28 research outputs found


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    According to factor analysis results of topsoil geochemical data it can he seen that the pollution on extremely contaminated territory of "Ekranas ” plant in Panevezys is polygenous, According to technogmity level four of the seven distinguished factors are technogenous: one of them Mo-Cr-Mn-Ni-Cu-W-Sn-Co-Ag is characteristic of metal processing enterprises, the second one Y-Cd-Zn - of electrical engineering, partly - metal processing, the third Sb-Pb-Sr-Ba-Li-U-As one - of special (kinescopes) glass production, the fourth La-Ce one - of its polishing. These paragenetic associations were used for determination of dangerous point summary pollution codes and subdivision of the territory of “Ekranas” plant into zones according to them

    Case Study On The Relationships Between Soil Contents Of Some Harmful Chemical Elements Determined By Different Equipment

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    Comparison of total contents of Ba, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sn, Pb, V, Zn, Al, Ca, Fe, Mg determined in topsoil of central part of Vilnius by optical atomic emission spectrophotometry (OAES) with respective contents determined by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), analysis of their correlation and linear relationship with and without outliers are the tasks of research. For most elements, except Ca, Sn, Ba, the contents determined by EDXRF are significantly lower and less variable. They can be predicted according to OAES-contents using linear equations. After elimination of outliers for all elements the correlation is significant at p0.05


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    The aim of research was to analyse and explain the variation of accumulating associations of 13 chemical elements Ag, B, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, V, Zn in topsoil of the oldest part of Vilnius. These elements characterise soil quality and are included in the check list of hygienic norm HN 60- 2004 of Lithuania. According to adjusted accumulating associations ordinary and unusual associations have been distinguished and distribution of the types or unusual associations has been analysed. They are often near present or former industrial sites, railway or streets with intensive traffic


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    The paper deals with the chemical composition of coloured glaze of 16 tiles from restored furnace of Biržai castle. It demonstrates that glaze is enriched with different elements compared to soil and therefore can be one of the multiple contamination sources of soil, especially in the old urban quarters. High variability of element contents in glaze is predetermined by its colour. However, Bi, Sb, Ag, Pb, Sn, Cu are elements-indicators of coloured glaze chemical composition. 1 g of coloured glaze added to 1 kg of soil causes at least medium level of local contamination


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    Complex geochemical investigations including topsoil, river sediments, water and sediments of dug wells that have been accomplished in Panevezys by Geochemistry department of the Institute of Geology are presented. The methods that were used are described and the main obtained results discussed

    Soil Contamination in One of Preschools Influenced by Metal Working Industry

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    The aim of research was to estimate the present impact of drill plant or other pollution sources on soil anomalies of the preschool area and to reveal the depth of penetration of pollutants. Soil samples from 9 cores in the territory of the preschool were taken from 5 depth intervals: 0-0.5 m, 0.5-1.0 m, 1.0-1.5 m, 1.5-2.0 m and 2.0-3.0 m. Total number of samples was 45. Each sample was sieved to less then 2 mm fraction, milled and homogenised with binder before pressing 2 pellets. All pressed pellets were analysed by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence for determination of the contents of harmful chemical elements As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, V, Zn and major elements Al, Ca, K, Fe, Mg, Na, P, S. Si, Ti. Samples where maximum permitted concentrations of Mo, Pb, Sn are exceeded occur not only in the uppermost layers, but also in the deeper layers. The highest median contents of most harmful chemical elements, except V and As, are in the uppermost 0.0-0.5 m layer and decrease with depth until 2.0-3.0 m or 1.5-2.0 m. To eliminate the influence of soil clay content in different samples, normalisation of concentration coefficients by the median of Al, K and Ti concentration coefficients was used. The depth of penetration is largely influenced by lithological composition of soil and is much deeper in sandy soil without layers enriched in clay

    Variability of estimated contamination extent depending on calculation methods

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    The aim of research was to analyse the changes of contamination extent (E, %) estimated using two methods of background calculation by eliminating anomalies outside the interval mean±2s or median±2MAD (s is standard deviation, MAD is median absolute deviation) and optional normalisation. Two methods were used for estimation of background values (B) and upper threshold values (T) of Ag, As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, U, V, Zn and selected major elements according to their contents in topsoil samples from football fields in less contaminated districts of Klaipėda. Then two different sets of B and T values were applied to the whole geochemical data set. After determination of two sets of concentration coefficients (Kk), four sets of enrichment factors were calculated: two simple (EF1) (normalisation by Al) and two complex (EF3) (normalisation by Al, K, Ti).  Estimation of E using T values resulted in lower percentage compared to percentage of sites where Kk1, EF11 or EF31, because the latter 3 indices depend on B values. Since all T values obtained by median±2MAD method are much lower (by 6-37.1%) than by mean±2s method, respective E is much higher: for 11 pollutants it is higher by more than 5% (range 6.3-34.2%). Since the absolute difference between B values estimated by two methods is much lower (only for Sn and Mn exceeds 5%) than the difference between T values, the influence of different B values on estimated E is much lower. Higher than 5% absolute difference between two sets of E estimated according to Kk1 is observed for 5 pollutants, according to EF31 for 4 and according to EF11 only for 3 pollutants. So E estimated according to EF11 is least of all influenced by the method of determination of B values, besides, it usually gives the highest E

    Case Study of the Relationship between Aqua Regia and Real Total Contents of Harmful Trace Elements in Some European Soils

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    Both real total and aqua regia contents of trace elements in soils are often denominated by the same word “total” though the results are not identical. The formulas would be helpful for recalculation of aqua regia contents to real totals. Data for primary formulas were taken from the International Soil-Analytical Exchange Program of Wageningen Evaluating Programs for Analytical Laboratories. The degree of extractability DE of element in a sample was calculated by weighting the ratios of median contents in aqua regia to median real total contents in different periods with weights proportional to the respective number of determinations. According to descending median values of DE (%) in ISE European soil samples the elements are arranged as follows: Hg(98), Cd(94), Cu(91), Zn(90), Mn(89), Ni(88), Co(86), As(82), Mo(82), Pb(79), V(61), Sn(57), Cr(56), Sb(53), Be(51), B(46), U(35), and Ba(21). These values can be used for approximate recalculation of aqua regia contents to real totals and adjustment of contamination assessment. An attempt to obtain more explicit prediction by fitting regression models and problems related to high leverage and possibly influencial points are discussed and their possible relation to the specificity of soil composition is pointed out

    Relationship between landscape self‐regulation potential and topsoil additive contamination by trace elements in Vilnius city/Ryšys tarp kraštovaizdžio savivalos potencialo ir paviršinio dirvožemio suminio užterštumo mikroelementais Vilniaus mieste/

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    The aim of investigation was to find out the distribution and relationships between the urban landscape sensitivity to chemical pollution (S) and topsoil additive contamination Zd in the urbanized nucleus of Vilnius taking into account different functional zones. Zd was calculated according to concentration coefficients of 13 chemical elements, and the scores of S were based on integrated evaluation of 7 criteria. Comparison of indices was based on sampling sites. As S indicates the degree of the influence of the load of elements‐pollutants in an urban environment, it can only modify, but not predetermine Zd. The linear relationship between lg(Zd) and S is indirect and can be explained by relationship of Zd with percentage of a built‐up area. The strict correspondence of the categories of Zd and S is observed only in a small part of sites, and according to percentage of sites with unfavourable categories, Zd exceeds S. In urban territories S is not a reliable indicator of Zd, the significance of S is greater in relatively natural parts of the city. Analysis of both indices reveals the location of contaminated and sensitive to chemical pollution sites. Their highest percentage is in industrial, in‐frastructural, old town public, old town residential and centre functional zones. Santrauka Tyrimų tikslas buvo išaiškinti miesto kraštovaizdžio jautrumo cheminei taršai (S) ir paviršinio dirvožemio suminio užterštumo (Zd) pasiskirstymą ir ryšį urbanizuotame Vilniaus miesto branduolyje, atsižvelgiant į įvairias funkcines zonas. Zd skaičiuotas pagal 13 cheminių elementų koncentracijos koeficientus, o S balai buvo pagrįsti integruotu 7 kriterijų įvertinimu. Rodikliai buvo lyginami pagal ėminių rinkimo vietas. Kadangi S rodo teršiančių elementų apkrovos įtakos laipsnį urbanizuotoje aplinkoje, jis gali tik modifikuoti, bet ne lemti Zd. Tiesinis ryšys tarp lg(Zd) ir S yra netiesioginis, jį galima paaiškinti Zd sąsaja su užstatymo procentine dalimi. Griežtas Zd ir S kategorijų atitikimas yra tik nedaugelyje vietų, o pagal vietų su nepalankiomis kategorijomis procentinę dalį Zd lenkia S. Urbanizuotose teritorijose S nėra patikimas Zd indikatorius, S reikšmingumas yra didesnis santykinai gamtinėse miestų dalyse. Abiejų rodiklių analizė atskleidžia užterštų ir jautrių cheminei taršai vietų išsidėstymą. Didžiausia jų procentinė dalis yra pramoninėse, infrastruktūros, senamiesčio visuomeninėse, senamiesčio gyvenamosiose ir centro funkcinėse zonose. Резюме Целью исследования было выявление зависимости между чувствительностью городского ландшафта к химическому загрязнению (S) и суммарным показателем загрязнения поверхностной почвы (Zd) в урбанизированном ядре города Вильнюса с учетом разных функциональных зон. Расчет Zd проводился по коэффициентам концентрации 13 химических элементов, а показатель химического загрязнения S в баллах – на основании интегрированной оценки 7 критериев. Индексы сравнивались с учетом мест опробования. Поскольку S показывает степень влияния нагрузки загрязняющих элементов в урбанизированной окружающей среде, он способен только модифицировать, но не предопределять Zd. Линейная зависимость между lg(Zd) и S является косвенной, ее можно объяснить связью Zd с процентной частью застроенности. Строгое соответствие между категориями Zd и S наблюдается только на небольшой части мест, а по процентной части точек с неблагоприятными условиями Zd обгоняет S. На урбанизированных территориях S не является надежным индикатором Zd, значимость S увеличивается в сравнительно более природных частях городов. Анализ обоих показателей выявляет расположение загрязненных и чувствительных к загрязнению мест. В основном эти места находятся в индустриальных, инфраструктурных, общественных и жилых функциональных зонах старого города и центре. Frist Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: miestų kraštovaizdis, miestų dirvožemiai, sunkieji metalai, suminio užterštumo rodiklis, savivalos potencialas, jautrumas cheminei taršai. Ключевые слова: городской ландшафт, городская почва, тяжелые металлы, суммарный показатель загрязнения, потенциал самоочищения, чувствительность к химическому загрязнению