55 research outputs found

    Greening Your Way to Profits: Green Strategies and Green Revenues

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    We examine hot-debated but underexplored questions of whether and how green strategies affect corporate green revenues. Using a generalized Difference-in-Differences (DiD) framework, we find that green strategies significantly enhance corporate green revenues in the presence of China's Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) pilot. This is consistent with the Porter Hypothesis. Our mechanism analyses document that green strategies increase green revenues by improving green quality and catalyzing environmentally friendly transformation. This study has important implications for policymakers and practitioners, offering new insights into the intended consequences and real outcomes of environmental regulations

    On Positional and Structural Node Features for Graph Neural Networks on Non-attributed Graphs

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely used in various graph-related problems such as node classification and graph classification, where the superior performance is mainly established when natural node features are available. However, it is not well understood how GNNs work without natural node features, especially regarding the various ways to construct artificial ones. In this paper, we point out the two types of artificial node features,i.e., positional and structural node features, and provide insights on why each of them is more appropriate for certain tasks,i.e., positional node classification, structural node classification, and graph classification. Extensive experimental results on 10 benchmark datasets validate our insights, thus leading to a practical guideline on the choices between different artificial node features for GNNs on non-attributed graphs. The code is available at https://github.com/zjzijielu/gnn-exp/.Comment: This paper has been accepted to the Sixth International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs (DLG-KDD'21) (co-located with KDD'21

    Enhancing High-Resolution 3D Generation through Pixel-wise Gradient Clipping

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    High-resolution 3D object generation remains a challenging task primarily due to the limited availability of comprehensive annotated training data. Recent advancements have aimed to overcome this constraint by harnessing image generative models, pretrained on extensive curated web datasets, using knowledge transfer techniques like Score Distillation Sampling (SDS). Efficiently addressing the requirements of high-resolution rendering often necessitates the adoption of latent representation-based models, such as the Latent Diffusion Model (LDM). In this framework, a significant challenge arises: To compute gradients for individual image pixels, it is necessary to backpropagate gradients from the designated latent space through the frozen components of the image model, such as the VAE encoder used within LDM. However, this gradient propagation pathway has never been optimized, remaining uncontrolled during training. We find that the unregulated gradients adversely affect the 3D model's capacity in acquiring texture-related information from the image generative model, leading to poor quality appearance synthesis. To address this overarching challenge, we propose an innovative operation termed Pixel-wise Gradient Clipping (PGC) designed for seamless integration into existing 3D generative models, thereby enhancing their synthesis quality. Specifically, we control the magnitude of stochastic gradients by clipping the pixel-wise gradients efficiently, while preserving crucial texture-related gradient directions. Despite this simplicity and minimal extra cost, extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our PGC in enhancing the performance of existing 3D generative models for high-resolution object rendering.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 2024. Project page: https://fudan-zvg.github.io/PGC-3

    Machine unlearning in brain-inspired neural network paradigms

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    Machine unlearning, which is crucial for data privacy and regulatory compliance, involves the selective removal of specific information from a machine learning model. This study focuses on implementing machine unlearning in Spiking Neuron Models (SNMs) that closely mimic biological neural network behaviors, aiming to enhance both flexibility and ethical compliance of AI models. We introduce a novel hybrid approach for machine unlearning in SNMs, which combines selective synaptic retraining, synaptic pruning, and adaptive neuron thresholding. This methodology is designed to effectively eliminate targeted information while preserving the overall integrity and performance of the neural network. Extensive experiments were conducted on various computer vision datasets to assess the impact of machine unlearning on critical performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC AUC. Our findings indicate that the hybrid approach not only maintains but in some cases enhances the neural network's performance post-unlearning. The results confirm the practicality and efficiency of our approach, underscoring its applicability in real-world AI systems

    Key Information Retrieval to Classify the Unstructured Data Content of Preferential Trade Agreements

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    With the rapid proliferation of textual data, predicting long texts has emerged as a significant challenge in the domain of natural language processing. Traditional text prediction methods encounter substantial difficulties when grappling with long texts, primarily due to the presence of redundant and irrelevant information, which impedes the model's capacity to capture pivotal insights from the text. To address this issue, we introduce a novel approach to long-text classification and prediction. Initially, we employ embedding techniques to condense the long texts, aiming to diminish the redundancy therein. Subsequently,the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) embedding method is utilized for text classification training. Experimental outcomes indicate that our method realizes considerable performance enhancements in classifying long texts of Preferential Trade Agreements. Furthermore, the condensation of text through embedding methods not only augments prediction accuracy but also substantially reduces computational complexity. Overall, this paper presents a strategy for long-text prediction, offering a valuable reference for researchers and engineers in the natural language processing sphere.Comment: AI4TS Workshop@AAAI 2024 accepted publicatio

    Structural Knowledge Informed Continual Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

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    Recent studies in multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting reveal that explicitly modeling the hidden dependencies among different time series can yield promising forecasting performance and reliable explanations. However, modeling variable dependencies remains underexplored when MTS is continuously accumulated under different regimes (stages). Due to the potential distribution and dependency disparities, the underlying model may encounter the catastrophic forgetting problem, i.e., it is challenging to memorize and infer different types of variable dependencies across different regimes while maintaining forecasting performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel Structural Knowledge Informed Continual Learning (SKI-CL) framework to perform MTS forecasting within a continual learning paradigm, which leverages structural knowledge to steer the forecasting model toward identifying and adapting to different regimes, and selects representative MTS samples from each regime for memory replay. Specifically, we develop a forecasting model based on graph structure learning, where a consistency regularization scheme is imposed between the learned variable dependencies and the structural knowledge while optimizing the forecasting objective over the MTS data. As such, MTS representations learned in each regime are associated with distinct structural knowledge, which helps the model memorize a variety of conceivable scenarios and results in accurate forecasts in the continual learning context. Meanwhile, we develop a representation-matching memory replay scheme that maximizes the temporal coverage of MTS data to efficiently preserve the underlying temporal dynamics and dependency structures of each regime. Thorough empirical studies on synthetic and real-world benchmarks validate SKI-CL's efficacy and advantages over the state-of-the-art for continual MTS forecasting tasks


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    This paper takes smart transportation as the research object, selects the construction of project management as the research problem, and proposes to use CIM as the supporting technology. From the perspective of various digital fusion technologies, it emphasizes the information reliability of multi-dimensional model calculation, which is used to guide the management of urban transportation hub projects

    Precise emergency load shedding approach for distributed network considering response time requirements

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    Emergency load shedding (ELS) is a vital measure for power systems to manage extreme events, ensuring the safety, stability, and economic operation of the grid. The integration of distributed energy resources and controllable devices in modern power systems has bolstered grid flexibility. Consequently, developing precise load shedding strategies to balance economic and security goals has emerged as a prominent subject in power system optimization. However, existing methods exhibit inadequacies, including overlooking practical operability, privacy concerns, and a lack of adaptability to response time requirements. To address these gaps, this paper introduces a precise ELS approach for distributed networks with a focus on response time needs. Contributions encompass designing load shedding processes for various response times, integrating demand response, and partitioning networks for optimized load shedding. Through validation using standard test cases, the proposed approach effectively utilizes response time and demand-side resources for precise ELS control in distribution networks. It accommodates different scenarios, offering a robust solution for rapid and accurate load shedding during emergencies

    SPI1-induced downregulation of FTO promotes GBM progression by regulating pri-miR-10a processing in an m6A-dependent manner

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    As one of the most common post-transcriptional modifications of mRNAs and noncoding RNAs, N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification regulates almost every aspect of RNA metabolism. Evidence indicates that dysregulation of m6A modification and associated proteins contributes to glioblastoma (GBM) progression. However, the function of fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO), an m6A demethylase, has not been systematically and comprehensively explored in GBM. Here, we found that decreased FTO expression in clinical specimens correlated with higher glioma grades and poorer clinical outcomes. Functionally, FTO inhibited growth and invasion in GBM cells in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, FTO regulated the m6A modification of primary microRNA-10a (pri-miR-10a), which could be recognized by reader HNRNPA2B1, recruiting the microRNA microprocessor complex protein DGCR8 and mediating pri-miR-10a processing. Furthermore, the transcriptional activity of FTO was inhibited by the transcription factor SPI1, which could be specifically disrupted by the SPI1 inhibitor DB2313. Treatment with this inhibitor restored endogenous FTO expression and decreased GBM tumor burden, suggesting that FTO may serve as a novel prognostic indicator and therapeutic molecular target of GBM.publishedVersio

    The dual role of glioma exosomal microRNAs: glioma eliminates tumor suppressor miR-1298-5p via exosomes to promote immunosuppressive effects of MDSCs

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    Clear evidence shows that tumors could secrete microRNAs (miRNAs) via exosomes to modulate the tumor microenvironment (TME). However, the mechanisms sorting specific miRNAs into exosomes are still unclear. In order to study the biological function and characterization of exosomal miRNAs, we performed whole-transcriptome sequencing in 59 patients’ whole-course cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) small extracellular vesicles (sEV) and matched glioma tissue samples. The results demonstrate that miRNAs could be divided into exosome-enriched miRNAs (ExomiRNAs) and intracellular-retained miRNAs (CLmiRNAs), and exosome-enriched miRNAs generally play a dual role. Among them, miR-1298-5p was enriched in CSF exosomes and suppressed glioma progression in vitro and vivo experiments. Interestingly, exosomal miR-1298-5p could promote the immunosuppressive effects of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) to facilitate glioma. Therefore, we found miR-1298-5p had different effects on glioma cells and MDSCs. Mechanically, downstream signaling pathway analyses showed that miR-1298-5p plays distinct roles in glioma cells and MDSCs via targeting SETD7 and MSH2, respectively. Moreover, reverse verification was performed on the intracellular-retained miRNA miR-9-5p. Thus, we confirmed that tumor-suppressive miRNAs in glioma cells could be eliminated through exosomes and target tumor-associated immune cells to induce tumor-promoting phenotypes. Glioma could get double benefit from it. These findings uncover the mechanisms that glioma selectively sorts miRNAs into exosomes and modulates tumor immunity.publishedVersio