111 research outputs found

    Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: How Can It Be Told Apart From Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Elderly?

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    Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) affects more of the older population than people recognize. The underestimation of this neurological condition is due in most part to the overlap of its symptoms to other forms of dementia as well as many other geriatric conditions. The objective of this paper was to research and contrast various methods of differentiation in the diagnosis of normal pressure hydrocephalus as well as find pretreatment indicators of successful surgery. Methods included reviewing of articles and studies done to evaluate which symptoms are most commonly presented in normal pressure hydrocephalus and their subtle differences from the symptoms of other neurodegenerative diseases. There are also comparisons of different theories as to the prevalence of normal pressure hydrocephalus and which, if any, symptoms are indicative of a correct diagnosis. Conclusions were as follows: there are guidelines, although controversial, that can be followed in trying to distinguish normal pressure hydrocephalus; there are some symptoms that are better prognosticators of successful surgery than others, and while surgery is often followed by the subsequent relapse of symptoms, this is possibly due to the comorbidity of other disorders with normal pressure hydrocephalus. Surgery should therefore be approached cautiously while weighing the risks versus the benefits. Normal pressure hydrocephalus seems to be fairly prevalent and when appropriate, some older people might be able to reverse their symptoms

    Psicoterapia contemporánea: dilemas y perspectivas

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    Hablar de una psicoterapia contemporánea nos conduce necesariamente a abordajes en clave de complejidad que favorezcan miradas más abiertas, con más posibilidades, en su constitución, su ámbito de conocimiento, el ejercicio profesional y la formación de psicoterapeutas. Y pensarla desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar es fundamental para la comprensión, el análisis y las posibilidades de tratamiento de los problemas psicológicos que aquejan a las sociedades contemporáneas. Este es el planteamiento central que se desarrolla en esta obra conformada por ocho ensayos, en los cuales se abordan temas como la formación de los psicoterapeutas, la historia de este campo profesional, la influencia del entorno y de la familia en el consultante, así como la importancia del diálogo con otras disciplinas para el perfeccionamiento de este campo de generación e innovación en psicoterapia. Por ello, se recomienda la lectura de este volumen, el primero de la colección Psicoterapia y Diálogo Interdisciplinario, a estudiantes, docentes y profesionales en el campo de la psicoterapia y la salud mental, ya que este ejercicio profesional cobra cada día mayor relevancia para el entendimiento y abordaje de la complejidad de la vida humana hacia la promoción del bienestar.ITESO. A.C

    La psicoterapia frente al bienestar y al malestar

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    El bienestar y el malestar están intrínsecamente unidos. Uno no se puede entender sin el otro. El desafío para la psicoterapia está en comprender la relación dialéctica entre estos dos estados psicosomáticos en el ser humano y actuar en consecuencia para apoyar el desarrollo de modos de vida saludables, armónicos, funcionales y plenos. A partir de una perspectiva amplia, abierta e interdisciplinaria, este volumen se enfoca en lograr una mejor comprensión de las diferentes dimensiones presentes en la situación de los consultantes, y la búsqueda de las mejores rutas de acceso a la intervención en favor del bienestar personal y social. Para ello, se abordan desde los aspectos teóricos de los debates en torno al bienestar hasta las cuestiones subjetivas que impactan en el ser humano y las alternativas psicoterapéuticas para propiciar el que se alcance este estado ideal, en aspectos como la vida cotidiana y familiar, así como para sobrellevar situaciones de duelo o confrontar conductas suicidas, ya sea por la atención directa y la práctica clínica o a través de la interacción con el paciente mediante la novedosa ciberterapia. Una obra recomendable para profesionales de la psicoterapia y la salud psicosocial, así como para estudiantes y docentes en este campo.ITESO. A.C

    Psicoterapia y problemas actuales. Debates y alternativas

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    Ante la proliferación de fenómenos psicosociales, como el suicidio, la violencia sexual, los trastornos del comportamiento alimenticio y las crisis de identidad, emerge esta obra, como una respuesta reflexiva que aborda desde una pluralidad de perspectivas el quehacer psicoterapéutico, para favorecer una comprensión amplia de estas situaciones problema y ofrecer, desde la experiencia de sus autores, alternativas de entendimiento y de desarrollo de tratamientos para la atención de quienes las viven. El objetivo es compartir una comprensión innovadora de la práctica del psicoterapeuta, desde una mirada caracterizada por el diálogo interdisciplinario. Ello a partir de la recuperación de las estrategias implementadas frente a distintas coyunturas, así como a través de la reflexión personal en torno a la formación y el ejercicio profesional del psicoterapeuta, que pueden favorecer la retroalimentación y la generación de formas de intervención más adecuadas a la realidad de algunos dilemas contemporáneos y de los entornos en que estos se desenvuelven. Un libro recomendable para estudiantes, docentes y profesionales en el campo de la psicoterapia y la salud psicosocial.ITESO. A.C

    Integration of Expressed Sequence Tag Data Flanking Predicted RNA Secondary Structures Facilitates Novel Non-Coding RNA Discovery

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    Many computational methods have been used to predict novel non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), but none, to our knowledge, have explicitly investigated the impact of integrating existing cDNA-based Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data that flank structural RNA predictions. To determine whether flanking EST data can assist in microRNA (miRNA) prediction, we identified genomic sites encoding putative miRNAs by combining functional RNA predictions with flanking ESTs data in a model consistent with miRNAs undergoing cleavage during maturation. In both human and mouse genomes, we observed that the inclusion of flanking ESTs adjacent to and not overlapping predicted miRNAs significantly improved the performance of various methods of miRNA prediction, including direct high-throughput sequencing of small RNA libraries. We analyzed the expression of hundreds of miRNAs predicted to be expressed during myogenic differentiation using a customized microarray and identified several known and predicted myogenic miRNA hairpins. Our results indicate that integrating ESTs flanking structural RNA predictions improves the quality of cleaved miRNA predictions and suggest that this strategy can be used to predict other non-coding RNAs undergoing cleavage during maturation

    Framing the Real: Lefèbvre and NeoRealist Cinematic Space as Practice

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    In 1945 Roberto Rossellini's Neo-realist Rome, Open City set in motion an approach to cinema and its representation of real life – and by extension real spaces – that was to have international significance in film theory and practice. However, the re-use of the real spaces of the city, and elsewhere, as film sets in Neo-realist film offered (and offers) more than an influential aesthetic and set of cinematic theories. Through Neo-realism, it can be argued that we gain access to a cinematic relational and multidimensional space that is not made from built sets, but by filming the built environment. On the one hand, this space allows us to "notice" the contradictions around us in our cities and, by extension, the societies that have produced those cities, while on the other, allows us to see the spatial practices operative in the production and maintenance of those contradictions. In setting out a template for understanding the spatial practices of Neo-realism through the work of Henri Lefèbvre, this paper opens its films, and those produced today in its wake, to a spatio-political reading of contemporary relevance. We will suggest that the rupturing of divisions between real spaces and the spaces of film locations, as well the blurring of the difference between real life and performed actions for the camera that underlies much of the central importance of Neo-realism, echoes the arguments of Lefèbvre with regard the social production of space. In doing so, we will suggest that film potentially had, and still has, a vital role to play in a critique of contemporary capitalist spatial practices

    Gene Dosage, Expression, and Ontology Analysis Identifies Driver Genes in the Carcinogenesis and Chemoradioresistance of Cervical Cancer

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    Integrative analysis of gene dosage, expression, and ontology (GO) data was performed to discover driver genes in the carcinogenesis and chemoradioresistance of cervical cancers. Gene dosage and expression profiles of 102 locally advanced cervical cancers were generated by microarray techniques. Fifty-two of these patients were also analyzed with the Illumina expression method to confirm the gene expression results. An independent cohort of 41 patients was used for validation of gene expressions associated with clinical outcome. Statistical analysis identified 29 recurrent gains and losses and 3 losses (on 3p, 13q, 21q) associated with poor outcome after chemoradiotherapy. The intratumor heterogeneity, assessed from the gene dosage profiles, was low for these alterations, showing that they had emerged prior to many other alterations and probably were early events in carcinogenesis. Integration of the alterations with gene expression and GO data identified genes that were regulated by the alterations and revealed five biological processes that were significantly overrepresented among the affected genes: apoptosis, metabolism, macromolecule localization, translation, and transcription. Four genes on 3p (RYBP, GBE1) and 13q (FAM48A, MED4) correlated with outcome at both the gene dosage and expression level and were satisfactorily validated in the independent cohort. These integrated analyses yielded 57 candidate drivers of 24 genetic events, including novel loci responsible for chemoradioresistance. Further mapping of the connections among genetic events, drivers, and biological processes suggested that each individual event stimulates specific processes in carcinogenesis through the coordinated control of multiple genes. The present results may provide novel therapeutic opportunities of both early and advanced stage cervical cancers

    Scoliosis treatment using a combination of manipulative and rehabilitative therapy: a retrospective case series

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    BACKGROUND: The combination of spinal manipulation and various physiotherapeutic procedures used to correct the curvatures associated with scoliosis have been largely unsuccessful. Typically, the goals of these procedures are often to relax, strengthen, or stretch musculotendinous and/or ligamentous structures. In this study, we investigate the possible benefits of combining spinal manipulation, positional traction, and neuromuscular reeducation in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. METHODS: A total of 22 patient files were selected to participate in the protocol. Of these, 19 met the study criterion required for analysis of treatment benefits. Anteroposterior radiographs were taken of each subject prior to treatment intervention and 4–6 weeks following the intervention. A Cobb angle was drawn and analyzed on each radiograph, so pre and post comparisons could be made. RESULTS: After 4–6 weeks of treatment, the treatment group averaged a 17° reduction in their Cobb angle measurements. None of the patients' Cobb angles increased. A total of 3 subjects were dismissed from the study for noncompliance relating to home care instructions, leaving 19 subjects to be evaluated post-intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The combined use of spinal manipulation and postural therapy appeared to significantly reduce the severity of the Cobb angle in all 19 subjects. These results warrant further testing of this protocol