47 research outputs found

    Evaluation of multi-exponential curve fitting analysis of oxygen-quenched phosphorescence decay traces for recovering microvascular oxygen tension histograms

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    Although it is generally accepted that oxygen-quenched phosphorescence decay traces can be analyzed using the exponential series method (ESM), its application until now has been limited to a few (patho)physiological studies, probably because the reliability of the recovered oxygen tension (pO2) histograms has never been extensively evaluated and lacks documentation. The aim of this study was, therefore, to evaluate the use of the ESM to adequately determine pO2 histograms from phosphorescence decay traces. For this purpose we simulated decay traces corresponding to uni- and bimodal pO2 distributions and recovered the pO2 histograms at different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Ultimately, we recovered microvascular pO2 histograms measured in the rat kidney in a model of endotoxemic shock and fluid resuscitation and showed that the mean microvascular oxygen tension, 〈pO2〉, decreased after induction of endotoxemia and that after 2 h of fluid resuscitation, 〈pO2〉 remained low, but the hypoxic peak that had arisen during endotoxemia was reduced. This finding illustrates the importance of recovering pO2 histograms under (patho)physiological conditions. In conclusion, this study has characterized how noise affects the recovery of pO2 histograms using the ESM and documented the reliability of the ESM for recovering both low- and high-pO2 distributions for SNRs typically found in experiments. This study might therefore serve as a frame of reference for investigations focused on oxygen (re)distribution during health and disease and encourage researchers to (re-)analyze data obtained in (earlier) studies possibly revealing new insights into complex disease states and treatment strategies

    In vivo Identification and Specificity assessment of mRNA markers of hypoxia in human and mouse tumors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor hypoxia is linked to poor prognosis, but identification and quantification of tissue hypoxia remains a challenge. The hypoxia-specificity of HIF-1α target genes in vivo has been questioned due to the confounding influence of other microenvironmental abnormalities known to affect gene expression (e.g., low pH). Here we describe a new technique that by exploiting intratumoral oxygenation heterogeneity allows us to identify and objectively rank the most robust mRNA hypoxia biomarkers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mice carrying human (FaDu<sub>dd</sub>) or murine (SCCVII) tumors were injected with the PET hypoxia tracer FAZA. Four hours post-injection tumors were removed, frozen, and crushed into milligram-sized fragments, which were transferred individually to pre-weighed tubes containing RNAlater and then weighed. For each fragment radioactivity per tissue mass and expression patterns of selected mRNA biomarkers were analyzed and compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both tumour models, fragmentation into pieces weighing 10 to 60 mg resulted in tissue fragments with highly variable relative content of hypoxic cells as evidenced by an up to 13-fold variation in FAZA radioactivity per mass of tissue. Linear regression analysis comparing FAZA retention with patterns of gene expression in individual tissue fragments revealed that CA9, GLUT1 and LOX mRNA levels were equally and strongly correlated to hypoxic extent in FaDu<sub>dd</sub>. The same link between hypoxia and gene expression profile was observed for CA9 and GLUT1, but not LOX, in SCCVII tumors. Apparent in vivo hypoxia-specificity for other putative molecular markers of tissue hypoxia was considerably weaker.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The portrayed technique allows multiple pairwise measurements of mRNA transcript levels and extent of hypoxia in individual tumors at a smallest possible volumetric scale which (by limiting averaging effects inherent to whole-tumor analysis) strengthen the conclusiveness on true hypoxia-specificity of candidate genes while limiting the required number of tumors. Among tested genes, our study identified CA9, GLUT1 and possibly LOX as highly specific biomarkers of tumor hypoxia in vivo.</p

    From ‘Hellstrom Paradox–to anti-adenosinergic cancer immunotherapy

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    Cancer therapy by endogenous or adoptively transferred anti-tumor T cells is considered complementary to conventional cancer treatment by surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. However, the scope of promising immunotherapeutic protocols is currently limited because tumors can create a ‘hostile–immunosuppressive microenvironment that prevents their destruction by anti-tumor T cells. There is a possibility to develop better and more effective immunotherapies by inactivating mechanisms that inhibit anti-tumor T cells in the tumor microenvironment and thereby protect cancerous tissues from immune damage. This may be now possible because of the recent demonstration that genetic deletion of immunosuppressive A2A and A2B adenosine receptors (A2AR and A2BR) or their pharmacological inactivation can prevent the inhibition of anti-tumor T cells by the hypoxic tumor microenvironment and as a result facilitate full tumor rejection [Ohta A, Gorelik E, Prasad SJ et al (2006) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103(35):13132–3137]. This approach is based on in vivo genetic evidence that A2AR play a critical role in the protection of normal tissues from overactive immune cells in acutely inflamed and hypoxic areas. The observations of much improved T-cell-mediated rejection of tumors in mice with inactivated A2AR strongly suggest that A2AR also protects hypoxic cancerous tissues and that A2AR should be inactivated in order to improve tumor rejection by anti-tumor T cells

    In vivo evaluation of [18F]fluoroetanidazole as a new marker for imaging tumour hypoxia with positron emission tomography

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    Development of hypoxia-targeted therapies has stimulated the search for clinically applicable noninvasive markers of tumour hypoxia. Here, we describe the validation of [18F]fluoroetanidazole ([18F]FETA) as a tumour hypoxia marker by positron emission tomography (PET). Cellular transport and retention of [18F]FETA were determined in vitro under air vs nitrogen. Biodistribution and metabolism of the radiotracer were determined in mice bearing MCF-7, RIF-1, EMT6, HT1080/26.6, and HT1080/1-3C xenografts. Dynamic PET imaging was performed on a dedicated small animal scanner. [18F]FETA, with an octanol–water partition coefficient of 0.16±0.01, was selectively retained by RIF-1 cells under hypoxia compared to air (3.4- to 4.3-fold at 60–120 min). The radiotracer was stable in the plasma and distributed well to all the tissues studied. The 60-min tumour/muscle ratios positively correlated with the percentage of pO2 values <5 mmHg (r=0.805, P=0.027) and carbogen breathing decreased [18F]FETA-derived radioactivity levels (P=0.028). In contrast, nitroreductase activity did not influence accumulation. Tumours were sufficiently visualised by PET imaging within 30–60 min. Higher fractional retention of [18F]FETA in HT1080/1-3C vs HT1080/26.6 tumours determined by dynamic PET imaging (P=0.05) reflected higher percentage of pO2 values <1 mmHg (P=0.023), lower vessel density (P=0.026), and higher radiobiological hypoxic fraction (P=0.008) of the HT1080/1-3C tumours. In conclusion, [18F]FETA shows hypoxia-dependent tumour retention and is, thus, a promising PET marker that warrants clinical evaluation

    Microenvironmental adaptation of experimental tumours to chronic vs acute hypoxia

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    This study investigated long-term microenvironmental responses (oxygenation, perfusion, metabolic status, proliferation, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and vascularisation) to chronic hypoxia in experimental tumours. Experiments were performed using s.c.-implanted DS-sarcomas in rats. In order to induce more pronounced tumour hypoxia, one group of animals was housed in a hypoxic atmosphere (8% O2) for the whole period of tumour growth (chronic hypoxia). A second group was acutely exposed to inspiratory hypoxia for only 20 min prior to the measurements (acute hypoxia), whereas animals housed under normal atmospheric conditions served as controls. Acute hypoxia reduced the median oxygen partial pressure (pO2) dramatically (1 vs 10 mmHg in controls), whereas in chronically hypoxic tumours the pO2 was significantly improved (median pO2=4 mmHg), however not reaching the control level. These findings reflect the changes in tumour perfusion where acutely hypoxic tumours show a dramatic reduction of perfused tumour vessels (maybe the result of a simultaneous reduction in arterial blood pressure). In animals under chronic inspiratory hypoxia, the number of perfused vessels increased (compared to acute hypoxia), although the perfusion pattern found in control tumours was not reached. In the chronically hypoxic animals, tumour cell proliferation and tumour growth were significantly reduced, whereas no differences in VEGF expression and vascular density between these groups were observed. These results suggest that long-term adaptation of tumours to chronic hypoxia in vivo, while not affecting vascularity, does influence the functional status of the microvessels in favour of a more homogeneous perfusion

    Molecular imaging of hypoxia with radiolabelled agents

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    Tissue hypoxia results from an inadequate supply of oxygen (O2) that compromises biological functions. Structural and functional abnormalities of the tumour vasculature together with altered diffusion conditions inside the tumour seem to be the main causes of tumour hypoxia. Evidence from experimental and clinical studies points to a role for tumour hypoxia in tumour propagation, resistance to therapy and malignant progression. This has led to the development of assays for the detection of hypoxia in patients in order to predict outcome and identify patients with a worse prognosis and/or patients that would benefit from appropriate treatments. A variety of invasive and non-invasive approaches have been developed to measure tumour oxygenation including oxygen-sensitive electrodes and hypoxia marker techniques using various labels that can be detected by different methods such as positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), autoradiography and immunohistochemistry. This review aims to give a detailed overview of non-invasive molecular imaging modalities with radiolabelled PET and SPECT tracers that are available to measure tumour hypoxia

    Otolithiasis in three dogs

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