1,062 research outputs found

    Nonlinear tunneling in two-dimensional lattices

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    We present thorough analysis of the nonlinear tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in static and accelerating two-dimensional lattices within the framework of the mean-field approximation. We deal with nonseparable lattices considering different initial atomic distributions in the highly symmetric states. For analytical description of the condensate before instabilities are developed, we derive several few-mode models, analyzing both essentially nonlinear and quasi-linear regimes of tunneling. By direct numerical simulations, we show that two-mode models provide accurate description of the tunneling when either initially two states are populated or tunneling occurs between two stable states. Otherwise a two-mode model may give only useful qualitative hints for understanding tunneling but does not reproduce many features of the phenomenon. This reflects crucial role of the instabilities developed due to two-body interactions resulting in non-negligible population of the higher bands. This effect becomes even more pronounced in the case of accelerating lattices. In the latter case we show that the direction of the acceleration is a relevant physical parameter which affects the tunneling by changing the atomic rates at different symmetric states and by changing the numbers of bands involved in the atomic transfer

    Low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene

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    The low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene is theoretically studied. The contributions from three branches of acoustic phonons are calculated by taking into account scattering on sample borders, point defects and grain boundaries. Phonon scattering due to sample borders and grain boundaries is shown to result in a TαT^{\alpha}-behaviour in the thermal conductivity where α\alpha varies between 1 and 2. This behaviour is found to be more pronounced for nanosized grain boundaries. PACS: 65.80.Ck, 81.05.ue, 73.43.C

    Electronic screening and damping in magnetars

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    We calculate the screening of the ion-ion potential due to electrons in the presence of a large background magnetic field, at densities of relevance to neutron star crusts. Using the standard approach to incorporate electron screening through the one-loop polarization function, we show that the magnetic field produces important corrections both at short and long distances. In extreme fields, realized in highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars, electrons occupy only the lowest Landau levels in the relatively low density region of the crust. Here our results show that the screening length for Coulomb interactions between ions can be smaller than the inter-ion spacing. More interestingly, we find that the screening is anisotropic and the screened potential between two static charges exhibits long range Friedel oscillations parallel to the magnetic field. This long-range oscillatory behavior is likely to affect the lattice structure of ions, and can possibly create rod-like structures in the magnetar crusts. We also calculate the imaginary part of the electron polarization function which determines the spectrum of electron-hole excitations and plays a role in damping lattice phonon excitations. We demonstrate that even for modest magnetic fields this damping is highly anisotropic and will likely lead to anisotropic phonon heat transport in the outer neutron star crust.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figure

    Heat capacity and phonon mean free path of wurtzite GaN

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    We report on lattice specific heat of bulk hexagonal GaN measured by the heat flow method in the temperature range 20-300 K and by the adiabatic method in the range 5-70 K. We fit the experimental data using two temperatures model. The best fit with the accuracy of 3 % was obtained for the temperature independent Debye's temperature ξD=365\theta_{\rm D}=365 {\rm K} and Einstein's temperature ξE=880\theta_{\rm E}=880 {\rm K}. We relate these temperatures to the function of density of states. Using our results for heat conduction coefficient, we established in temperature range 10-100 K the explicit dependence of the phonon mean free path on temperature lph∝T−2\it{l}_{\rm ph}\propto T^{-2}. Above 100 K, there is the evidence of contribution of the Umklapp processes which limit phonon free path at high temepratures. For phonons with energy kB×300k_{\rm B}\times 300 {\rm K} the mean free path is of the order 100 {\rm nm}Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Restricted Wiedemann-Franz law and vanishing thermoelectric power in one-dimensional conductors

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    In one-dimensional (1D) conductors with linear E-k dispersion (Dirac systems) intrabranch thermalization is favored by elastic electron-electron interaction in contrast to electron systems with a nonlinear (parabolic) dispersion. We show that under external electric fields or thermal gradients the carrier populations of different branches, treated as Fermi gases, have different temperatures as a consequence of self-consistent carrier-heat transport. Specifically, in the presence of elastic phonon scattering, the Wiedemann-Franz law is restricted to each branch with its specific temperature and is characterized by twice the Lorenz number. In addition thermoelectric power vanishes due to electron-hole symmetry, which is validated by experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Lattice thermal conductivity of graphene with conventionally isotopic defects

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    The thermal conductivity of doped graphene flake of finite size is investigated with emphasis on the influence of mass of substituting atoms on this property. It is shown that the graphene doping by small concentrations of relatively heavy atoms results in a disproportionately impressive drop of lattice thermal conductivity.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Adiabatic-Nonadiabatic Transition in the Diffusive Hamiltonian Dynamics of a Classical Holstein Polaron

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    We study the Hamiltonian dynamics of a free particle injected onto a chain containing a periodic array of harmonic oscillators in thermal equilibrium. The particle interacts locally with each oscillator, with an interaction that is linear in the oscillator coordinate and independent of the particle's position when it is within a finite interaction range. At long times the particle exhibits diffusive motion, with an ensemble averaged mean-squared displacement that is linear in time. The diffusion constant at high temperatures follows a power law D ~ T^{5/2} for all parameter values studied. At low temperatures particle motion changes to a hopping process in which the particle is bound for considerable periods of time to a single oscillator before it is able to escape and explore the rest of the chain. A different power law, D ~ T^{3/4}, emerges in this limit. A thermal distribution of particles exhibits thermally activated diffusion at low temperatures as a result of classically self-trapped polaronic states.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review

    Optical conductivity of metal nanofilms and nanowires: The rectangular-box model

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    The conductivity tensor is introduced for the low-dimensional electron systems. Within the particle-in-a-box model and the diagonal response approximation, components of the conductivity tensor for a quasi-homogeneous ultrathin metal film and wire are calculated under the assumption d≅λFd\cong \lambda_{\rm F} (where dd is the characteristic small dimension of the system, λF\lambda_{\rm F} is the Fermi wavelength for bulk metal). We find the transmittance of ultrathin films and compare these results with available experimental data. The analytical estimations for the size dependence of the Fermi level are presented, and the oscillations of the Fermi energy in ultrathin films and wires are computed. Our results demonstrate the strong size and frequency dependences of the real and imaginary parts of the conductivity components in the infrared range. A sharp distinction of the results for Au and Pb is observed and explained by the difference in the relaxation time of these metals.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Topological Degeneracy and Vortex Manipulation in Kitaev's Honeycomb Model

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    The classification of loop symmetries in Kitaev's honeycomb lattice model provides a natural framework to study the Abelian topological degeneracy. We derive a perturbative low-energy effective Hamiltonian that is valid to all orders of the expansion and for all possible toroidal configurations. Using this form we demonstrate at what order the system's topological degeneracy is lifted by finite size effects and note that in the thermodynamic limit it is robust to all orders. Further, we demonstrate that the loop symmetries themselves correspond to the creation, propagation, and annihilation of fermions. We note that these fermions, made from pairs of vortices, can be moved with no additional energy cost

    Spin-glass instability of short-range spherical ferromagnet

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    In structurally disordered ferromagnets the weak random dipole-dipole exchange may transform the polydomain state into a spin-glass one. To some extent the properties of such phase in disordered isotropic ferromagnet can be qualitatively described by the spherical model with the short-range ferromagnetic interaction and weak frustrated infinite-range random-bond exchange. This model is shown to predict that spin-glass phase substitute the ferromagnetic one at the arbitrary small disorder strength and that its thermodynamics has some similarity to that of polydomain state along with some significant distinctions. In particular, the longitudinal susceptibility at small fields becomes frozen below transition point at a constant value depending on the disorder strength, while the third order nonlinear magnetic susceptibilitiy exhibits the temperature oscillations in small field near the transition point. The relation of these predictions to the experimental data for some disordered isotropic ferromagnets is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
