respiratory tuberculosis (RTB) in in-patient settings after psychological management using relaxation and mindfulness practices and telephone counseling.Subjects and Methods. 64 children ill with respiratory tuberculosis aged 6-13 years old were enrolled in the study and divided into 2 groups: those examined before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (January 2019 – February 2020) (n = 30) and those examined during the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020 – February 2022) (n = 34). In the groups, the levels of emotional tension, anxiety and excitement in children were studied. The article also presents comparative assessment of changes in the parameters of psycho-emotional state in the group of children examined during the pandemic and after 2 months of psychological management.Results. Children admitted to the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic were significantly more likely to have abnormal parameters of psychoemotional state versus children hospitalized before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. After 2 months of psychological management using relaxation and mindfulness practices and telephone counseling, most children demonstrated improvement of their psycho-emotional state parameters.Цель исследования: оценить изменения показателей психоэмоционального статуса у детей с туберкулезом органов дыхания (ТОД) в стационаре после психокоррекции с применением релаксационных техник, техник осознанности (майндфулнесс) и телефонного консультирования.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 64 ребенка с ТОД в возрасте 6-13 лет, разделенные на 2 группы: обследованные до начала пандемии COVID-19 (январь 2019 г. ‒ февраль 2020 г.) (n = 30) и обследованные во время пандемии COVID-19 (март 2020 г. – февраль 2022 г.) (n = 34). В этих группах изучены уровни нервно-психической напряженности, тревоги и эмоционального возбуждения у детей. Также представлены данные сравнительной оценки изменения показателей психоэмоционального статуса в группе детей, обследованных во время пандемии, после 2 мес. психокоррекционной работы.Результаты. У детей, поступивших в стационар во время пандемии COVID-19, достоверно чаще выявлялись отклонения от нормы показателей психоэмоционального статуса по сравнению с детьми, госпитализированными до начала пандемии COVID-19. После 2 мес. психокоррекционной работы с применением релаксационных техник, майндфулнесс и телефонного консультирования у большинства детей отмечалась нормализация показателей психоэмоционального статуса

    Electrophoretic Mobility of Red Blood Cells and Micronucleus Test in Exfoliated Buccal Cells as Stress Intensity Markers

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrophoretic mobility of red blood cells (RBCs), cytomorphological and cytogenetical indices in exfoliated buccal epithelial cells of rats during the development of stress reaction. Experiments were carried out on 60 white non-pedigree pubescent rats weighing 180-220g. Both the single and the repeated adrenalin injections provoked a decrease in the level of the RBC electrophoretic mobility. With a single adrenalin injection, the changes in RBC electrophoretic mobility are not so abrupt, with the subsequent development of the adaptive response and reparation of cytogenetic damage. With repeated adrenalin injections, the changes in RBC electrophoretic mobility are abrupt, and the number of pathological epithelial cells increases