80 research outputs found

    Legal and Social Exclusion in New Europe: A Comparison of Baltic States, Slovenia and Croatia

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    Raspad SSSR-a i Jugoslavije proizveo je 22 nove nacionalne države. Nove države državljanstvom uređuju odnose između individue i zajednice; pritom vlade mnogih država ostavljaju stotine tisuća ljudi bez državljanstva, bez osnovne legalne zaštite. Tko pripada, a tko je isključen, kako i zašto iz političke zajednice novih država, temeljno je pitanje rada. Na ta pitanja pokušava se odgovoriti teorijski i analizom slučajeva Estonije, Latvije, Litve, Slovenije i Hrvatske. Rad prati nastanak i promjenu državljanskih zakona i politika te njihovu prilagodbu Europskoj uniji. Inicijalna dodjela državljanstva u svim je promatranim državama prioritet dala etničkom identitetu i time oblikovala kategoriju »isključenih«. Promjene »iznuđuje« Europska unija, a države reagiraju sličnim politikama uključivanja – manjina i imigranata – s varijantama koje ne ugrožavaju temeljne standarde EU-a. Međutim, usprkos očekivanju, samo članstvo u EU nije značajno utjecalo na politiku prema »drugima«, zaključuje autorica te navodi primjere »otvorenih pitanja« za svaku promatranu državu.The collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia has produced twenty two national states; they regulated relationship between citizens and community via rights to citizenship. By the same token, hundreds of thousands were left aside without this right, therefore without basic legal protection. This paper examines who belongs and who is excluded, how and why − from the political community of the new states. The author is trying to find the answers to these questions in theory and via comparative case analyses of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia and Croatia after 1990. The author traces the emergence and change in citizenship and minority laws and policies and their harmonization with the standards of EU. Initially awarded citizenship in all the observed countries gave priority to ethnic identity and thus formed the category of »excluded«. Changes are being »extorted« by the EU, while new member states react with similar policies of inclusion − both of immigrants and minorities - with variants that do not threaten core standards of the EU. However, the author concludes that, despite the expectations, being the EU member state did not significantly affect policies towards »others« within new EU member states. This conclusion is endorsed with the examples of »open questions« for each observed state

    Bernard Stulli, Židovi u Dubrovniku (Jews in Dubrovnik)

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    Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia: Reasons for Their Arrival, Regulations and the Organisation of Reception

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    U radu autorica prikazuje uzroke dolaska izbjeglica iz Bosne i Hercegovine u Hrvatsku, regulaciju dolaska kao i organizaciju njihovog prihvata. Nakon migracijske slike Bosne i Hercegovine prikazane u kratkim crtama u prvom dijelu članka, autorica se kao mogući nagovještaj konflikta osvrće na etničke promjene nastale uslijed migracija tijekom zadnja dva desetljeća. Nakon definiranja osnovnih pojmova korištenih u radu, slijedi identifikacija konflikta, te pregled dinamike i načina dolaženja izbjeglica. U drugom dijelu rada prikazan je opseg i struktura izbjegličkog kontingenta, te je izložena pravna regulativa. Nakon opisa organizacije prihvata, pažnja je posvećena samoorganizaciji kao značajki po kojoj se izbjeglice u Hrvatskoj razlikuju od drugih izbjeglica u svijetu. One su, u značajnom postotku, bile zaposlene, većina školovana i urbanog porijekla. Zbog nemogućnosti Hrvatske da zbrine toliki broj izbjeglica uza sve svoje ekonomske i društvene probleme, dolazi i do zasićenosti prihvata. U međuvremenu, zaključuje autorica, broj ilegalnih kampova raste.In the paper the author examines the reasons (causes) for the arrival of refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia, the regulation of admittance and the organization of reception. After a brief overview of the “migration picture” of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the first part of the paper the author examines ethnic changes – as they occurred over the last two decades – as a possible indication of ethnic conflict. The basic concepts used in the paper are defined after which the author gives a description of the conflict involved, as well as an overview of the dynamics and the means of arrival of the refugees. The second part of the paper presents the scale and the structure of the refugee contingents, and de¬scribes the legal regulations. Following a description of the organization of reception, the paper focuses on self-organisation as one of the traits which distinguishes refugees in Croatia from those in other parts of the world. To a high degree, refugees in Croatia from Bosnia and Herzegovina were previously employed; most are well-educated and of urban origin. Due to the impossibility of Croatia to take care of such a large number of refugees, combined with other social and economic problems, reception abilities are beginning to be exhausted. In the meantime – the author concludes – the number of illegal refugee camps is growing

    Steffen Angenendt (ed.), Asylum and Migration Policies in The European Union

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