25 research outputs found

    Anthropologie des déplacements, nouvelles logiques urbaines

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    Michel Agier, directeur d’études De l’ethnographie des marges Ă  l’anthropologie de la ville Cette direction d’études s’est composĂ©e en 2007-2008 de deux sĂ©minaires : un sĂ©minaire principal, de recherche, « De l’ethnographie des marges Ă  l’anthropologie de la ville » et un atelier de recherche collectif, « Limites du politique, politiques des limites ». Par ailleurs, un sĂ©minaire d’Introduction aux recherches sur les rĂ©fugiĂ©s et l’asile a Ă©tĂ© donnĂ© principalement mais non exclusivement Ă  l’att..

    On the Pre-Conditions of Beginning a Discourse on Matters in Africa

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    What are the pre-conditions of making truth claims about phenomena in Africa? In this article I seek to outline a few basic presuppositions, which have enabled discourses on matters in Africa, making them coincide with something real by creating and reconfiguring their referents, while rendering others invisible. From a perspective influenced by my training in the history and anthropology of Africa in Paris, I particularly deal with the lasting impact of Enlightenment thought, cultural and functionalist anthropology and the ideas of French colonial officials. An examination of how the overdeterminations of the object “Africa” could be escaped involves an assessment of the ideas of Valentin Y. Mudimbe, Jean-Loup Amselle, Achille Mbembe and Johannes Fabian

    Decentralisation, espaces participatifs et l'idĂ©e de l'indigĂ©nisation de l'État africain: le cas des communes maliennes

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    RĂ©sumĂ© L'article propose une Ă©valuation du processus de dĂ©centralisation au Mali Ă  partir d'une analyse de la crĂ©ation de trois communes rurales et de leur interaction avec l'État. En traitant la politique d'information, le dĂ©coupage des communes, la mise en place des structures de reprĂ©sentation politique et l'Ă©laboration des plans de dĂ©veloppement, il est dĂ©montrĂ© que l'appropriation du modĂšle communal a Ă©tĂ© structurĂ©e par les diffĂ©rentes formes d'États que la population a connu depuis la pĂ©riode prĂ©coloniale. Ces expĂ©riences renvoient Ă  la figure commune d'une «indigĂ©nisation» caractĂ©risĂ©e par un rapport entre pouvoir central et «indigĂšnes» sous forme de mĂ©diation et prĂ©dation, assujettissement et stratĂ©gies d'Ă©vitement. MalgrĂ© une adaptation informelle aux modes de reprĂ©sentation locale et l'Ă©mergence de nouveaux acteurs politiques, les espaces communaux sont marquĂ©s par un dĂ©ficit de participation. Cette situation est dans une grande mesure due au fait que le travail de construction des espaces participatifs au niveau villageois n'a pas Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©. En prĂ©sentant la rĂ©forme sous l'image d'une synthĂšse avec une culture politique «traditionnelle», tout en suivant une dĂ©marche institutionnelle «de haut en bas», les architectes de la rĂ©forme n'ont pas pu rĂ©pondre au dĂ©fi de crĂ©er des espaces d'expĂ©rimentation politique qui intĂ©greraient tous les acteurs. This paper attempts an evaluation of the decentralisation process in Mali based on analyses drawn from the creation of three rural communities and their interaction with the state. Through an analysis of the information policy, division of communities, setting up of structures of political representation and drawing up of development plans, the paper demonstrates that the community model was influenced by the various state models that the people have experienced since the pre-colonial period. These experiences all relate to a form of \'indigenisation\' characterized by a relationship between the central power and ‘indigenes', in the form of mediation and predation, and of control and circumventing strategies. Despite informal adaptation to modes of local representation, and emerging new political players, there is lack of participation in the community space. This is due to the fact that creating space for participating at the village level was not considered. Presenting reform as a ‘traditional' political culture, while following an institutional ‘top-bottom' approach, those advocating for reform were not able to meet the challenge of creating space for political experimentation which would involve all the players. Africa Development/Afrique et dĂ©veloppement Vol.XXIX, No 2, 2004: 1-

    The “IndigĂšnes de la RĂ©publique” and political mobilization strategies in postcolonial France

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    I discuss the debate on the controversial petition “Nous sommes les IndigĂšnes de la RĂ©publique!” (We are the Indigenous of the Republic) published in 2005 by a group of intellectuals and activists working in the field of immigration issues in France. It critically scrutinizes the idea that the petition could be understood as a new political mobilization strategy emphasizing ethnic, religious or racial differences. While recognizing the salience of this argument, I address its implicit conclusions concerning the supposedly depoliticizing and essentializing consequences of such a move. Placing the petition in its historical context and analysing its content, I contend that, referring to colonial regimes of segregation, the self-identification “indigenes” fundamentally concerns the denial of full citizen’s rights through religious, ethnic or racial categories rather than the entrenching of difference. Drawing parallels with a dominant trend in the appraisal of post-colonial studies in France, I conclude that academic thought on the petition reflects a general tendency of failing to come to terms with difference without falling back on an opposition between political universalism and apolitical communitarianism

    Mythologie(s) de l'autre : le jeu de l'altérité

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    Immigrants’ access to voting and electoral office in the Portuguese municipalities

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    Este texto procura explorar a ligação entre a imigração e a sua participação formal na polĂ­tica local portuguesa. Procuramos trazer aqui algumas explicaçÔes sobre as condiçÔes que determinam essa participação. Começamos por fazer uma breve apresentação do quadro legal que atribui aos estrangeiros residentes o acesso ao voto e aos cargos eleitorais para os ĂłrgĂŁos das autarquias portuguesas. Perante este enquadramento, procuramos conduzir a discussĂŁo no sentido de compreender o fenĂłmeno da nĂŁo-participação que estĂĄ estritamente relacionado com o nĂŁo-recenseamento de uma larga percentagem de estrangeiros residentes. Por outro lado, importa destacar a residual representação de indivĂ­duos com origem migrante na polĂ­tica local portuguesa bem como o papel das associaçÔes migrantes neste processo. Trata-se de explorar as motivaçÔes daqueles que tĂȘm participado como candidatos ou como eleitos para os ĂłrgĂŁos municipais e, tambĂ©m, de compreender a sua relação com as elites polĂ­ticas locais.This paper explores the link between immigrants and their formal participation in Portuguese local politics. Here we offer some explanations about the conditions that determine their involvement. We begin by brieïŹ‚y introducing the legal framework that allows foreign residents to vote and run for elected positions in the bodies of Portuguese municipalities. Given this framework, we seek to understand the phenomenon of non-participation that is closely related to the non-registration of a large proportion of foreign residents. Furthermore, the low level of representation of individuals with a migrant background in local politics Portuguese is discussed as well as the role of migrant associations in this process. In this respect, we explore the motivations of those who hold elected positions in municipal bodies or have run for them. This also involves understanding their relationship with local political elites

    Penser les frontiĂšres sociales

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    Si elle a longtemps Ă©tĂ© l’apanage des gĂ©ographes et des historiens, la notion de frontiĂšre cristallise depuis plusieurs annĂ©es un ­intĂ©rĂȘt croissant au sein des sciences sociales, au point d’avoir dĂ©sormais conquis le statut de concept sociologique. Qu’est-ce qui se joue Ă  la frontiĂšre entre espaces sociaux, mondes professionnels et jeux institutionnels ? Comment les spĂ©cialistes d’un espace d’activitĂ© traversent-ils les frontiĂšres sociales pour intervenir dans un autre espace, Ă  quelles conditions, Ă  quel prix, avec quels bĂ©nĂ©fices ? Comment s’articulent la matĂ©rialitĂ© des lignes de dĂ©marcation et leur rĂ©alitĂ© symbolique dans les perceptions et les reprĂ©sentations des intĂ©ressĂ©s ? Sur la base d’enquĂȘtes empiriques menĂ©es sur une diversitĂ© de terrains, ce livre s’empare de la question classique des divisions des sociĂ©tĂ©s diffĂ©renciĂ©es pour l’éclairer sous un jour nouveau. Les rapports entre logiques professionnelles, tout particuliĂšrement au sein des mondes de l’art et de la culture, et les formes d’engagement civique ou politique sont au cƓur de cette exploration