17 research outputs found

    Usage of Empirical-Statical-Dynamical (ESD) method for data extrapolation in Tunnel Construction

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    This article describes a methodology that shows how it is possible to integrate all these approaches in a problem for extrapolation of the parameters for hydrotechical tunnels. During the design process for tunnels in hydrotechics, one of the main problems is how to extrapolate the deformability and shear strentgh rock mass parameters from the zone of testing to the whole area (volume) of interes for interaction analyses between structure abd natural environments. Computers development in recent decades has contributed to the development of numerical calculation method in rock mechanics which enabled new and wider possibilities of stress and deformation calculation. This had significantly stimulated the development of rock mechanics and tunneling as scientific and technical discipline as well as the wider application of research results into practice

    Analysis of stress-deformation state in the rock massif using Z-SOIL program

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    The Rock Mass and artificial constructions, during the changes of the stress-strain conditions are involved in specific types of interactions. The case explained in the article is a very specific, having in mind the closely spaced arch dam and existing intake tunnel. In order to insure the data for analyses, it is necessary to define the reliable constitutional model or analyses. According to the authors opinion, the combination of discontinual Rock Mass models and models for analyzing of quasi-continual media is a prerequisite for successful design and construction

    Modelling and planning urban mobility on long term by age-cohort model

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    The modelling and planning of urban mobility on long term is a very complex challenge. The principal sources for analysis of urban mobility are surveys made on particular period of time, usually every ten years. If there are minima two surveys carried out on different period it is possible to make a pseudo-longitudinal data using demographic variables as an age and generation. The temporal modifications of behaviour of population concerning the practice of urban daily mobility are possible to assess using a pseudo-longitudinal data. The decomposition of temporal effects into an effect of age and an effect of generation (cohort) makes possible to draw the sample profile during the life cycle and to estimate its temporal deformations. This is the origin of the “age-cohort” model to forecast the urban mobility on long term. The analysis and investigated data from three surveys of urban mobility are related to the urban area Lille in France

    Road rehabilitation as an opportunity to analyse the approach in designing pavement constructions

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    The pavement constructions of highways built in he eighties mainly featured low bearing surfaces with cement stabilization and asphalt layers with the total thickness of up to 26 cm. The nineties were a period of rationalization, mainly referring to the reduction of the asphalt layer thickness. This paper will compare the two approaches upon the designing of pavement constructions in Serbia and in Macedonia. The paper presents subjects dealing with issues like the choice between the “long-term“ or “rationalized” pavement construction as well as with problems in the evaluation of layers of non-cohesive granulated material or the layer of cement-connected stone material. Contrary to this, the present paper does not deal with questions related to numerous diagnostic methods applied in the assessment of the pavement conditions, which is otherwise a rather important segment in the process of road rehabilitation design

    Modelling and planning urban mobility on long term by age-cohort model

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    The modelling and planning of urban mobility on long term is a very complex challenge. The principal sources for analysis of urban mobility are surveys made on particular period of time, usually every ten years. If there are minima two surveys carried out on different period it is possible to make a pseudo-longitudinal data using demographic variables as an age and generation. The temporal modifications of behaviour of population concerning the practice of urban daily mobility are possible to assess using a pseudo-longitudinal data. The decomposition of temporal effects into an effect of age and an effect of generation (cohort) makes possible to draw the sample profile during the life cycle and to estimate its temporal deformations. This is the origin of the “age-cohort” model to forecast the urban mobility on long term. The analysis and investigated data from three surveys of urban mobility are related to the urban area Lille in France


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    One of the basic assignments of modern society is preserving the quality of freshwater resources, especially drinking water. Line facilities potentially pose a higher risk to the environment due to the large length of the extension and the diversity of the environment they may affect. Storm water drained from railway could pollute the surrounding land besides railway track.  Based on the data from available research, it has been determined that heavy metals (iron, copper, zinc, manganese and chromium), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and herbicides stand out in significant quantities from substances hazardous to the environment. This paper proposes the solutions using some self-sustainable techniques, based on the analysis railway drainage needs. The proposals that have been made refer to the open-air railway and railway station.Jedan od osnovnih zadataka savremenog društva je očuvanje kvaliteta slatkovodnih resursa, posebno vode za piće. Linijski objekti potencijalno predstavljaju veći rizik po životnu sredinu zbog velike dužine prostiranja i raznovrsnosti okoline na koju mogu uticati. Atmosferske vode koje se odvode sa trupa železničke pruge mogu zagaditi i površine u neposrednoj blizini. Prema dostupnim istraživanjima, od materija opasnih po životnu sredinu u značajnim količinama izdvajaju se teški metali (gvožđe, bakar, cink, mangan i hrom), policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici (PAHs) i herbicidi. U radu su predložena neka od rešenja samoodrživih tehnologija, a na osnovu analize potreba pri odvodnjavanju trupa železničkih pruga. Predlozi koji su dati, odnose se na prugu na otvorenom i železničku stanicu

    Reconstruction of the protective barrier on the highways in the republic of North Macedonia pursuant to the MKS en1317 standard

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    The purpose of this paper is to offer an approach to elaboration of technical documentationon the reconstruction of tghe existing protective barriers, as pursuant to the MKS EN 1317 standard, on all the roads in the Republic of North Macedonia. The current situation regarding the protective barriers on the motorways is the following: short protective lengths (shorter than the tested one), unprotected obstacles (non-standards boards, portals, road lamps, concrete pillars, tunnel portals, logs etc.), protection of third persons is not taken into consideration, Inappropriate application of the U.S4 standard (use of aluminum instead of steel profiles, barriers of metal sheets thinner than the standard ones, inappropriate pillars, bolts of lower quality than the prescribed one, larger distance between pillars, thinner anti-corrosion layer etc.) The new EN1317 standard dictates complete coverage of all the above cited shortcomings, regardless of whether positions that do not exist in the previous standard or omissions upon designing or performance are considered. The paper shall present the actual problems identified upon the design with permanent protection and their elimination with the new standard of MKS EN 1317

    Analysis of the offer and demand for the transportation of people from a settlement in the city of Skopje

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    Transportation planning is a complex task and a major challenge that plays primary role in the development of the economic processes in the exchange of people and goods. There are several approaches from which transport can be analysed. As an economic activity transport is analysed in terms of offer and demand. The offer of transport is an offer of given capacity which can transported from one place to another. The offer analysis is made in relation to the demand for transport which is made by the individuals that travel or the firms and industrial facilities that want to transport goods. An initial representation of the theoretical approach in the analysis of the transport of people through the description of a specific case is shown in this paper

    Analysis of new superstructure components of railway track in tunnel Sozina in Montenegro

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    Abstract The actual superstructure components of railway track in tunnel Sozina in Montenegro is with following materials: wooden sleepers, rail type 49, rigid fastening K system and crushed stone for ballast. The envisaged new railway superstructure should be completed with mono-block prestressed concrete sleepers, rail type 49E1, elastic fastening and crushed stone for ballast. The replacement of wooden sleepers with concrete sleepers and rigid with elastic fastening is the principal replace of superstructure components. This requirement is completed by the railway infrastructure company in Montenegro because the maintenance works of track are very important in the tunnel and the cross section of the tunnel allows usage of slippers with a length of 2.4 m. The influence of vertical track loads and of temperature changes on continuous welded track (CWT) is calculated for a new conception of track. The theoretical analysis under the influence of vertical loads on the track is carried out according to the Zimmerman and Eisenmann theoretical approach. The effect of axial forces from temperature changes are also calculated and added to the dynamic stresses in order to obtain the total stress in the rails, which were compared with a maximum allowable stresses. The effects of temperature changes, as well as crack of rails, are also considered. The stability of Continuous Welded Rails (CWR) on bulging under the impact of vertical or lateral forces is also verified. Keywords: railway superstructure, rails, sleepers, calculation of railway superstructur

    Analysis of the offer and demand for the transportation of people from a settlement in the city of Skopje

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    Transportation planning is a complex task and a major challenge that plays primary role in the development of the economic processes in the exchange of people and goods. There are several approaches from which transport can be analysed. As an economic activity transport is analysed in terms of offer and demand. The offer of transport is an offer of given capacity which can transported from one place to another. The offer analysis is made in relation to the demand for transport which is made by the individuals that travel or the firms and industrial facilities that want to transport goods. An initial representation of the theoretical approach in the analysis of the transport of people through the description of a specific case is shown in this paper