26 research outputs found

    Transformation of Forest Vegetation After 40 Years of Protection in the Tomczyce Nature Reserve (Central Poland)

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    The Tomczyce nature reserve is characterized by a degenerated forest vegetation. We assume that the regeneration process was possible to launch after the establishment of the nature reserve in 1968. The vegetation of the Tomczyce forest complex was characterized for the first time by Jakubowska-Gabara (1976) whose studies were taken as a basis of our research. The phytocenoses after 40. years of protection have a greater participation of species with higher trophic and moisture requirements. The regeneration process in communities with pine trees is caused by an expansion of broad-leaved trees and shrubs. Transformation of forest vegetation causes a decrease in cover of thermophilous and heliophilous species. On the other hand, species of oak-hornbeam forests as well as anthropophytes are in expansion. Planning of the protection activities in the nature reserve needs to include these dynamic tendencies of the vegetation

    The spread of alien species along the touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park

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    Touristic routes have a great meaning for the spread of alien species through the protected areas like national parks. The aim of the study was to assess the spread of the chosen species along the different kinds of touristic routes of the Słowiński National Park and asphalt roads lying in the direct vicinity of the Park, in its protective zone. The presence of 108 localities of eight alien species were recorded (Padus serotina, Quercus rubra, Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia from woody species and Conyza canadensis, Impatiens parviflora, Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana from herbaceous plants). The localities of the woody plants were found in areas where they were formerly deliberately planted or near routes leading to such areas. All of the analysed woody plants can be the source of ecological threat and should be actively removed. Interestingly, regarding herbaceous plants, the species which according to literature are not a threat to untransformed habitats – Juncus tenuis and Oxalis fontana – were noted quite commonly. Their populations should be monitored. The populations of Impatiens parviflora, classified to the IV class of invasiveness and Conyza canadensis, which can invade sand dunes, should be destroyed as soon as possible till they occupy small areas

    Pregnancy-associated breast cancer - diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for women and their offspring

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    Introduction: Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is the most common malignancy in pregnant women with an incidence of 1 in 3-10 thousand pregnancies. It is mostly defined as breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or within 1 year postpartum. The number of PABCs is going to raise due to the trend of delaying childbearing. Purpose: This review summarizes data on the occurrence and characteristics of PABC. The analysis comprises diagnosis and proper treatment of BC during pregnancy. Prognosis of women and their offspring are emphasized. Material and methods: The review is based on publications mainly from 2010 to 2019 and 5 articles from 1994-2008 collected on the PubMed.  Results: The sensitivity of breast ultrasonography (USG) in pregnancy is 70-100% and it is considered as safe for the fetus. Staging evaluation in pregnant women consists of chest x-ray, liver USG and non-contrast bone MRI. 71-88% of PABCs are invasive ductal carcinomas. Treatment consists of breast surgery regardless of time and optionally, chemotherapy from the 2nd trimester. Radiotherapy, tamoxifen and trastuzumab are contraindicated in PABC. Therapeutic abortion does not improve oncological outcome. Overall prognosis is similar for both pregnant and non-pregnant patients with similar type and stage of BC. The rate of congenital malformations is 1,3% for both children of PABC patients treated with chemotherapy and born from women without chemotherapeutic treatment. The most frequent obstetrical complication of PABC treatment is preterm delivery. Conclusions: Pregnancy does not impact oncologic outcome, if the treatment is appropriate. PABC patients have survival rates consistent with the stage of disease. Proper treatment of PABC does not increase the risk of congenital malformations and is relatively safe for the fetus. 

    Short‑term cell death in tissues of Pulsatilla vernalis seeds from natural and ex situ conserved populations

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    Pulsatilla vernalis is a IUCN listed species that occurs in mountain and lowland habitats. The seeds collected from different populations are remarkably diverse in their viability depending on locality or year of collection. We aim to analyse seed viability, among others, by investigation of the percentage of alive, dying, and dead cells in embryos and endosperm when comparing the seeds from a wild lowland population and ex situ cultivation of plants of lowland and Alpine origin. The cell death was detected by staining with two fluorescence probes, one penetrating only the changed nuclear membranes, the other penetrating also the unchanged cells. 54.5% of Alpine origin seeds were presumably capable of germination if they were sown after collection, however, four months later only 36.4% had healthy embryos. In the case of lowland wild plants it was 31.8% and 18.2%, and from ex situ, 27.3% and 13.6%, respectively. 27.3% of Alpine origin seeds had embryo in torpedo stage (9.1% in the case of lowland seeds). Mean weight of the former was 2.9 mg (2.0 mg in lowland ones). Our results confirm the significance of seed origin and seed weight on viability, and that Pulsatilla seeds have a short ‘germination time window’

    Markery ryzyka rozwoju cukrzycy typu 1 u krewnych I stopnia osób chorych na cukrzycę typu 1

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate beta-cell function and insulin resistance in relation to the occurrence of anti-islet antibodies in first degree relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D).Material and methods: The group studied consisted of 90 relatives and 60 healthy individuals without a family history of diabetes. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed in all participants and the first phase insulin response index (FPIR) was calculated. Serum concentrations of GADA, IAA and IA-2A were measured by RIA. HOMA-IR and HOMA%B indices were calculated usinga computer calculator from website.Results: At least one positive antibody was found in 28 relatives (31.1%) but in none of the controls. The most frequently detected antibodieswere IAA (22.2%). The relatives of diabetic patients had significantly higher fasting insulin level (p), significantly lower FPIR index(p), as well as higher HOMA-IR (p) and lower HOMA%B (p) compared to the controls. A positive correlation between IAA concentration and HOMA-IR (r = 0.287, p < 0.005) and a negative correlation between IAA level and HOMA%B (r = –0.226, p < 0.05) were also shown.Conclusions: Our results confirmed that more than 30% of the first-degree relatives of diabetic patients have positive markers of autoimmunebeta-cell destruction. The study showed also that these individuals, in spite of normal glucose tolerance, have markedly decreased beta-cell secretory reserve and decreased sensitivity to insulin action, strongly suggesting an increased risk for developing diabetes laterin life.Wstęp: Celem pracy była ocena funkcji komórek beta i wrażliwości na insulinę w zależności od obecności przeciwciał skierowanych przeciwko antygenom wysp trzustkowych, u krewnych I stopnia osób chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 (T1D).Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 90 krewnych I stopnia oraz 60 osób z ujemnym wywiadem rodzinnym w kierunku cukrzycy (grupa kontrolna). U wszystkich badanych dokonano pomiaru przeciwciał GADA, IAA i IA-2A (RIA), a następnie wykonano dożylny test tolerancji glukozy z oceną pierwszej fazy wydzielania insuliny oraz obliczono wskaźniki HOMA-IR i HOMA%B.Wyniki: Podwyższone stężenie przynajmniej jednego przeciwciała stwierdzono u 28 krewnych (31,1%), przy czym najwyższy odsetek dotyczył przeciwciał IAA (22,2%). Obecności przeciwciał przeciwwyspowych nie obserwowano w grupie kontrolnej. W grupie krewnych wykazano ponadto istotnie wyższe stężenie insuliny na czczo (p < 0,005), istotnie obniżony wskaźnik pierwszej fazy wydzielania insuliny (p < 0,005), jak również znamiennie wyższy wskaźnik HOMA-IR (p < 0,005) i niższy wskaźnik HOMA%B (p < 0,05) w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Stwierdzono także dodatnią korelację pomiędzy stężeniem IAA i HOMA-IR (r = 0,287, p < 0,005) oraz ujemną pomiędzy stężeniem IAA i HOMA%B (r = –0,226, p < 0,05).Wnioski: Wyniki potwierdzają obecność markerów autoimmunologicznej destrukcji komórek beta u ponad jednej trzeciej krewnych pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 1. Krewni I stopnia, pomimo prawidłowej tolerancji glukozy, charakteryzują się zaburzeniami pierwszej fazy wydzielania insuliny oraz zmniejszoną wrażliwością na insulinę, co może wskazywać na podwyższone ryzyko rozwoju cukrzycy typu 1 w przyszłości

    (Nie)Święta Wojna

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    Dyskusja redkacyjna (Stanowiska).Przedstawione przez Katarzynę Zielińską komentarze są oparte na wynikach badań prowadzonych w ramach projektu „Religia w polskiej polityce w kontekście integracji europejskiej" finansowa- nego z Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (grant nr 5535/B/H03/2011/40)

    The Condyloma acuminata - the review of the treatment methods

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    Introduction and purpose: Condyloma acuminata, a benign manifestation of HPV infection, is a common sexually transmitted disease. Condyloma acuminata most commonly affects the anogenital area, but can also occur in the oral cavity. Macroscopically the lesions present as raised, fleshy papules, sometimes flat and broad, pedicled or cauliflower-like. Generally, the lesions are multiple, and as they grow, tend to coalesce into larger ones. Due to the lack of symptoms, condyloma acuminata are often found incidentally during routine medical appointments, e.g. in gynecologist’s offices. Additional symptoms and signs are pain, minor bleeding and pruritus. Patients suffering from condyloma acuminata are often in psychological and psychosexual distress.  This work aims to provide a summary of the currently available treatment options based on scientific reports to date. A brief description of the state of knowledge: Among the factors that increase the risk of the HPV infection are age, lifestyle, promiscuity, smoking, HIV infection, a history of chlamydia or gonorrhea infections. To date, no treatment algorithm has been developed for condyloma acuminata. Two vaccines are on offer as primary prevention, Gardasil and Cervarix. The available treatment options are divided into two main groups: patient-administered and physician administered. Surgical methods have the highest therapeutic efficacy. Condyloma acuminata has a high recurrence rate. Usually, a multi-session combination treatment is needed to reach total remission. Summary (conclusions): The treatment of condyloma acuminata includes personalized targets due to their diverse clinical picture and the limitations of certain patient groups. The available treatment options do not exhaust the needs of patients suffering from condyloma acuminata. Further research into the effectiveness of specific treatments is advisable

    Critical Analysis of the Efficacy and Limitations of GLP-1 Pharmaceuticals in Obesity Management: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Introduction and purpose Obesity, a pervasive global pandemic intricately linked to various comorbidities, necessitates a comprehensive and nuanced approach. This article delves into the intricate realm of obesity guidelines, underscoring the significance of lifestyle modifications, preventive measures for childhood obesity, population-based strategies, clinical management protocols, and vigilant monitoring. GLP-1 drugs, originally designed for type 2 diabetes management, exhibit multifaceted effects beyond glycemic control. They influence appetite regulation, gastric emptying dynamics, and potentially contribute to cardiovascular health improvements. However, the commendable effects come with a caveat - potential side effects necessitating careful consideration in clinical decision-making. Despite gaining popularity through celebrity endorsements, this article firmly underscores the need to view GLP-1 pharmacotherapy as a recommended intervention rather than a miraculous solution. A brief description of the state of knowledge Integral to the obesity discourse is the imperative to address weight stigma, demanding evidence-based approaches in both clinical and public health domains. The narrative extends into the future landscape of obesity pharmacotherapy, contemplating the potential role of probiotics. Emphasizing the necessity for long-term studies and randomized trials, it positions probiotics as a low-risk alternative with significant potential in mitigating obesity while simultaneously addressing concerns related to antibiotic resistance. Summary The pursuit of a balanced and effective approach to obesity management necessitates a nuanced understanding of medical interventions, consideration of societal perceptions, and exploration of innovative possibilities within the evolving landscape of healthcare

    Male breast cancer - a review on risk factors, tumor characteristics, diagnostics and treatment

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    Introduction and purpose: Male breast cancer (MBC) is estimated to less than 1% of all breast cancer cases worldwide. A lifetime risk of developing MBC amounts to 1:1000. The data on breast cancer in men is limited. This review aims to analyze information on risk factors, diagnostics and treatment in men suffering from breast cancer.  Material and method: This review was based on available data collected in PubMed and published in the years 2001-2022. The research was done by looking through keywords as follows: “breast cancer”, “male breast cancer”, “risk factors” and “treatment”. Results: Male breast cancer usually manifests as a painless, retroareolar mass in the breast. Risk factors include advanced age, hormonal imbalance, exposure to radiation and a positive family history. A significant risk increase in MBC development occurs in BRCA2, CHEK2, PALB2 and ATM genes mutations. G2 ductal carcinoma with no special type is most often diagnosed. Dominating subtype is luminal A cancer, while HER2 protein overexpression is extremely rare. Radical mastectomy or breast conserving therapy remain surgical therapeutic options. The most preferred endocrine therapy is tamoxifen. The choice of chemotherapy in men is based on the same criteria as in women.  Conclusions: Delayed diagnosis and tumor characteristics are associated with a much worse prognosis for men compared to women. Therefore, further clinical research is crucial in order to improve the diagnostic possibilities and treatment targeted at men with this type of cancer

    Morphometric traits in the fine-leaved fescues depend on ploidy level: the case of Festuca amethystina L.

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    Background Polyploid specimens are usually characterized by greater exuberance: they reach larger sizes and/or have a larger number of some organs. Festuca amethystina L. belongs to the section Aulaxyper. Based on morphological features, four subspecies of F. amethystina have been already identified. On the other hand, it has two cytotypes: diploid and tetraploid. The main aim of our study was to distinguish morphological differences between the cytotypes of F. amethystina, assuming that its phenotype differs significantly. Methods The nuclear DNA content was measured by flow cytometry in dry leaves from specimens originating from 13 populations of F. amethystina. Several macrometric and micrometric traits of stems, spikelets and leaf blades were taken into account in the comparative analysis of two cytotypes. Results In the case of cytotypes, specimens of tetraploids were larger than diploids. The conducted morphometric analysis of leaf cross-sections showed significant differences between the cytotypes. Discussion The research has confirmed for the first time that in the case of F. amethystina the principle of greater exuberance of polyploids is true. Differences between the cytotypes are statistically significant, however, they are not enough to make easy the distinction of cytotypes on the basis of the measurements themselves. Our findings favor the rule known in Festuca taxonomy as a whole, i.e. that the ploidy level can be one of the main classification criteria