181 research outputs found

    Evaluating logistics villages in Turkey using hybrid improved fuzzy SWARA (IMF SWARA) and fuzzy MABAC techniques

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    Positioning in the right location for organizing logistics activities is a determinative factor in the aspect of costs, effectivity, productivity, and performance of these operations carried out by logistics firms. The proper logistics village selection is a crucial, complicated, and time-consuming process for decision-makers who have to make the right and optimal decision on this issue. Decision-makers need a methodological frame with a practical algorithm that can be implemented quickly to solve these decision-making problems. Within this scope, the current paper aims to present an evaluation tool, which provides more reasonable and reliable results for decision-makers to solve the logistics village selection problem that is very complicated and has uncertain conditions based on fuzzy approaches. In this study, we propose the Improved Fuzzy Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (IMF SWARA), a modified and extended version of the traditional fuzzy Step-Wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (F-SWARA) to identify the criteria weights. Also, we suggest applying the fuzzy Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (F-MABAC) technique to determine the preference ratings of the alternatives. This combination has many valuable contributions. For example, it proposes to use a more reliable and consistent evaluation scale based on fuzzy sets. Hence, decision-makers can perform more reliable and reasonable pairwise comparisons by considering this evaluation scale. Besides, it presents a multi-attribute evaluation system based on the identified criteria weights. From this perspective, the proposed model is implemented to evaluate eight different logistics village alternatives with respect to nine selection criteria. According to the analysis results, while A8 is the most appropriate option, C1 Gross National Product (GNP) is the most significant criterion. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis was performed to test the robustness and validation of the proposed model, and the results of the analysis approve the validity and applicability of the proposed model. As a result, the suggested integrated MCDM framework can be applied as a valuable and practical decision-making tool to develop new strategies and improve the logistics operations by decision-makers

    Market segment evaluation and selection based on application of fuzzy AHP and COPRAS-G methods

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    Market segment evaluation and selection is one of the critical marketing problems of all companies. This paper presents a novel approach which integrates fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and COPRAS-G method for market segment evaluation and selection. Fuzzy AHP is used to calculate the weight of each criterion, and COPRAS-G method is proposed to prioritize market segments from the best to the worst ones. The application of fuzzy set theory allows incorporating the vague and imprecise linguistic terms into the decision process. This study can be used as a pattern for market segment selection and future researches. A case study on a chair manufacturing company is put forward to illustrate the performance of the proposed methodology. First published online: 14 Sep 201


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    Due to the increasing competition of globalization and fast technological improvements and world markets, demands of companies to have professional human resources are increasing too. It is an important problem of an organization to select the most appropriate personnel among the candidates. Quality control manager is important personnel in organizations and it’s so important to select the best candidate for this work. In this paper we proposed a personnel selection system based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Complex proportional assessment of alternatives with grey relations (COPRAS-G) method. At first seven criteria is identified including: knowledge of product and raw material properties, Experience and educational background, Administrative orientation, Behavioral flexibility, Risk evaluation ability, Payment and Team work and after that AHP applied for calculating weight of each criteria and finally using COPRAS- G method for selecting the best candidate for this job. This study can be used as a pattern for personnel selection and future researches.S obzirom na rastuću konkurentnost u globalizaciji te brzim tehnološkim napredovanjem na svjetskom tržištu, zahtjevi kompanija za profesionalnim kadrom se također povećavaju. Vrlo je važno za organizaciju biti u mogućnosti odabrati najbolji i najprimjereniji kadar među ponuđenim kandidatima. Manager kontrole kvalitete je važan kadar u bilo kojoj organizaciji tako da je iznimno važno za taj posao odabrati najbolje kandidate. U ovom radu predlažemo sustav odabira kadra zasnovan na analitičkom hijerarhijskom procesu (AHP) i kompleksnoj proporcionalnoj evaluaciji alternativa sa sivim odnosima (COPRAS-G). Isprva je identificirano sedam kriterija uključujući: znanje o proizvodu i svojstvima sirovine, iskustvo i obrazovanje, snalaženje s administracijom, fleksibilnost u ponašanju, sposobnost procjene rizika, plaćanja i timski rad te je zatim primijenjen AHP za izračunavanje težine svakog kriterija te je naposljetku korištena COPRAS-G metoda za odabir najboljih kandidata. Ova studija se može koristiti kao predložak za odabir kandidata i buduća istraživanja


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    Suitability-Feasibility-Acceptability (SFA) is a fundamental tool for the development and selection of strategy. Any type of decision-making problem can be resolved by Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. In this research, we explore the complexity of determining the proper goal market for the Chilean fish market. This study proposed a combined approach of SFA with MCDM methods in a real case study. The proposed structure helps to assign the best market for Chilean export fish to West Asia. Three countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) are selected as a target market in this region, and then related criteria are obtained from various sources. In order to develop a new market for the Chilean fishery industry, five major criteria, including the potential of a target market, region's economic attractiveness, consumption of the seafood, location, cost of transportation, and country risks, were selected based on the SFA framework. Calculating the criteria weights is performed by the Best-Worst (BWM) method, and ordering the alternatives is operated by Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to compromise Solution (MARCOS) methods. The results showed that Oman is the best destination (importer) for the Chilean fish market (Salmon fish as the case)

    Investment prioritizing in high tech industries based on SWARA-COPRAS approach

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    One of the symbols of developed countries is high tech industries. High tech industries have a large margin. One of the priorities of developing countries is the progress in this type of industries. The decisions about priority of developing an industry are so hard that seems it should be seen from different perspectives. This research is focused on decision and policy making in priority of high tech industries in Iran. Two MCDM methods are applied in this research for decision making in this area. SWARA for evaluating and weighting criteria and COPRAS for evaluating and ranking alternatives are applied. Eleven experts from different fields participated in this research to make decision with SWARA and COPRAS. Four high tech industries including Biomedical Micro Electromechanical Systems (BioMEMS), Nano Technology, Biotechnology, and Biomedical Engineering were selected for this research. These industries were selected based on the potential of Iran. Final result shows that Nanotechnology is at the top of priorities in Iran. Authors believe that this methodology can be useful in other issues in this and other areas of research

    Planning the priority of high tech industries based on SWARA-WASPAS methodology: The case of the nanotechnology industry in Iran

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    Decision-making and planning at the top level is highly complicated. One important duty of each government and of policy makers is planning at different levels for future problems. This research addresses such a concern. Planning for the future is the aim of this research. Moreover, the importance of the topic is discussed. The case study focused on is the nanotechnology industry and its development in Iran. Nanotechnology is one of the main and strategic industries in Iran. The important criteria for such a development are determined based on a literature review and the experiences from other countries. The different alternatives are selected based on the different applications of nanotechnology in other industries. The alternatives are: agriculture, transportation, construction, oil and gas, textile products, food industry, defence industry, health and medicine, nano electronics, nano energy and environment and water. The methodology employed is Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). In addition, SWARA-WASPAS is the hybrid MADM model employed in which SWARA is applied to evaluate the criteria and WASPAS is utilised to evaluate and rank the alternatives

    Performance evaluating of rural ICT centers (telecenters), applying fuzzy AHP, SAW-G and TOPSIS Grey, a case study in Iran

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    The project of developing technology in villages was an important project in Iran which was finished in 2010 but it's still being pursued to develop its related services. This project includes many major and minor objectives. After passing six years from the beginning of this project, it seems reasonable to do research about evaluating the progress of these centers. Hence, a framework of evaluation is presented studying past researches utilizing the following criteria; public training, classic training, special training, cultural services, social services, governmental services and other services. Three MCDM methods are applied for evaluating; Fuzzy AHP is used for calculating weights of each criteria and sub-criteria and SAW-G and TOPSIS Grey are applied for evaluating alternatives. Three rural ICT centers are selected as a case study which are located in Golestan Province in north of Iran. The findings show that due to new services presented in these areas, public training and cultural services are more important criteria. Results of SAW-G and TOPSIS Grey are the same which both selected Gharnabad ICT center as the best center and Livan and Bala Jadeh centers are placed as the second and third, respectively

    Assessing the environmental competitiveness of cities based on a novel MCDM approach

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    Many factors affect the competitiveness of cities. One of the most important of these factors is the environmental dimension, which can affect and be influenced by economic and sociocultural aspects of urban competitiveness. The present study assesses the environmental competitiveness of cities with populations of more than 500,000 in Iran. Our research weighting approach consists of integrated ITARA FUCOM methods to obtain nine criteria weights based on actual data evaluation and expert ideas. In addition, experts' statements are presented using gray logic and transformed into crisp numbers. Then, a modified MARCOS method that uses logarithmic normalization is introduced and implemented to assess fourteen target cities. Finally, The results of MARCOS-LN are compared to those of MARCOS itself, as well as three more MCDM methods (EDAS, CODAS, TOPSIS) and their versions, which utilize logarithmic normalization. The research findings showed that the city of Rasht is the most environmentally competitive, while the city of Kerman is the least competitive (rank 14) among the Iranian cities with populations greater than 500,000. The research results indicate that to improve the competitive position of Iranian cities, the internal capacities, relative advantages, and the competitive role each city can have on a transnational scale, their internal capacities should be paid attention to. This requires decentralized national and transnational planning and development competitiveness scenarios for medium and long-term periods

    Performance evaluation of private universities based on balanced scorecard: empirical study based on Iran

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    Private universities are new generation of universities in Iran that their existences are less than 20 years. The research in this area was never completed about evaluating of these universities all these years. The aim of this research is to make a framework for evaluating these universities with Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and MCDM methods. Three MCDM methods are applied in this research. DEMATEL is applied for research on cause and effect relations of perspectives of BSC, ANP is applied to calculate weights of indices in perspectives and finally VIKOR for ranking universities that is selected as a case study. This research totally used 38 experts in two groups for evaluating of universities. Results of this research are: (1) Internal Process is the most effective perspective of BSC. (2) Brand, Academic Excellence, Product Quality, Student Satisfaction and Budget Control are five more important indices that calculated with ANP. (3) Shomal University of Amol is the best university among five universities that were selected for this research and they have been established more than ten years

    A pre-planning for hotel locating according to the sustainability perspective based on BWM-WASPAS approach

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    Finding an appropriate location from any kind of perspectives is a really vital issue for businesses. Searching for the best location to meet a business perspective which can be also a sustainable one would be really challenging and it needs pre-planning. Locating for business issues in tourism industry for instance hotel locating is one of the major complicated topics in this area. Locating can come along with pre-planning and kind of feasibility studies which can cover all necessities of current and future needs of an issue. Locating with sustainability point of view is one the newest approach in different studies which this research is also working on that based on a hybrid Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model. MADM methods are really suitable ways in making complicated decisions in different areas. A hybrid MADM model based on BWM-WASPAS is applied for locating problem in finding the best location for the hotel locating challenge. To meet the aim of this research, a case study for evaluating probable locations of a five star hotel examined for the Shahrekord city, Iran. As locations were prioritized based on sustainability perspective, business goals can also be seen as a pre-planning project