13 research outputs found

    The Role of Genetic Polymorphism in the Formation of Arterial Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and their Comorbidity

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    Background: Hereditary component plays a significant role in the formation of insulin resistance (IR) - one of the pathogenetic links of arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). However, the genetic predisposition to IR can not be realized and does not manifest itself clinically in the absence of appropriate factors of the environment (excessive nutrition, low physical activity, etc.). Objective: The review summarizes the results of studies which describe the contribution of genetic polymorphism to the formation and progression of AH, DM2 and their comorbidity in various populations. Results: In many studies, it has been established that genetic polymorphism of candidate genes is influenced by the formation, course and complication of AH and DM2. According to research data, the modulating effect of polymorphism of some genetic markers of AH and DM2 on metabolism and hemodynamics has been established. The results of numerous studies have shown a higher frequency of occurrence of AH and DM2, as well as their more severe course with adverse genetic polymorphisms. At the same time, the role of genetic polymorphism in the formation of AH and DM2 differs in different populations. Conclusion: Contradictory data on the influence of gene polymorphisms on the formation of AH and DM2 in different populations, as well as a small number of studies on the combined effects of several polymorphisms on the formation of comorbidity, determine the continuation of research in this direction

    Gender characteristics of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and vaspin levels in hypertensive patients with obesity

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    The aim of this study is to analyze gender features of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) associated with obesity and to investigate their interaction with the indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and vaspin levels. Materials and methods. 72 patients with AH were selected for the study. In dependence to the presence of obesity, the patients were divided into 3 groups. The 1st group with AH included 32 patients without obesity. Among them there were 19 (59.4 %) women and 13 (40.6 %) men. The 2nd group consisted of 40 patients with overweight and obesity. Among them there were 17 (42.5 %) women and 23 (57.5 %) men. The 3rd (control) group consisted of 16 healthy individuals aged from 28 to 41 years old. Among them there were 10 (62.5 %) women and 6 (37.5 %) men. All the examined patients underwent anthropometric measurements, blood pressure levels, blood levels of insulin, glucose, blood lipid levels, serum vaspin concentrations, insulin resistance (IR) index. Results. Gender differences in vaspin levels and the degree of IR have been found only in males of both study groups. In this case, these parameters significantly correlated with anthropometric indices and insulin levels in men. Conclusions. The study showed that the increase of the studied parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and vaspin levels was observed in men and women with hypertension associated with obesity and without it. However, gender differences were found in vaspin levels and the IR degree only in males of both study groups. The parameters of vaspin and IR significantly correlated with anthropometric indices and HOMA – IR in men. Perhaps, gender characteristics should be taken into account in the treatment tactics choice of patients with hypertension and obesity

    Гендерні характеристики вуглеводного та ліпідного обміну й рівнів васпіну при артеріальній гіпертензії в пацієнтів з ожирінням

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    The aim of this study is to analyze gender features of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) associated with obesity and to investigate their interaction with the indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and vaspin levels.Materials and methods. 72 patients with AH were selected for the study. In dependence to the presence of obesity, the patients were divided into 3 groups. The 1st group with AH included 32 patients without obesity. Among them there were 19 (59.4 %) women and 13 (40.6 %) men. The 2nd group consisted of 40 patients with overweight and obesity. Among them there were 17 (42.5 %) women and 23 (57.5 %) men. The 3rd (control) group consisted of 16 healthy individuals aged from 28 to 41 years old. Among them there were 10 (62.5 %) women and 6 (37.5 %) men. All the examined patients underwent anthropometric measurements, blood pressure levels, blood levels of insulin, glucose, blood lipid levels, serum vaspin concentrations, insulin resistance (IR) index.Results. Gender differences in vaspin levels and the degree of IR have been found only in males of both study groups. In this case, these parameters significantly correlated with anthropometric indices and insulin levels in men.Conclusions. The study showed that the increase of the studied parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and vaspin levels was observed in men and women with hypertension associated with obesity and without it. However, gender differences were found in vaspin levels and the IR degree only in males of both study groups. The parameters of vaspin and IR significantly correlated with anthropometric indices and HOMA – IR in men. Perhaps, gender characteristics should be taken into account in the treatment tactics choice of patients with hypertension and obesity.Цель работы – анализ гендерных особенностей пациентов с артериальной гипертензией (АГ) и ожирением, исследование их взаимосвязей с показателями углеводного и липидного обменов и уровнями васпина.Материалы и методы. 72 больных с АГ были отобраны для исследования. В зависимости от наличия ожирения пациенты разделены на 3 группы. В первую группу с АГ включены 32 пациента без ожирения. Среди них 19 (59,4 %) женщин и 13 (40,6 %) мужчин. Вторая группа состояла из 40 пациентов с избыточным весом и ожирением. Среди них 17 (42,5 %) женщин и 23 (57,5 %) мужчины. Третью (контрольную) группу составили 16 здоровых лиц в возрасте от 28 до 41 года. Среди них 10 (62,5 %) женщин и 6 (37,5 %) мужчин. Все исследуемые пациенты прошли измерения антропометрических показателей, уровней артериального давления, уровней инсулина, глюкозы, липидов крови, сывороточной концентрации васпина, расчет индекса инсулинорезистентности (ИР).Результаты. Различия в уровнях васпина и степени ИР были обнаружены только у мужчин в обеих исследуемых группах. В этом случае данные параметры достоверно коррелируют с антропометрическими показателями и уровнями инсулина у мужчин.Выводы. Исследование показало, что увеличение исследуемых показателей углеводного и липидного обменов и уровней васпина наблюдалось как у мужчин и женщин с гипертензией, ассоциированной с ожирением, так и без него. Однако различия проявляются в уровнях васпина и степенях ИР только у мужчин в обеих исследуемых группах. Параметры васпина и ИР достоверно коррелируют с антропометрическими показателями и HOMA–ИР у мужчин. Возможно, в выборе тактики лечения больных с гипертонией и ожирением следует принимать во внимание гендерные характеристики.Мета роботи – аналіз гендерних особливостей пацієнтів з артеріальною гіпертензією (АГ), що пов'язані з ожирінням, і дослідження їх взаємодії з показниками вуглеводного та ліпідного обміну та рівнями васпіну.Матеріали та методи. 72 хворих з АГ відібрали для дослідження. Залежно від наявності ожиріння пацієнти були розділені на 3 групи. До 1 групи з АГ включені 32 пацієнти без ожиріння. Серед них 19 (59,4 %) жінок і 13 (40,6 %) чоловіків. Другу групу становили 40 пацієнтів із надмірною вагою та ожирінням. Серед них 17 (42,5 %) жінок і 23 (57,5 %) чоловіки. Третя (контрольна) група – 16 здорових осіб віком від 28 до 41 року. Серед них 10 (62,5 %) жінок і 6 (37,5 %) чоловіків. Усі досліджувані пацієнти пройшли вимірювання антропометричих показників, рівнів артеріального тиску, рівнів інсуліну в крові, глюкози, ліпідів крові, сироваткової концентрації васпіну, розрахунок індексу інсулінорезистентності (ІР).Результати. Гендерні відмінності в рівнях васпіну та ступені ІР виявлені тільки в чоловіків з обох досліджуваних груп. У цьому випадку визначені параметри вірогідно корелюють з антропометричними показниками та рівнями інсуліну в чоловіків.Висновки. Дослідження показало, що збільшення досліджуваних показників вуглеводного й ліпідного обміну та рівнів васпіну спостерігалось як у чоловіків і жінок із гіпертензією, що асоційована з ожирінням, так і без нього. Однак гендерні відмінності виявляються в рівнях васпіну та ступенях ІР тільки в чоловіків в обох досліджуваних групах. Параметри васпіну та ІР вірогідно корелюють з антропометричними показниками та HOMA–ІР у чоловіків. Можливо, у виборі тактики лікування хворих із гіпертонією та ожирінням слід брати до уваги гендерні характеристики

    Morphological patterns of the postcentral sulcus in the human brain

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    The morphological structure of the postcentral sulcus and its variability were investigated in 40structural magnetic resonance images of the human brain registered to the Montreal NeurologicalInstitute (MNI) proportional stereotaxic space. This analysis showed that the postcentral sulcus isnot a single sulcus, but rather a complex of sulcal segments separated by gyri which merge itsbanks at distinct locations. Most of these gyri are submerged deep within the sulcus and can beobserved only by examining the depth of the sulcus, although a small proportion may beobserved from the surface of the brain. In the majority of the examined cerebral hemispheres(73.75%), the postcentral sulcus is separated into two or three segments, and less frequently intofour or five segments (12.5%) or remains continuous (13.75 %). Examination of the in-depthrelationship between the postcentral sulcus and the intraparietal sulcus revealed that these twosulci may appear to join on the surface of the brain, but they are in fact always separated by agyrus in the cortical depth. In 32.5% of the examined hemispheres, a dorso-ventrally orientedsulcus, the transverse postcentral sulcus, is located anterior to the postcentral sulcus on the lowerpart of the postcentral gyrus. [...

    Features of hemodynamic and metabolic disorders in obese patients with resistant hypertension

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    The aim was to establish the features of hemodynamic and metabolic parameters in obese patients with true and pseudo-resistant arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. The study included 200 patients with uncontrolled AH and obesity. Patients were initially prescribed dual antihypertensive therapy. Those patients who did not reach target blood pressure (BP) levels after 3 months on dual therapy were additionally prescribed a third antihypertensive drug. Of the 98 patients who were assigned to triple therapy, 48 patients did not reach target BP (27 patients had pseudo-resistant and 21 patients had true resistant AH). These patients were additionally prescribed a fourth antihypertensive drug (spironolactone). The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated 6 months after the start of antihypertensive therapy. Results. After 6 months of therapy, unlike patients without resistance, individuals with resistant AH had more pronounced cardiovascular remodeling and metabolic disorders, disbalance of oxidative stress-antioxidant protection, proinflammatory activity and higher activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Patients with true resistance differed from pseudo-resistant patients by having significantly lower body mass index (BMI); in the absence of differences in BP levels, cardiovascular remodeling, lipid and carbohydrate profiles, patients with true resistance had significantly higher levels of aldosterone, higher activity of oxidative stress system, lower levels of general antioxidant protection, higher adiponectin levels, and lower leptin level. Conclusions. Obese patients with true resistance differed from pseudo-resistant patients by having significantly lower BMI, higher aldosterone levels, more pronounced imbalance of the system of oxidative stress-antioxidant protection and less pronounced adipokine imbalance