2,256 research outputs found

    Synthetic Helical Liquids with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    We discuss a platform for the synthetic realization of key physical properties of helical Tomonaga Luttinger liquids (HTLLs) with ultracold fermionic atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices. The HTLL is a strongly correlated metallic state where spin polarization and propagation direction of the itinerant particles are locked to each other. We propose an unconventional one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model which, at quarter filling, resembles the HTLL in the long wavelength limit, as we demonstrate with a combination of analytical (bosonization) and numerical (density matrix renormalization group) methods. An experimentally feasible scheme is provided for the realization of this model with ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices. Finally, we discuss how the robustness of the HTLL against back-scattering and imperfections, well known from its realization at the edge of two-dimensional topological insulators, is reflected in the synthetic one-dimensional scenario proposed here

    Optical pumping of quantum dot nuclear spins

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    An all-optical scheme to polarize nuclear spins in a single quantum dot is analyzed. The hyperfine interaction with randomly oriented nuclear spins presents a fundamental limit for electron spin coherence in a quantum dot; by cooling the nuclear spins, this decoherence mechanism could be suppressed. The proposed scheme is inspired by laser cooling methods of atomic physics and implements a "controlled Overhauser effect" in a zero-dimensional structure

    Quantum feedback cooling of a single trapped ion in front of a mirror

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    We develop a theory of quantum feedback cooling of a single ion trapped in front of a mirror. By monitoring the motional sidebands of the light emitted into the mirror mode we infer the position of the ion, and act back with an appropriate force to cool the ion. We derive a feedback master equation along the lines of the quantum feedback theory developed by Wiseman and Milburn, which provides us with cooling times and final temperatures as a function of feedback gain and various system parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 11 Figure

    Continuous Observation of Interference Fringes from Bose Condensates

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    We use continuous measurement theory to describe the evolution of two Bose condensates in an interference experiment. It is shown how the system evolves in a single run of the experiment into a state with a fixed relative phase, while the total gauge symmetry remains unbroken. Thus, an interference pattern is exhibited without violating atom number conservation.Comment: 4 pages, Postscrip

    Fault-Tolerant Dissipative Preparation of Atomic Quantum Registers with Fermions

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    We propose a fault tolerant loading scheme to produce an array of fermions in an optical lattice of the high fidelity required for applications in quantum information processing and the modelling of strongly correlated systems. A cold reservoir of Fermions plays a dual role as a source of atoms to be loaded into the lattice via a Raman process and as a heat bath for sympathetic cooling of lattice atoms. Atoms are initially transferred into an excited motional state in each lattice site, and then decay to the motional ground state, creating particle-hole pairs in the reservoir. Atoms transferred into the ground motional level are no longer coupled back to the reservoir, and doubly occupied sites in the motional ground state are prevented by Pauli blocking. This scheme has strong conceptual connections with optical pumping, and can be extended to load high-fidelity patterns of atoms.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, RevTex

    Creation of a molecular condensate by dynamically melting a Mott-insulator

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    We propose creation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) by loading an atomic BEC into an optical lattice and driving it into a Mott insulator (MI) with exactly two atoms per site. Molecules in a MI state are then created under well defined conditions by photoassociation with essentially unit efficiency. Finally, the MI is melted and a superfluid state of the molecules is created. We study the dynamics of this process and photoassociation of tightly trapped atoms.Comment: minor revisions, 5 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4, accepted by PRL for publicatio

    Superconducting Vortex Lattices for Ultracold Atoms

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    We propose and analyze a nanoengineered vortex array in a thin-film type-II superconductor as a magnetic lattice for ultracold atoms. This proposal addresses several of the key questions in the development of atomic quantum simulators. By trapping atoms close to the surface, tools of nanofabrication and structuring of lattices on the scale of few tens of nanometers become available with a corresponding benefit in energy scales and temperature requirements. This can be combined with the possibility of magnetic single site addressing and manipulation together with a favorable scaling of superconducting surface-induced decoherence.Comment: Published Version. Manuscript: 5 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary Information: 11 pages, 7 figure
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