6 research outputs found

    Burden of onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy: First estimates and research priorities

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    __Background:__ Since the 1990s, evidence has accumulated of an increased prevalence of epilepsy in onchocerciasis-endemic areas in Africa as compared to onchocerciasis-free areas. Although the causal relationship between onchocerciasis and epilepsy has yet to be proven, there is likely an association.

    Etude sur les débouchés professionnels liés à l'architecture en République Démocratique du Congo

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    L’étude sur les débouchés professionnels liés à l’architecture en RD Congo a pour objet d’identifier les métiers dans lesquels les architectes sont actifs. Le travail consiste également à cerner les revenus et moyens de subsistance autres que la production d’architecture, les types de marchés et de commandes, les commanditaires dans l’exercice de leur profession. Le rapport et ses annexes sont élaborés sur base d’une enquête réalisée durant les mois de juillet à aout 2019. La méthodologie utilisée pour la récolte d’informations et l’indication des sources sont données dans la section 1. La Section 2 aborde le déroulement de l’enquête sur terrain, les difficultés rencontrées et le formulaire d’enquête mis en place. La section 3 décrit en détail le dépouillement des résultats d’enquête et en livre les analyses. Le rapport conclu sur les observations et recommandations au profit du Master en création à la Faculté d’Architecture de l’Université Kongo à Mbanza-Ngungu.L'étude est réalisée dans le cadre du projet de création d’un Master en architecture et aménagement du territoire situés à l’Université Kongo (UK) de Mbanza-Ngungu. L’UK a bénéficié, en 2018, d’un financement de l’Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) du Royaume de Belgique. C’est dans le cadre des Projets de Formation Sud (PFS) qu’a été financée la mise en place de ce master. Le « situé » sous entend une contextuatlisation aux enjeux culturels, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, mais aussi une capacité de réponse à la diversification de l’offre de formation universitaire dans les domaines d’architecture, urbanisme et aménagement du territoire.info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Burden of onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy: first estimates and research priorities

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    Background Since the 1990s, evidence has accumulated of an increased prevalence of epilepsy in onchocerciasis-endemic areas in Africa as compared to onchocerciasis-free areas. Although the causal relationship between onchocerciasis and epilepsy has yet to be proven, there is likely an association. Here we discuss the need for disease burden estimates of onchocerciasis-associated epilepsy (OAE), provide them, detail how such estimates should be refined, and discuss the socioeconomic impact of OAE, including a cost-estimate for anti-epileptic drugs. Main body Providing OAE burden estimates may aid prevention of epilepsy in onchocerciasis- endemic areas by inciting and informing collaboration between onchocerciasis control programmes and mental health services. Epilepsy not only massively impacts the health of those affected, but it also carries a high socioeconomic burden for the households and communities involved. We used previously published geospatial estimates of onchocerciasis in Africa and a separately published logistic regression model quantifying the association between onchocerciasis and epilepsy to estimate the number of OAE cases. We then applied disability weights for epilepsy to quantify the burden in terms of years of life lived with disability (YLD) and estimate the cost of treatment. We estimate that in 2015 roughly 117 000 people were affected by OAE across onchocerciasis-endemic areas previously under the African Programme for Onchocerciases control (APOC) mandate where OAE has ever been reported or suspected, and another 264 000 persons in onchocerciasis-endemic areas where OAE has never been investigated before. The total number of YLDs due to OAE was 39 300 and 88 700 in these areas respectively, based on a weighted mean disability weight of 0.336. The burden of OAE is approximately 13% of the total YLDs attributable to onchocerciasis and 10% of total YLDs attributable to epilepsy. We estimated that by 2015 the total costs of treatment with anti-epileptic drug for OAE cases would have been a minimum of 12.4 million US$. Conclusions These estimates suggest a considerable health, social and economic burden of OAE in Africa. The treatment and care for people with epilepsy, especially in hyperendemic onchocerciasis areas with high epilepsy prevalence thus requires more financial and human resources

    Challenges to COVID-19 vaccine introduction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – a commentary

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    COVID-19 vaccination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) began in April 2021. A month later, most COVID-19 vaccine doses were reallocated to other African countries, due to low vaccine uptake and the realization that the doses would expire before use. Based on data available on 13 August 2022, 2.76% of the DRC population had been fully vaccinated with last dose of primary series of COVID-19 vaccine, placing the country second to last in Africa and in the last five in global COVID-19 vaccination coverage. The DRC’s reliance on vaccine donations requires continuous adaptation of the vaccine deployment plan to match incoming COVID-19 vaccines shipments. Challenges in planning vaccine deployments, vaccinating priority populations, coordinating, and implementing the communications plan, disbursing funds, and conducting supervision of vaccination activities have contributed to low COVID-19 vaccine coverage. In addition, the spread of rumors through social media and by various community and religious leaders resulted in high levels of vaccine hesitancy. A strong risk communication and community engagement plan, coupled with innovative efforts to target the highest-risk populations are critical to increase vaccine uptake during the next phase of COVID-19 vaccine introduction