618 research outputs found

    Проектирование релейной защиты и автоматики района линии 220 кВ ПС «Тулинская» – «Новосибирская ГЭС» Новосибирской энергосистемы

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    Объектом исследования являются релейная защита и автоматика линии Подстанция Тулинская – Новосибирская ГЭС напряжением 220 кВ. В процессе исследования проводились анализ защищаемого объекта, обоснование и выбор видов и состава релейной защиты, аппаратной реализации релейной защиты линии электропередачи, расчет уставок и чувствительности релейной защиты линии электропередачи.The object of the research are relay protection and automation of the Tulinskaya substation - Novosibirsk HPP line with a voltage of 220 kV. The study carried out an analysis of the protected object, the justification and the choice of species and the composition of the relay protection, a hardware implementation of relaying the transmission line, the calculation of sensitivity settings and relaying the transmission line

    The Users' Perspective on the Privacy-Utility Trade-offs in Health Recommender Systems

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    Privacy is a major good for users of personalized services such as recommender systems. When applied to the field of health informatics, privacy concerns of users may be amplified, but the possible utility of such services is also high. Despite availability of technologies such as k-anonymity, differential privacy, privacy-aware recommendation, and personalized privacy trade-offs, little research has been conducted on the users' willingness to share health data for usage in such systems. In two conjoint-decision studies (sample size n=521), we investigate importance and utility of privacy-preserving techniques related to sharing of personal health data for k-anonymity and differential privacy. Users were asked to pick a preferred sharing scenario depending on the recipient of the data, the benefit of sharing data, the type of data, and the parameterized privacy. Users disagreed with sharing data for commercial purposes regarding mental illnesses and with high de-anonymization risks but showed little concern when data is used for scientific purposes and is related to physical illnesses. Suggestions for health recommender system development are derived from the findings.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Скарны и послескарновые метасоматиты северной части Саралинского рудного поля

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    В статье рассматривается геологическая позиция скарнов и послескарновых метасоматитов. Даются краткие петрографические, геохимические характеристики и устанавливается их генетическая связь с более молодой, незолотоносной интрузией гранит-гранодиоритового состава

    Хімічна інженерна освіта: історія розвитку

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    У статті висвітлюється питання підготовки інженерів-хіміків для народного господарства в системі вищої освіти України.The article is devoted to the problem training of chemical engineer for national economy in system of the higher education of the Ukraine

    Issues and perspectives of fiber optic gyroscopes application in space technology

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    Разработана математическая модель системы «ротор - электромагнитные подшипники» для электродвигателя-маховика системы ориентации и стабилизации космического аппарата. Модель учитывает собственные частоты изгибных колебаний ротора и коэффициенты жесткости электромагнитных подшипников. Предложен способ повышения угловой жесткости системы путем применения многополюсного осевого электромагнитного подшипника и рассмотрено влияние его коэффициента жесткости на собственные частоты системы.The paper presents the mathematical model of «rotor - active magnetic bearings» system for reaction wheel used in spacecraft attitude control system. Developed model consider the natural frequencies of rotor bending oscillations and stiffness parameters of electromagnetic bearing. Method of angular stiffness increasing by using multipolar axial magnetic bearing is suggested and the results of impact analysis of multipolar axial magnetic bearing stiffness on resonance frequencies of system is considered

    Вывод электронного пучка из камеры бетатрона

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    Многофазный конвертор мощного двигателя постоянного тока

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    Показана возможность реализации мощных многофазных конверторов, ключевые элементы которых управляются импульсами с равномерным фазовым сдвигом по времени и цифровым кодом задания скважности

    How does mitochondrial heteroplasmy affect cell proliferation?

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    Mitochondrial mutations and heteroplasmy have been associated with disease states that result from inadequate cellular energy production. As mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes many of the polypeptides involved in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), mtDNA mutations may lower energy production which is required for cell division and sustained ATP synthesis. In order to test the relationship between mtDNA mutations and the rate of cell division, a mammary epithelial cancer cell line, MCF-7, is used as a model. Nine proliferate single cell clones have been isolated from MCF-7. Population doubling times of six single cell clones and the MCF-7 stock have been determined. Clones with distinctly different growth rates were selected for mutational analysis. Growth rates of these clones appeared to be different from each other. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing, three cases of heteroplasmy have been identified in the mitochondrial genes of the MCF-7 stock and four single cell clones (ATPase C9119T, ND6 T14300G, Cytb G15807A). Heteroplasmy present in the Cytb gene is differs between single cell clones. Differences between the growth rates may be indicative of metabolic variations in these single cell clones. The OXPHOS enzymes encoded by the mutated genes were quantified by standard enzymatic assays. The assays demonstrated significant differences in specific activity between the clones, but were not correlated with mitochondrial heteroplasmy. This thesis determines that the differences in specific activity observed between clones is of nuclear origin