9 research outputs found

    Manganese-doped Mesoporous Silica Nanopowder for Pharmaceutical Applications

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    The purpose of the research was to produce and analyze properties of manganesedoped mesoporous silica nanopowder (NP) for biomedical applications. SiO2-MnO2 NP were produced by pulsed electron evaporation demonstrated high porosity amorphous structure, magnetic properties increased with addition of dopant. The toxicity experiments on cells showed that SiO2-MnO2 NP exerted low toxicity. Loading experiments showed qualitative interaction of antibiotic “Amoxicillin” with NP surface. According to obtained properties, produced SiO2-MnO2mesoporous NP is potential material for creating targeted drug delivering system. Keywords: mesoporous silica nanopowder, doped with manganese dioxide, targeted drug delivery

    The use of manganese-doped mesoporous silica nanopowder for targeted drug delivery

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    The researched manganese-doped mesoporous silica nanopowder (SiO 2 -MnO 2 NP) was produced using evaporation caused by a pulsed electron beam in a vacuum. The synthesized material demonstrated high porosity, amorphous structure and magnetic properties increased with the addition of dopant. The evaluation of the sedimentation stability of NP suspensions showed the need for the additional stabilization. It was established that increasing the sonication time, as the way to increase stability, leads to changes in the structure of the NP. PEG stabilized suspensions showed the highest stability. Experimental results indicated that for different drugs individual methods of loading and release are required. Drug loaded NP demonstrated a high drug loading capacity of 0.09 mg Amoxicillin per mg NP, 0.075 mg Doxorubicin per mg NP that is five times higher than loading capacity of chemically synthesized NP. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was performed within a support of the Russian Science Foundation No. 16-16-04038)

    Targeted drug delivery system based on manganese-doped mesoporous silica nanopowder

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    The purpose of the research was to investigate the potential of using SiO2-MnO2 nanopowder, obtained by electron beam evaporation, as a drug delivery system. The evaluation of the sedimentation stability of suspensions was conducted for further in vivo studies. It was established that PEG stabilized suspensions showed the highest stability. Drug loading and release experiments with nanopowders demonstrated a high drug loading capacity of Amoxicillin and Doxorubicin


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    The research of advantages of nanopowder and requirements for targeted drug delivery. The analysis of mesoporous silica nanopowder doped with manganese dioxide produced by a pulsed electron beam evaporation as a potential delivery system


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    The use of mesoporous silica nanoparticles doped with manganese dioxide produced by the physical method of electron beam evaporation for MRI-contrast


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    Study of the physicochemical properties of mesoporous silica nanoparticles doped with manganese dioxide produced by the physical method of electron beam evaporation for the pharmaceutical application

    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles as potential MRI contrast agents

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    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles were produced by the method of pulsed electron evaporation of oxide targets with condensation of the vapors in a vacuum. These materials are considered as probable contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The Gd2O3 nanoparticles exhibit a rather high r1 and r2 relaxivities. These results point to the potential of using nanocrystals for MRI diagnosis. The mesoporous nanostructures SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 could be considered as multimodal theranostic agents. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd


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    FIELD: medicine; pharmaceuticals. SUBSTANCE: invention refers to pharmaceutics and can be used to produce a carrier system for targeted drug delivery in diagnostics or therapy. Disclosed is a carrier system for targeted delivery of penicillin and anthracycline-based antibiotics based on nanopowders, having magnetic properties, characterized by that it consists of amorphous nanopowder of silicon dioxide doped with manganese dioxide, wherein doping with manganese dioxide is carried out in the process of producing nanopowders by evaporation with a pulsed electron beam in a low pressure gas, and has a porosity of up to 0.88 cm3/g and specific surface area of up to 176 m2/g. EFFECT: disclosed carrier system has high porosity and specific surface area, which determines high loading capacity, magnetic properties, which enable to control the drug delivery process, and biocompatibility.Изобретение относится к фармацевтике и может быть использовано для производства системы-носителя для направленной доставки лекарств при диагностике или терапии. Предложена система-носитель для направленной доставки антибиотиков пенициллинового и антрациклинового ряда на основе нанопорошка, обладающая магнитными свойствами, отличающаяся тем, что состоит из аморфного нанопорошка диоксида кремния, допированного диоксидом марганца, причем допирование диоксидом марганца проводят в процессе получения нанопорошка методом испарения импульсным электронным пучком в газе низкого давления, и обладает пористостью до 0,88 см3/г и площадью удельной поверхности до 176 м2/г. Технический результат – предложенная система-носитель обладает высокой пористостью и площадью удельной поверхности, определяющей высокую загрузочную способность, магнитными свойствами, позволяющими контролировать процесс доставки лекарственного вещества, и биосовместимостью

    Assessing occupational carcinogenic risks for health of workers employed at blister copper production enterprise

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    In order to develop ideological grounds for complex assessment of industrial carcinogenic danger, we performed hygienic assessment of contribution made by working environment factors into carcinogenic risks formation for workers employed at blister copper production. The assessment included predictive values of occupational risks. We determined tumor markers levels for occupations with unacceptable levels of carcinogenic risks. We examined mortality caused by malignant neoplasms. It is shown that non-organic arsenic compounds applied in blister copper production are the main factor causing carcinogenic risks. As we calculated individual carcinogenic risks for 25-year working period we found out that total carcinogenic risks for all basic and supplementary occupations in copper-smelting workshops were within the 4th range (more than 1.0 х 10-3). Unacceptable predictive values of carcinogenic risks for 100 % examined occupations appeared already after 5 years of work. We detected excess levels of tumor markers in 73 % of examined workers with occupations characterized with unacceptable values of carcinogenic risks; 19 % of such workers had excess levels of two tumor markers at once. 9 % of examined workers had excess levels of Cyfra 21.1 tumor marker, 14,5 % of workers had high levels of СЕА tumor marker, and 59 % of workers had high levels of NSE tumor marker. Intensive mortality indices for male workers employed at copper-smelting workshops as per all localizations amounted to 153.14, whereas they amounted to only 127.25 per 100,000 people for other population groups. Workers employed at blister copper production had higher intensive mortality indices than other people in terms of such nosologies as malignant neoplasms in respiratory organs and chest (86.78 and 47.72 correspondingly), including lung cancer (71.47 and 43.48 correspondingly. The obtained results will help to work out a system for managing carcinogenic risks which will include regulating and controlling activities, managerial activities, technical and technological measures, financial and economic activities, medical and prevention activities plus rehabilitation activities, as well as information and educational activitiesВ целях отработки идеологии комплексной оценки канцерогенной опасности предприятий проведена гигиеническая оценка вклада факторов рабочей среды в формирование канцерогенного риска (КР) рабочих, занятых в получении черновой меди, включая оценку прогнозных значений профессиональных рисков. Для профессий с неприемлемым уровнем КР определены уровни опухолевых маркеров. Проведено изучение смертности от злокачественных новообразований. Показано, что для получения черновой меди основным фактором, формирующим КР, являются неорганические соединения мышьяка. Расчет индивидуальных КР при 25-летнем стаже работы показал, что во всех изученных основных и вспомогательных профессиях медеплавильного цеха суммарный КР находился в 4-м диапазоне (более 1,0 · 10–3). Неприемлемые значения для прогнозного КР для 100 % оцененных профессий начинаются уже с 5-летнего стажа работы. Среди профессий с неприемлемым значением КР превышение уровней опухолевых маркеров выявлено у 73 % осмотренных, из них у 19 % работающих были превышены уровни сразу двух онкомаркеров. У 9,0 % обследованных отмечено превышение онкомаркера Cyfra 21.1, у 14,5 % выявлены высокие уровни опухолевого маркера СЕА, а у 59,0 % – NSE. Интенсивные показатели смертности рабочих-мужчин медеплавильного цеха по всем локализациям, вместе взятым, составили 153,14, а у мужчин, относящихся к населению, – 127,25 на 100 000. У занятых в производстве черновой меди рабочих превышение интенсивных показателей смертности над таковыми у населения выявлено по злокачественным образованиям органов дыхания и грудной клетки (86,78 и 47,72 соответственно), в том числе по раку легких (71,47 и 43,48 соответственно). Полученные результаты позволят разработать систему управления КР, включающую регламентационно-контролирующие, организационноуправленческие, технико-технологические, финансово-экономические, медико-профилактические и реабилитационные, а также информационно-образовательные мероприяти