24 research outputs found

    Aḥwāl, božanska jednostavnost i trutmejkeri

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    This paper is a comparative study between Brower’s solution to the problem of divine simplicity and that of Abū Hāšim al-Ǧubbāī (d. 933). First, I argue that the theory of aḥwāl is a semantic theory rather than a metaphysical one. Then, I present a reconstruction of Abū Hāšim al-Ǧubbāī’s theory of aḥwāl, based on Brower’s truthmaker theory of predication. Then, I show how Abū Hāšim would reply to some of the objections that Saenz raised against Brower’s truthmaker theory of divine simplicity. Later on, I discuss Abū Hāšim’s explanation of the similarities between the properties that God and creatures share.Ovaj rad predstavlja komparativnu studiju Browerovog rješenja problema božanske jednostavnosti i rješenja Abū Hāšima al-Ǧubbāīja (u. 933.). Prvo, tvrdim da je teorija aḥwāla semantička teorija, a ne metafizička. Zatim predstavljam rekonstrukciju Abū Hāšima al-Ǧubbāījeve teorije o aḥwālu, temeljenu na Browerovoj teoriji predikacije tvorca istine. Zatim pokazujem kako bi Abū Hāšim odgovorio na neke od prigovora koje je Saenz iznio protiv Browerove trutmejker teorije o božanskoj jednostavnosti. Nakon toga, raspravljam o Abū Hāšimovom objašnjenju sličnosti između svojstava koja dijele Bog i stvorenja

    Being and Nothingness

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    Graham Priest’s Theory of Gluons concerns the problem of unity, i.e. what makes an object into a unity? Based on his theory of Gluons, Priest gives his accounts of being and nothingness. In this paper, I will explore the relationship between nothingness and the being of the totality of every object, and then, I will try to demonstrate that, according to Gluon Theory, these two have the same properties, or in other words, nothingness is the being of the totality of every object

    Being and Nothingness

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    Graham Priest’s Theory of Gluons concerns the problem of unity, i.e. what makes an object into a unity? Based on his theory of Gluons, Priest gives his accounts of being and nothingness. In this paper, I will explore the relationship between nothingness and the being of the totality of every object, and then, I will try to demonstrate that, according to Gluon Theory, these two have the same properties, or in other words, nothingness is the being of the totality of every object

    Flange Wrinkling in Flexible Roll Forming Process

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    AbstractFlexible roll forming is an advanced sheet metal forming process for producing variable cross section profiles. Flange wrinkling at the transition zone where the cross section changes is a major defect in the flexible roll forming process. In this paper, the flange wrinkling at the transition zone is studied using finite element analysis. The results showed that the strip deformation at the transition zone can be considered as a combination of two strip deformations observed in the conventional roll forming process and the flanging process. According to finite element analysis results, when the flange wrinkling occurs, compressive longitudinal strain is smaller than the necessary compressive longitudinal strain calculated by mathematical modeling to obtain the intended profile geometry in the compression zone. Therefore, comparison of compressive longitudinal strain obtained from the finite element analysis and the necessary compressive longitudinal strain is a good criterion to predict the flange wrinkling occurrence. A flexible roll forming setup was developed. Longitudinal strain history is obtained from the finite element simulation and is compared with the experimental data from the flexible roll forming setup. Results show a good agreement and confirm the finite element analysis

    Gluon Theory: The Unified Unifiers

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    This paper is about two challenges concerning the gluons of partite objects. One is Marmodoro’s argument that from the non-objecthood of gluons, it follows that gluons do not unify objects. I demonstrate that Marmodoro’s argument fails. The second Challenge is about the unity of gluons themselves. I show that gluon theory will encounter a vicious regress if objects are gunky

    Assembly and function of cell surface structures of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    The domain of archaea represents a group of organisms which are only distantly related to the bacteria and eukaryotes. The classification of living organism into the three domains bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes has been introduced by Carl Woese and was based on comparison of 16S rRNA sequences (Woese et al., 1990, Woese & Fox, 1977). Sequencing and comparison of the genetic information of organisms determines the degree of differences between them and therefore is an indication of the amount of changes undergone by each species from a shared evolutionary ancestor. The ribosome is an essential part of the protein synthesis machinery and therefore the comparison of the 16S rRNA components of ribosomes gives a reliable picture of evolution and classification of species. Furthermore, 16S rRNA is extracted relatively simple and from every cell in high amounts. However, the acceptance of archaea as the third domain of life has been challenging due to the fact that both bacteria and archaea lack a nucleus and the morphology of both organismic groups appears similar. Despite the minimal morphological differences, bacteria and archaea do differ in information processing, DNA transcription, post translation modification of proteins and the assembly of flagella.