545 research outputs found

    Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten bei künstlicher Befruchtung – ein Vergleich der Behandlungspraxis in schweizerischen, deutschen und österreichischen Kinderwunschzentren mit Erhebungen in randomisierten kontrollierten Studien

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    One in 5 couples is affected by infertility. To increase the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technology (ART) adjuvant acupuncture treatments are frequently administered. However, little is known about acupuncture treatment modalities employed in fertility centers. The aim of our study was to assess modalities of acupuncture treatments in fertility centers and compare them with investigated acupuncture treatments in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) related to ART.Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch belastet jedes fünfte Paar. Zur Wirksamkeitssteigerung der künstlichen Befruchtung werden oftmals Akupunkturbehandlungen durchgeführt. Wenig ist über die Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten in Kinderwunschzentren bekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, diese zu erfassen und mit den in randomisierten kontrollierten Studien (RCTs) untersuchten Akupunkturbehandlungsmodalitäten zu vergleichen. Methoden: 180 Kinderwunschkliniken, die auf den Webseiten der schweizerischen, deutschen und österreichischen reproduktionsmedizinischen Vereinigungen aufgeführt waren, wurden zur Teilnahme an einer Onlinebefragung über das Akupunkturangebot bei künstlicher Befruchtung eingeladen. Die Umfrageergebnisse wurden den Angaben aus 17 RCTs gegenübergestellt. Ergebnisse: Akupunktur wird von 33 (38,4%) aller an der Umfrage beteiligten Kinderwunschkliniken (n = 86) angeboten (Rücklaufquote = 47,8%). Die Wahl der Akupunkturpunkte ist in 39,4% der Kliniken standardisiert, in 24,2% semi-standardisiert und in 27,3% erfolgt sie individuell nach TCM-Diagnose. Körperakupunktur mit Nadelstimulierung wurde am häufigsten genannt (84,8%). In einigen Kliniken wird ergänzend zur Körperakupunktur auch Ohrakupunktur (24,2%) und Moxibustion (21,2%) angewendet. Die Leistungserbringer sind überwiegend ärztliche Akupunkturtherapeuten (84,8%). Im Vergleich zu den RCTs wurden große Unterschiede hinsichtlich Bestimmung der Akupunkturpunkte, Stimulierungsverfahren und beruflichem Hintergrund der Akupunktur-Leistungserbringer festgestellt. Schlussfolgerungen: Weniger als 40% aller Akupunktur anbietenden Kinderwunschkliniken im deutschsprachigen Raum verwenden standardisierte Akupunkturpunkteprotokolle. Um die externe Validität der Aku- punkturforschung in der Reproduktionsmedizin zu erhöhen und die klinische Wirksamkeit dieser adjuvanten Behandlungsform zu untersuchen, sollten in zukünftigen Studien semi-standardisierte und individuelle Bestimmungen der Akupunkturpunkte berücksichtigt und der Einsatz von angelerntem Personal vermieden werde

    Immediate stabilization of pedicle screws: Preclinical pilot study of polymer-augmented pedicle screws

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    This study was designed as proof of principle and safety test of the novel technique, the Immediate Stabilization System (ISS). The technique is designed to immediately stabilize polymer-a ugmented pedicle screws (PAS) in deficient bone and avoid complications of loosening pedicle screws at the bone-screw interface, especially in osteoporotic patients. A polymer sleeve was designed as augmentation to improve screw anchorage after drilling the screw hole. By applying ultrasonic energy, the polymeric tube was moldedinto the pores of the host bone forming a strong and uniform bond with the adjacent bone. The original screw was then implanted into the denser bony environment leading to an enhanced immediate stability. The ISS-treated implants were compared to conventionally placed pedicle screws in ex-vivocadaver bones (2 sheep spines, n = 6 implants per spine, total 12 screws) and in-vivo in a spinal sheep model (Swiss alpine sheep, n = 5, 4 implants per animal, total 20 screws). The primary stability of ISS-treated pedicle screws was increased in ex-vivo bone ( +24% insertion torque (IT)) and in-vivo(+32.9% IT) in sheep spine. Removal torque (RT) was lower in the in PAS tested for 8 weeks in -vivo. The ISS technology demonstrated improved anchorage of pedicle screws in ex-vivocadaver bones as well as in-vivo studies in sheep spine

    La Fin de vie en Suisse

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    This volume gives an overview of what is known from an academic perspective about the end of life in Switzerland. The authors, who represent different academic disciplines, deal with crucial questions, such as experiences of individuals, personal decisions concerning their own end of life, care situations, costs, legal regulations, and ideals of dying

    Soziale Stadtentwicklung und Gesundheitsförderung

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    Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die politischen Projekte "Gesundheitsförderung" und "soziale Stadtentwicklung" im Rahmen intersektionaler Politik wechselseitig stärken können. Zu diesem Zweck werden Dokumente und Sekundärliteratur aus den beiden entsprechenden Politikbereichen ausgewertet. Zuerst wird das Programm "Gesundheitsförderung" nachgezeichnet. Es betont die Veränderung von sozialen Verhältnissen und Umweltverhältnissen. Parallel zu dieser Entwicklung gewinnt in vielen westeuropäischen Städten das inhaltlich ähnliche Projekt "soziale Stadtentwicklung" an Bedeutung. Die programmatischen Gemeinsamkeiten beider Projekte hinsichtlich Leitbildern, Globalzielen, Prozessorientierung, intersektoralem Politikanspruch sowie sozialer Ungleichheit als Handlungsschwerpunkt werden herausgearbeitet. Es wird deutlich, dass trotz der großen inhaltlichen Nähe praktisch und politisch kaum kooperiert wird. Diese Aussage gilt insbesondere für sozial bedingte Gesundheitsrisiken. In beiden Bereichen werden diese in der Umsetzung erheblich weniger berücksichtigt als umweltbedingte Probleme. Die Bekämpfung von sozialen Problemen wie Armut und Benachteiligung, dargestellt am Beispiel Hamburgs, ist beiden Fachressorts von ihren Arbeitsweisen her gleichermaßen wesensfremd und daher weniger anschlussfähig als die Berücksichtigung der stofflich greifbareren und leichter messbaren Umweltrisiken. Abschließend wird diskutiert, wie Gesundheitsförderung im Rahmen sozialer Stadtentwicklung weiterentwickelt werden kann und welche Probleme und Chancen der Umsetzung damit verknüpft sind

    Das Lebensende in der Schweiz

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    This volume gives an overview of what is known from an academic perspective about the end of life in Switzerland. The authors, who represent different academic disciplines, deal with crucial questions, such as experiences of individuals, personal decisions concerning their own end of life, care situations, costs, legal regulations, and ideals of dying

    “A very orderly retreat”: Democratic transition in East Germany, 1989-90

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    East Germany's 1989-90 democratisation is among the best known of East European transitions, but does not lend itself to comparative analysis, due to the singular way in which political reform and democratic consolidation were subsumed by Germany's unification process. Yet aspects of East Germany's democratisation have proved amenable to comparative approaches. This article reviews the comparative literature that refers to East Germany, and finds a schism between those who designate East Germany's transition “regime collapse” and others who contend that it exemplifies “transition through extrication”. It inquires into the merits of each position and finds in favour of the latter. Drawing on primary and secondary literature, as well as archival and interview sources, it portrays a communist elite that was, to a large extent, prepared to adapt to changing circumstances and capable of learning from “reference states” such as Poland. Although East Germany was the Soviet state in which the positions of existing elites were most threatened by democratic transition, here too a surprising number succeeded in maintaining their position while filing across the bridge to market society. A concluding section outlines the alchemy through which their bureaucratic power was transmuted into property and influence in the “new Germany”

    MOG-IgG in NMO and related disorders: a multicenter study of 50 patients. Part 3: Brainstem involvement - frequency, presentation and outcome

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    Background Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibodies (MOG-IgG) are present in a subset of aquaporin-4 (AQP4)-IgG-negative patients with optic neuritis (ON) and/or myelitis. Little is known so far about brainstem involvement in MOG-IgG-positive patients. Objective To investigate the frequency, clinical and paraclinical features, course, outcome, and prognostic implications of brainstem involvement in MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis. Methods Retrospective case study. Results Among 50 patients with MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis, 15 (30 %) with a history of brainstem encephalitis were identified. All were negative for AQP4-IgG. Symptoms included respiratory insufficiency, intractable nausea and vomiting (INV), dysarthria, dysphagia, impaired cough reflex, oculomotor nerve palsy and diplopia, nystagmus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), facial nerve paresis, trigeminal hypesthesia/dysesthesia, vertigo, hearing loss, balance difficulties, and gait and limb ataxia; brainstem involvement was asymptomatic in three cases. Brainstem inflammation was already present at or very shortly after disease onset in 7/15 (47 %) patients. 16/21 (76.2 %) brainstem attacks were accompanied by acute myelitis and/or ON. Lesions were located in the pons (11/13), medulla oblongata (8/14), mesencephalon (cerebral peduncles; 2/14), and cerebellar peduncles (5/14), were adjacent to the fourth ventricle in 2/12, and periaqueductal in 1/12; some had concomitant diencephalic (2/13) or cerebellar lesions (1/14). MRI or laboratory signs of blood-brain barrier damage were present in 5/12. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis was found in 11/14 cases, with neutrophils in 7/11 (3-34 % of all CSF white blood cells), and oligoclonal bands in 4/14. Attacks were preceded by acute infection or vaccination in 5/15 (33.3 %). A history of teratoma was noted in one case. The disease followed a relapsing course in 13/15 (87 %); the brainstem was involved more than once in 6. Immunosuppression was not always effective in preventing relapses. Interferon-beta was followed by new attacks in two patients. While one patient died from central hypoventilation, partial or complete recovery was achieved in the remainder following treatment with high-dose steroids and/or plasma exchange. Brainstem involvement was associated with a more aggressive general disease course (higher relapse rate, more myelitis attacks, more frequently supratentorial brain lesions, worse EDSS at last follow-up). Conclusions Brainstem involvement is present in around one third of MOG-IgG-positive patients with ON and/or myelitis. Clinical manifestations are diverse and may include symptoms typically seen in AQP4-IgG-positive neuromyelitis optica, such as INV and respiratory insufficiency, or in multiple sclerosis, such as INO. As MOG-IgG-positive brainstem encephalitis may take a serious or even fatal course, particular attention should be paid to signs or symptoms of additional brainstem involvement in patients presenting with MOG-IgG-positive ON and/or myelitis

    Clinical relevance of molecular characteristics in Burkitt lymphoma differs according to age

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    While survival has improved for Burkitt lymphoma patients, potential differences in outcome between pediatric and adult patients remain unclear. In both age groups, survival remains poor at relapse. Therefore, we conducted a comparative study in a large pediatric cohort, including 191 cases and 97 samples from adults. While TP53 and CCND3 mutation frequencies are not age related, samples from pediatric patients showed a higher frequency of mutations in ID3, DDX3X, ARID1A and SMARCA4, while several genes such as BCL2 and YY1AP1 are almost exclusively mutated in adult patients. An unbiased analysis reveals a transition of the mutational profile between 25 and 40 years of age. Survival analysis in the pediatric cohort confirms that TP53 mutations are significantly associated with higher incidence of relapse (25 ± 4% versus 6 ± 2%, p-value 0.0002). This identifies a promising molecular marker for relapse incidence in pediatric BL which will be used in future clinical trials