24,238 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton observation of SN1993J in M81

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    In April 2001 SN1993J was observed with both the PN and MOS cameras of the XMM-Newton observatory, resulting in about 7. x 10^4 s of acceptable observation time. Fit results with both the PN and MOS2 camera spectra studying different spectral models are presented. The spectra are best fitted in the energy range between 0.3 and 11 keV by a 2-component thermal model with temperatures of kT_1 = 0.34+-0.04 keV and kT_2 = 6.54+-4 keV, adopting ionization equilibrium. A fit with a shock model also provides acceptable results. Combining the XMM-Newton data with former X-ray observations of the supernova, we discuss the general trend of L_x propto t^{-0.30} and the bump of the X-ray light curve as well as former and recent spectral results in the light of the standard SN model as first proposed by Chevalier in 1982.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    On Binomial Ideals associated to Linear Codes

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    Recently, it was shown that a binary linear code can be associated to a binomial ideal given as the sum of a toric ideal and a non-prime ideal. Since then two different generalizations have been provided which coincide for the binary case. In this paper, we establish some connections between the two approaches. In particular, we show that the corresponding code ideals are related by elimination. Finally, a new heuristic decoding method for linear codes over prime fields is discussed using Gr\"obner bases

    An electronic pan/tilt/zoom camera system

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    A camera system for omnidirectional image viewing applications that provides pan, tilt, zoom, and rotational orientation within a hemispherical field of view (FOV) using no moving parts was developed. The imaging device is based on the effect that from a fisheye lens, which produces a circular image of an entire hemispherical FOV, can be mathematically corrected using high speed electronic circuitry. An incoming fisheye image from any image acquisition source is captured in memory of the device, a transformation is performed for the viewing region of interest and viewing direction, and a corrected image is output as a video image signal for viewing, recording, or analysis. As a result, this device can accomplish the functions of pan, tilt, rotation, and zoom throughout a hemispherical FOV without the need for any mechanical mechanisms. A programmable transformation processor provides flexible control over viewing situations. Multiple images, each with different image magnifications and pan tilt rotation parameters, can be obtained from a single camera. The image transformation device can provide corrected images at frame rates compatible with RS-170 standard video equipment

    Financial reporting demands in a globalised world: The harmonisation of accounting rules

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    OECD accounting regimes have significantly changed over the last three decades. Financial reporting rules for (public) companies have become more similar, and the ways in which accounting rules are set and enforced have converged. This paper explores to what extent (financial) globalisation drives convergence of financial reporting systems. We analyse globalisation developments and changes in accounting regulation in six large OECD countries: Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and the USA. We identify changes in the demand and supply patters of accounting regulation, and present empirical evidence for the concurrence of financial globalisation and accounting harmonisation. A newly developed financial globalisation index and changes in accounting regulation are jointly analysed. We find that the analysed countries have experienced distinct waves of globalisation since the beginning of the 1970s and that these waves coincide with a delayed accounting harmonisation. -- Die Rechnungslegungssysteme der OECD-Staaten haben sich in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten erheblich verändert. Für kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmen sind die Rechnungslegungsregeln ähnlicher geworden, und auch die Wege zur Entwicklung und Durchsetzung von Rechnungslegungsnormen haben sich angeglichen. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, in welchem Ausmaß die (finanzielle) Globalisierung eine Konvergenz von Rechnungslegungssystemen vorantreibt. Analysiert werden Globalisierungsentwicklungen und Veränderungen von Rechnungslegungsregulierung in den sechs großen OECD-Staaten: Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Japan, Kanada und den USA. Muster im Angebots- und Nachfrageverhalten bezüglich der Regulierung von Rechnungslegung werden untersucht, und dabei wird empirische Evidenz für einen Zusammenfallen von finanzieller Globalisierung und Harmonisierung der Rechnungslegung gefunden. Für die untersuchten Länder können seit Beginn der 1970er Jahre verschiedene Wellen der Globalisierung festgestellt werden, die, zeitlich versetzt, mit einer Harmonisierung von Rechnungslegung korrelieren.

    The probability distribution of a trapped Brownian particle in plane shear flows

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    We investigate the statistical properties of an over-damped Brownian particle that is trapped by a harmonic potential and simultaneously exposed to a linear shear flow or to a plane Poiseuille flow. Its probability distribution is determined via the corresponding Smoluchowski equation, which is solved analytically for a linear shear flow. In the case of a plane Poiseuille flow, analytical approximations for the distribution are obtained by a perturbation analysis and they are substantiated by numerical results. There is a good agreement between the two approaches for a wide range of parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figur