4,753 research outputs found

    Developing the dairy business in New Reality

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    Verslag van een studiedag voor melkveehouders, waarin wordt uitgelegd hoe ze goed op de toekomst kunnen anticipere

    Samenwerken door fusie is goedkope weg naar schaalvoordelen

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    Schaalvergroting via de klassieke weg (aankoop van grond, quotum en gebouwen) is duur in vergelijking met het buitenland en daarom uit bedrijfseconomisch oogpunt vaak niet aantrekkelijk. Samenwerking tussen bedrijven rond melken, voeren, veeverzorging, jongveeopfok en ruwvoerteelt biedt kansen om tegen lagere kosten de schaalvoordelen van grote bedrijven te realiseren. Als voorbeeld zijn de schaalvoordelen bij samenwerking uitgewerkt van 4 melkveehouders met ieder een quotum van 500.000 kg mel

    The evolution of the Mira variable R Hydrae

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    The Mira variable R Hydrae is well known for its declining period, which Wood & Zarro (1981) attributed to a possible recent thermal pulse. Here we investigate the long-term period evolution, covering 340 years, going back to its discovery in AD 1662. Wavelets are used to determine both the period and semi-amplitude. We show that the period decreased linearly between 1770 and 1950; since 1950 the period has stabilized at 385 days. The semi-amplitude closely follows the period evolution. Detailed analysis of the oldest data shows that before 1770 the period was about 495 days. We find no evidence for an increasing period during this time as found by Wood & Zarro. IRAS data shows that the mass loss dropped dramatically around AD 1750. The decline agrees with the mass-loss formalism from Vassiliadis & Wood, but is much larger than predicted by the Bloecker mass-loss law. An outer detached IRAS shell suggests that R Hya has experienced such mass-loss interruptions before. The period evolution can be explained by a thermal pulse occuring around AD 1600, or by an non-linear instability leading to an internal relaxation of the stellar structure. The elapsed time between the mass-loss decline giving rise to the outer detached shell, and the recent event, of approximately 5000 yr suggests that only one of these events could be due to a thermal pulse. Further monitoring of R Hya is recommended, as both models make strong predictions for the future period evolution. R Hya-type events, on time scales of 10^2-10^3 yr, could provide part of the explanation for the rings seen around some AGB and post-AGB stars.Comment: 13 pages. MNRAS, accepted for publicatio

    Investigating the nature of the Fried Egg nebula: CO mm-line and optical spectroscopy of IRAS 17163-3907

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    Through CO mm-line and optical spectroscopy, we investigate the properties of the Fried Egg nebula IRAS 17163-3907, which has recently been proposed to be one of the rare members of the yellow hypergiant class. The CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 emission arises from a region within 20" of the star and is clearly associated with the circumstellar material. The CO lines show a multi-component asymmetrical profile, and an unexpected velocity gradient is resolved in the east-west direction, suggesting a bipolar outflow. This is in contrast with the apparent symmetry of the dust envelope as observed in the infrared. The optical spectrum of IRAS 17163-3907 between 5100 and 9000 {\AA} was compared with that of the archetypal yellow hypergiant IRC+10420 and was found to be very similar. These results build on previous evidence that IRAS 17163-3907 is a yellow hypergiant.Comment: 14 pages including appendix, accepted for publication in A&

    Third-dredge-up oxygen in planetary nebulae

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    The planetary nebulae He 2-436 and Wray 16-423 in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy appear to result from nearly twin stars, except that third-dredge-up carbon is more abundant in He 2-436. A thorough photoionization-model analysis implies that ratios Ne/O, S/O and Ar/O are significantly smaller in He 2-436, indicative of third-dredge-up oxygen enrichment. The enrichment of oxygen with respect to carbon is (7 +/- 4)%. Excess nitrogen in Wray 16-423 suggests third dredge-up of late CN-cycle products even in these low-mass, intermediate-metallicity stars.Comment: To appear in Astron. Astrophys. Lett. (Latex, 5 pages, 1 postscript figure

    Theoretical Uncertainties in the QCD Evolution of Structure Functions and their Impact on αs(MZ2)\alpha_s(M_Z^2)

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    The differences are discussed between various next-to-leading order prescriptions for the QCD evolution of parton densities and structure functions. Their quantitative impact is understood to an accuracy of 0.02\%. The uncertainties due to the freedom to choose the renormalization and factorization scales are studied. The quantitative consequences of the different uncertainties on the extraction of the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s from scaling violations in deep--inelastic scattering are estimated for the kinematic regime accessible at HERA.Comment: 10 pages Latex, including 3 eps-figures, and a style file. To appear in: Proc. of the International Workshop: QCD and QED in Higher Orders, Rheinsberg, April, 1996, Nucl. Phys. {\bf B} (Proc. Suppl); The lay-out of the paper has been changed, one figure sent separately before has been bound i

    Detection of the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6302

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    NGC 6302 is one of the highest ionization planetary nebulae known and shows emission from species with ionization potential >300eV. The temperature of the central star must be >200,000K to photoionize the nebula, and has been suggested to be up to ~ 400,000K. On account of the dense dust and molecular disc, the central star has not convincingly been directly imaged until now. NGC 6302 was imaged in six narrow band filters by Wide Field Camera 3 on HST as part of the Servicing Mission 4 Early Release Observations. The central star is directly detected for the first time, and is situated at the nebula centre on the foreground side of the tilted equatorial disc. The magnitudes of the central star have been reliably measured in two filters(F469N and F673N). Assuming a hot black body, the reddening has been measured from the (4688-6766\AA) colour and a value of c=3.1, A_v=6.6 mag determined. A G-K main sequence binary companion can be excluded. The position of the star on the HR diagram suggests a fairly massive PN central star of about 0.64,M_sun close to the white dwarf cooling track. A fit to the evolutionary tracks for (T,L,t)=(200,000K, 2000L_sun, 2200yr), where t is the nebular age, is obtained; however the luminosity and temperature remain uncertain. The model tracks predict that the star is rapidly evolving, and fading at a rate of almost 1 % per year. Future observations could test this prediction.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters on 25.09.2009 accepted on 19.10.200
