13 research outputs found

    Stable Deuterium-Tritium burning plasmas with improved confinement in the presence of energetic-ion instabilities

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    Providing stable and clean energy sources is a necessity for the increasing demands of humanity. Energy produced by fusion reactions, in particular in tokamaks, is a promising path towards that goal. However, there is little experience with plasmas under conditions close to those expected in future fusion reactors, because it requires the fusion of Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T), while most of the experiments are currently performed in pure D. After more than 20 years, the Joint European Torus (JET) has carried out new D-T experiments with the aim of exploring the unique characteristics of burning D-T plasmas, such as the presence of highly energetic ions. A new stable, high confinement and impurity-free D-T regime, with strong reduction of energy losses with respect to D, has been found. Multiscale physics mechanisms critically determine the thermal confinement and the fusion power yield. These crucial achievements importantly contribute to the establishment of fusion energy generation as an alternative to fossil fuels

    Representation and modeling of charged particle distributions in tokamaks

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    We propose an orbit-based representation and modeling technique as a solution for ITER IMAS and similar platforms that need to store and process distributions of charged particles in magnetically confined plasmas. As an example, we apply our methods to the construction of a distribution of fusion-born alpha particles in a large tokamak (JET), showing how pitch angle anisotropy arises naturally in toroidal geometry when the birth profile, which is not a function of the alpha’s constants of motion, is sharply peaked near the center. An iterated circular transformation between orbit- and mesh-based representations is performed for verification and as a proof-of-principle for IMAS applications.26th Meeting of ITPA Topical Group on Energetic Particle Physic

    Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the JET tokamak

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    A novel multiphysics methodology for the computation of realistic plasma neutron sources has been developed. The method is based on state-of-the-art plasma transport and neutron spectrum calculations, coupled with a Monte Carlo neutron transport code, bridging the gap between plasma physics and neutronics. In the paper two JET neutronics tokamak models are used to demonstrate the application of the developed plasma neutron sources and validate them. Diagnostic data for the record JET D discharge 92436 are used as input for the TRANSP code, modelling neutron emission in two external plasma heating scenarios, namely using only neutral beam injection and a combination of the latter and ion cyclotron resonance heating. Neutron spectra, based on plasma transport results, are computed using the DRESS code. The developed PLANET code package is employed to generate plasma neutron source descriptions and couple them with the MCNP code. The effects of using the developed sources in neutron transport calculations on the response of JET neutron diagnostic systems is studied and compared to the results obtained with a generic plasma neutron source. It is shown that, although there are significant differences in the emissivity profiles, spectra shape and anisotropy between the neutron sources, the integral response of the time-resolved ex-vessel neutron detectors is largely insensitive to source changes, with major relative deviations of up to several percent. However it is calculated that, due to the broadening of neutron spectra as a consequence of external plasma heating, larger differences may occur in activation of materials which have threshold reactions located at DD neutron peak energies. The PLANET plasma neutron source computational methodology is demonstrated to be suitable for detailed neutron source effect studies on JET during DT experiments and can be applied to ITER analyses

    Evaluation of cross sections for fast ion reactions with beryllium in helium and hydrogen fusion plasmas

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    To computationally support hydrogen and helium plasma discharges in the early stages of tokamak operation and to support the commissioning of the neutron detectors during these operational phases, creation of a realistic neutron and gamma ray particle source for Monte Carlo simulations will be needed. One of the most important parts of creating the particle source is calculating the reaction rates of the particle-emitting reactions to determine the emission profile in the plasma and the energy spectra of the emitted particles. In this paper the analysis and evaluation of cross sections for important neutron-emitting reactions, namely, 9Be(p,nγ)9B, 9Be(3He,nγ)11C, and charged-particle emission reactions 9Be(p,d)2α and 9Be(p,α)6Li that cause neutron emission in the next step of interactions are presented. The reaction cross sections were evaluated based on experimental measurements and empirical models describing the interaction of two charged particles. Evaluation of the associated uncertainties was also performed. The main goal of the work is to propose the newly evaluated cross sections for inclusion in the FENDL nuclear data library, thus making the cross section available to other researchers studying the above listed reactions

    Numerical study of helium ash and fast particle dynamics in a sawtoothing tokamak plasma

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    A relaxation even known as “sawtooth crash” is simulated in a large tokamak plasma with monotonic safety factor close to unity. The domain and the time scale of the event are set to match observations. The simulation follows passive alpha particles with energies 35 keV-3.5 MeV, whose initial density peak is localized in the relaxing domain. While the 35 keV profile flattens, a synergy of multiple physical factors allows the 3.5 MeV profile to remain peaked, facilitating the use of benign sawtooth activity in a fusion reactor to expel helium ash while preserving good confinement of fast alphas.17th Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles and Theory of Plasma Instabilities in Magnetic Confinement Fusion (EPPI

    Energy-selective confinement of fusion-born alpha particles during internal relaxations in a tokamak plasma

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    Long-pulse operation of a self-sustained fusion reactor using toroidal magnetic containment requires control over the content of alpha particles produced by D-T fusion reactions. On the one hand, MeV-class alpha particles must stay confined to heat the plasma. On the other hand, decelerated helium ash must be expelled before diluting the fusion fuel. Here, we report results of kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of a large tokamak plasma that confirm the existence of a parameter window where such energy-selective confinement can be accomplished by exploiting internal relaxation events known as sawtooth crashes. The physical picture — a synergy between magnetic geometry, optimal crash duration and rapid particle motion — is completed by clarifying the role of magnetic drifts. Besides causing asymmetry between co- and counter-going particle populations, magnetic drifts determine the size of the confinement window by dictating where and how much reconnection occurs in particle orbit topology

    Generation and observation of fast deuterium ions and fusion-born alpha particles in JET plasmas with the 3-ion radio-frequency heating scenario

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    Dedicated experiments to generate energetic D ions and D−3He fusion-born alpha particles were performed at the Joint European Torus (JET) with the ITER-like wall (ILW). Using the 3-ion D-(DNBI)-3He radio frequency (RF) heating scenario, deuterium ions from neutral beam injection (NBI) were accelerated in the core of mixed D−3He plasmas to higher energies with ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) waves, in turn leading to a core-localized source of alpha particles. The fast-ion distribution of RF-accelerated D-NBI ions was controlled by varying the ICRF and NBI power (P_{ICRF}≈4-6 MW, P_{NBI}≈3-20 MW), resulting in rather high D-D neutron (≈1×10^16/s) and D−3He alpha rates (≈2×10^16/s) at moderate input heating power. Theory and TRANSP analysis shows that large populations of co-passing MeV-range D ions were generated using the D−(DNBI)−3He 3-ion ICRF scenario. This important result is corroborated by several experimental observations, in particular gamma-ray measurements. The developed experimental scenario at JET provides unique conditions for probing several aspects of future burning plasmas, such as the contribution from MeV range ions to global confinement, but without introducing tritium. Dominant fast-ion core electron heating with T_i≈T_e and a rich variety of fast-ion driven Alfven eigenmodes (AEs) were observed in these D−3He plasmas. The observed AE activities do not have a detrimental effect on the thermal confinement and, in some cases, may be driven by the fusion born alpha particles. A strong continuous increase in neutron rate was observed during long-period sawteeth (>1 s), accompanied by the observation of reversed shear AEs, which implies that a non-monotonic q profile was systematically developed in these plasmas, sustained by the large fast-ion populations generated by the 3-ion ICRF scenario