5 research outputs found

    Different forms of African cassava mosaic virus capsid protein within plants and virions

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    One geminiviral gene encodes the capsid protein (CP), which can appear as several bands after electrophoresis depending on virus and plant. African cassava mosaic virus-Nigeria CP in Nicotiana benthamiana, however, yielded one band (~ 30 kDa) in total protein extracts and purified virions, although its expression in yeast yielded two bands (~ 30, 32 kDa). Mass spectrometry of the complete protein and its tryptic fragments from virions is consistent with a cleaved start M1, acetylated S2, and partial phosphorylation at T12, S25 and S62. Mutants for additional potentially modified sites (N223A; C235A) were fully infectious and formed geminiparticles. Separation in triton acetic acid urea gels confirmed charge changes of the CP between plants and yeast indicating differential phosphorylation. If the CP gene alone was expressed in plants, multiple bands were observed like in yeast. A high turnover rate indicates that post-translational modifications promote CP decay probably via the ubiquitin-triggered proteasomal pathway

    Diagnosis of quarantine organisms at the JKI in the National Reference Laboratory for organisms harmful to plants

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    Dem JKI wurde im April 2019 durch das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) die Funktion des nationalen Referenzlaboratoriums (NRL) für Schadorganismen der Pflanzen zugewiesen. Mit dieser Funktion des NRL für Deutschland sind bestimmte Zuständigkeiten und Aufgaben verbunden, die in der EU-Verordnung 2017/625 (EU, 2017) geregelt sind. Dazu gehören auch Referenzuntersuchungen bzw. die Diag­nose von Quarantäneschadorganismen (QSO). Das NRL stellt eine übergeordnete Einheit innerhalb des JKI dar. Durch insgesamt 14 Prüflabore der JKI-Institute für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland (A), nationale und internationale Angelegenheiten der Pflanzengesundheit (AG), Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik (EP), Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst (GF), Pflanzenschutz in Obst- und Weinbau (OW) wird die Referenzfunktion bei der Diagnose zu verschiedensten (Quarantäne)-Schadorganismen der Pathogengruppen Bakterien, Insekten, Nematoden, Pilze (einschließlich Oomyceten), Phytoplasmen und Viren wahrgenommen.In April 2019, the JKI was officially designated as the Natio­nal Reference Laboratory (NRL) for organisms harmful to plants by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agri­culture (BMEL). This function as NRL for Germany is associated with certain responsibilities and tasks, which are specified in the EU Regulation 2017/625 (EU, 2017). This also includes reference tests and the diagnosis of quarantine pests, respectively. The NRL represents a super­ordinate unit inside JKI. A total of 14 test laboratories from different JKI institutes, namely for Plant Protection in Field Crops and Grassland (A), for National and International Plant Health (AG), for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics (EP), Plant Protection in Horti­culture and Forests (GF), and for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture (OW) are in charge to carry out a reference function in the diagnosis of (quarantine) pests in the pathogen groups of bacteria, fungi (including oomycetes), insects, nematodes, phytoplasma und viruses