73 research outputs found


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    DNA methylation is a key epigenetic mechanism that plays a significant role in regulating gene activity during cardiac development. Congenital heart defects (CHD) are one of the most common abnormalities occurring in 40% -60% of cases with Down syndrome (DS). The main aim of this study was to establish the association of long interspersed nucleotide element-1 (LINE-1) DNA methylation in children with DS and the presence of CHD. The LINE-1 DNA methylation was investigated in peripheral blood lymphocytes on a sample of 42 people with DS by quantification of LINE-1 methylation using the MethyLight method. No significant differences in global DNA methylation were found according to the presence of CHD (P=1.000), but values of LINE-1 DNA methylation were significantly influenced by gender (R2=19.1%; P=0.025). Significant probability of 19.1% was found in women with DS who had lower LINE-1 DNA methylation values than DS male. Gender was a statistically significant predictor of LINE-1 DNA methylation, although the difference was not statistically significant, female subjects had lower LINE-1 DNA methylation values (P=0.068). Further research will clarify the role of lower LINE-1 DNA methylation in the formation of CHD among DS females

    Current Issues on Immunotherapy in Children

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    Therapy of allergic diseases in children implicates avoidance of allergens, standard pharmacotherapy, and immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is the only treatment for allergic diseases with the ability to change the natural course of the disease, thus stopping its further progression as well as the development of new allergic diseases and new sensibilizations. The objective of this chapter is to give insight into the latest data on immunotherapy in treating children with allergic diseases. Methods: The study involved a search for relevant articles on the MEDLINE and PubMed up to 2017. Results: Numerous studies have shown that the sublingual application of allergen-specific immunotherapy is adequate, safe, and efficient in the therapy of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergic diseases of the respiratory tract in children, but there are still some questions to be solved concerning the usage of SLIT in children younger than 5 years old, SLIT for polysensitized patients, duration of SLIT, long-lasting effects of SLIT. Conclusions: In order to improve the clinical efficacy of SLIT, we are looking for new routes of administration, new allergens, new protocols as well as combination of SLIT with other immune modulatory treatments

    Sagnac Rotational Phase Shifts in a Mesoscopic Electron Interferometer with Spin-Orbit Interactions

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    The Sagnac effect is an important phase coherent effect in optical and atom interferometers where rotations of the interferometer with respect to an inertial reference frame result in a shift in the interference pattern proportional to the rotation rate. Here we analyze for the first time the Sagnac effect in a mesoscopic semiconductor electron interferometer. We include in our analysis Rashba spin-orbit interactions in the ring. Our results indicate that spin-orbit interactions increase the rotation induced phase shift. We discuss the potential experimental observability of the Sagnac phase shift in such mesoscopic systems

    Quantum bistability and spin current shot noise of a single quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity

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    Here we explore spin dependent quantum transport through a single quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity. The spin current is generated by electron tunneling between a single doped reservoir and the dot combined with intradot spin flip transitions induced by a quantized cavity mode. In the limit of strong Coulomb blockade, this model is analogous to the Jaynes-Cummings model in quantum optics and generates a pure spin current in the absence of any charge current. Earlier research has shown that in the classical limit where a large number of such dots interact with the cavity field, the spin current exhibits bistability as a function of the laser amplitude that drives the cavity. We show that in the limit of a single quantum dot this bistability continues to be present in the intracavity photon statistics. Signatures of the bistable photon statistics manifest themselves in the frequency dependent shot noise of the spin current despite the fact that the quantum mechanical average spin current no longer exhibits bistability. Besides having significance for future quantum dot based optoelectronic devices, our results shed light on the relation between bistability, which is traditionally viewed as a classical effect, and quantum mechanics


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    Background: The aim of study was to analyze neurocognitive profiles in patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and patients with schizophrenia (SCH), and their correlations with other clinical features. Subjects and methods: We performed a multicentric cross sectional study including 100 FEP and 100 SCH recruited from three Croatian hospitals during 2015-2017. Assessment included a set of neurocognitive tests, psychiatric scales and self-reporting questionnaires. The main analysis was done by multigroup latent profile analysis. Results: Multigroup latent profile analysis resulted in three structurally equivalent neurocognitive profiles ("Best", "Medium", "Worst"), with differences in the severity of neurocognitive deficits measured with successfulness in solving domain specific tasks. The "Best" profile was statistically significantly more prevalent in FEP and "Worst" profile in the SCH. Negative symptom score was the highest in patients with the "Worst" profile and the lowest among those with the "Best" profiles. Conclusions: Differences in neurocognitive profiles between FEP and SCH appear to be quantitative rather than qualitative nature, possibly reflecting a specific trait of illness that may progress over time. Defining neurocognitive profiles from the first episode of psychosis could help in tailoring individualized treatment options with focus on neurocognitive and negative symptoms and possible influence on patients\u27 overall clinical outcome

    Probiotics in Allergic Diseases

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    Allergic diseases are the most common chronic diseases in children and no complete agreement on effective measures for primary prevention is available. Atopic family history is one of the most important risk factors for the development of asthma. A decline in microbial diversity due to modern lifestyle particularly in urban areas was proposed to have an important role in allergic epidemic. Recent studies are more focused on the specific mode of prevention such as probiotic usage in early pregnancy and infants period. It is well known that the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota has been postulated to play a role in the development of allergies because it promotes potentially antiallergenic processes: TH1-type immunity, generation of TGF (which has an essential role in suppression of TH2-induced allergic inflammation and induction of oral tolerance), and IgA production, an essential component of mucosal immune defenses. Probiotic interventions administered during pregnancy and breastfeeding offer a unique opportunity to influence a range of important maternal and infant outcomes

    Primena alternativnih metoda zaštite useva u održivoj poljoprivredi

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    Globalno zagrevanje, zagađenje životne sredine, gubitak biološke raznolikosti biljnih vrsta su pojave koje pokreću nove trendove i debate o ljudskom društvu. Održivi razvoj je novi koncept u svetu koji treba da zadovolji potrebe ljudskog društva uz očuvanje i unapređenje prirodnih resursa. Indikatori održivog razvoja su glavni alati u sprovođenju mera očuvanja prirodnih resursa. U poljoprivredi jedan od indikatora su štete nastale primenom sintetičkih sredstava. Primena novih tehnologija bez upotrebe hemijskih agenasa u zaštiti useva je mera koja treba da umanji nastale ekološke gubitke. Etarska ulja su jedan od najznačajniji prirodnih metabolita, sekundarni produkti aromatičnih biljaka koji se uspešno koriste kao biopesticidi. Biološka aktivnost etarskih ulja u poljoprivredi ima antimikrobno i herbicidno dejstvo. Efekti ulja zavise od pojedinačnih bioaktivnih komponenti. U prirodi igraju važnu ulogu u zaštiti biljaka kao antibakterijski, antivirusni, antifungalni, insekticidni agensi. Kod većine korova, ulja kao tipični lipofili, prolaze kroz ćelijski zid citoplazmatske membrane, remete strukturu njihovih različitih slojeva polisaharida, masnih kiselina i fosfolipida i permeabiliziraju ih. Štete od primene eteričnih ulja (EU) na biljkama ogledaju se kroz hloroze, nekroze i inhibicije rasta. Značaj upotrebe ulja i drugih prirodnih metabolita ukazuje na njihovu upotrebnu vrednost u održivoj poljoprivredi iako fiziološka aktivnost ulja još uvek nije dovljno istražena.Environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, and the decline of plant species biodiversity are leading to new social trends and discussions. A relatively new idea of global sustainable development aims to meet societal demands while protecting and enhancing natural resources. The main tools used in the implementation of natural resource protection measures are sustainable development indicators. One of these indicators is the damage caused by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. In Serbia, agriculture is an important sector of the economy with different levels of technological progress, from extensive to intensive. The degree of pollution and its impact on the environment varies according to agricultural production. The challenges faced by modern agricultural production in conditions of technological progress have led to the intensification of production, but have also caused concern about maintaining the natural balance of cultivated land and product quality. The application of innovative technologies for crop protection without the use of chemical agents is a step that should reduce the environmental damage caused. Among the most important natural metabolites and secondary products of aromatic plants used as biopesticides are essential oils. The biological activities of essential oils (EOs) in agriculture have antimicrobial and herbicidal effects. The various bioactive components of the oil determine its action. In nature, they play an important role in protecting plants from bacteria, fungi, viruses and insects. In most weeds, the oils penetrate the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell as typical lipophiles and cause its multilayers of polysaccharides, fatty acids and phospholipids to lose their structure and become permeable. Chlorosis, necrosis, and growth inhibition are symptoms of damage caused by the application of essential oils to plants. Although the physiological effects of the oil are not yet well studied, the importance of its use and other natural metabolites indicates its value for sustainable agricultur