330 research outputs found

    Nurturing Feedback and its Impact on Self-Efficacy, Empowerment, and Professional Growth in Educational and Corporate Environments

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    This study examines the impact of feedback quality in design education on students' self-efficacy. It argues that nurturing feedback can positively influence students' self-efficacy, leading to increased effort, perseverance, and eagerness to embrace challenges. A case study conducted in a senior design studio course at the American University of Sharjah (UAE) explores the effects of feedback. It proposes strategies to transform it into a nurturing tool for students' self-efficacy. The insights gained provide valuable guidance for all instructors involved in educational environments where feedback plays a pivotal role in students' growth and development. Furthermore, the findings have broader implications for the corporate design sector, emphasizing the importance of nurturing feedback to empower employees and foster their professional growth. Empowered employees are more likely to embrace challenges, take initiative, and contribute to organizational success, making nurturing feedback a vital factor in promoting a positive and productive work environment

    Beiträge zur Flora Jugoslawiens

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    Drei seltene Pflanzensippen wurden in Kroatien gesammelt und zwar: Romulea columnae Seb. et M., Insel Korčula (Dalmatien), eine neue Amt in der Flora Jugoslawiens; Phyteuma spicatum L. var. caerulescens Bogenh., im Velebitgebirge (Südwestkroatien), wo die var. caerulescens neu für die Flora Kroatiens ist; Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. var. reichenbachii Fiori, Insel Brus- nik (Süddalmatien), nebst der Insel Palagruža der einzige Fundort dieser Varietät in Jugoslawien

    Rasprostranjenost vrste Ranunculus cassubicus L. u Hrvatskoj

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    The distribution of the species Ranunculus cassubicus L. in Croatia is analyzed and a new locality of this species is reported. Out of two localities (in the surroundings of Samobor) reported so far, the one along the stream Breganica was confirmed during 1993 while the other, located along the stream Gradna, was found to be considerably destroyed by construction works. An analysis of the herbarial specimens (ZA) has been made.Dosada je R. cassubicus u hrvatskoj flori zabilježen na dva lokaliteta - uz potoke Gradnu i Breganicu u okolici Samobora (Šugar 1972). U ovom je radu objavljen novi nalaz - u vlažnom šumarku crne johe uz cestu kraj Kumrovca. Nalazišta uz Breganicu i Gradnu su potvrđena, ali je za ono uz potok Gradnu ustanovljeno da je građevinskim radovima djelomično uništeno, a u cijelosti vrlo ugroženo. Analizom herbarske zbirke ZA ustanovljeno je da ipak postoje primjerci koje je u 2. polovici 19. stoljeća skupio Schlosser u Maksimiru, premda taj lokalitet nije nikada kasnije potvrđen. Za primjerak u ZA, koji je našao Hire na lokalitetu Kuželj, definitivno je determinacijom utvrđeno da se odnosi na vrstu R. auricomus L. Stoga možemo govoriti o tri lokaliteta na kojima u Hrvatskoj raste R. cassubicus, a četvrti je, najvjerojatnije, građevinskim radovima posve uništen (sl. 1). R. cassubicus s.l. je vrlo polimorfna, u Europi široko rasprostranjena vrsta, a naši primjerci oblikom svojih listova i visinom ukazuju na pripadnost uže shvaćenoj vrsti R. cassubicus s.s. Posebno valja naglasiti da se radi o vrlo rijetkoj i naročito ugroženoj vrsti hrvatske flore

    Komparativna morfološka analiza roda Iris L., serije Pallidae (A. Kern.) Trinajstić (Iridaceae)

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    The qualitative morphological features of the Alpine-Dinaric and cultivated populations, as well as of the herbarium specimens of the genus Iris, series Pallidae, were investigated. The height of the plant, leaves, inflorescence, flowers (spathe, perigonium, androecium, gynoecium), fruits and seeds were analysed. It was established that the morphological features analysed did not show phenotypic plasticity. The following qualitative morphological features have possible diagnostic significance: intensity of the leaf vein, spathe colour, perigonium colour, and pollen and seed morphology. Of no diagnostic use are ratio of filament and anther lengths (individual variability), and size and form of the fruits (intrapopulation variability).Istražene su kvalitativne morfološke osobine alpsko-dinarskih i kultiviranih populacija, te herbariziranih primjeraka roda Iris, serije Pallidae. Analizirane su veličina biljaka, listovi, cvatovi, cvjetovi (spate, perigon, andrecej, ginecej), plodovi i sjemenke. Ustanovljeno je da istražene kvalitativne morfološke osobine nisu fenotipski plastične, a mogući dijagnostički značaj ima izraženost lisnog žilja, boja spate, boja perigona, te morfologija peluda i sjemenki. Dijagnostički neupotrebljive osobine su: odnos duljine filamenata i antera (individualna varijabilnost), te oblik i veličina tobolaca (intrapopulacijska varijabilnost)

    Leigh's Disease: The Acute Clinical Course of a Two-Year-Old Child with Subacute Necrotizing Encephalomyelopathy

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    We report the untypical clinical course of a previously healthy two-year-old girl, who died suddenly and unexpectedly after an episode of vomiting. At forensic autopsy no other pathological findings could be diagnosed than multiple reddish, sunken areas in brain stem, mesencephalon, and pons. Histologically they presented as areas of spongiosis of the neuropil with prominent endothelial hyperplasia and vascular proliferation whereas nerve cells were well preserved. On the basis of the characteristic neuropathological findings in combination with the age of the child, we had to take into consideration that the child might have died from subacute necrotizing encephalomyelopathy (Leigh's Disease) despite the untypical, fulminant clinical course

    Neka jezična obilježja Benešićevih Razmatranja

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    Evaluation of nutritional status and physical performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [Procjena nutritivnog statusa i fizičke sposobnosti bolesnika s kroničnom opstrukcijskom bolešću pluća]

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    Physical inactivity and skeletal muscle mass wasting are frequent findings in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of the study was to compare nutritional status and body composition in COPD patients with poor and normal physical performance, which was assessed in three different ways – exercise capacity evaluated by the 6-minute walk test, gait speed measured by the 4-metre gait speed test and physical activity expressed as average daily step count. In the population of 111 patients with moderate to very severe COPD, those with poor physical performance were older, had worse lung function, higher symptom burden, more frequent exacerbations, worse health-related quality of life, and deficient nutritional status, which manifested dominantly with lower parameters of muscle/bone tissue and serum protein levels. There were no significant differences in the body-mass index and parameters related to fat tissue. In the multivariate analysis the variables that were independently and significantly associated with poor exercise capacity were older age, previous exacerbations, lung hyperinflation, reduced lung diffusion capacity and higher dyspnoea level. Likewise, older age, reduced lung diffusion capacity and dyspnoea level were independently associated with poor physical activity. However, none of the nutritional parameters were independently related to poor physical performance