56 research outputs found

    Validating IoT Devices with Rate-Based Session Types

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    We develop a session types based framework for implementing and validating rate-based message passing systems in Internet of Things (IoT) domains. To model the indefinite repetition present in many embedded and IoT systems, we introduce a timed process calculus with a periodic recursion primitive. This allows us to model rate-based computations and communications inherent to these application domains. We introduce a definition of rate based session types in a binary session types setting and a new compatibility relationship, which we call rate compatibility. Programs which type check enjoy the standard session types guarantees as well as rate error freedom --- meaning processes which exchanges messages do so at the same rate. Rate compatibility is defined through a new notion of type expansion, a relation that allows communication between processes of differing periods by synthesizing and checking a common superperiod type. We prove type preservation and rate error freedom for our system, and show a decidable method for type checking based on computing superperiods for a collection of processes. We implement a prototype of our type system including rate compatibility via an embedding into the native type system of Rust. We apply this framework to a range of examples from our target domain such as Android software sensors, wearable devices, and sound processing

    Identifying A Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-Language Virtual Machines

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    Supporting all known abstractions for concurrent and parallel programming in a virtual machines (VM) is a futile undertaking, but it is required to give programmers appropriate tools and performance. Instead of supporting all abstractions directly, VMs need a unifying mechanism similar to \textttINVOKEDYNAMIC for JVMs. Our survey of parallel and concurrent programming concepts identifies concurrency abstractions as the ones benefiting most from support in a VM. Currently, their semantics is often weakened, reducing their engineering benefits. They require a mechanism to define flexible language guarantees. Based on this survey, we define an ownership-based meta-object protocol as candidate for VM support. We demonstrate its expressiveness by implementing actor semantics, software transactional memory, agents, CSP, and active objects. While the performance of our prototype confirms the need for VM support, it also shows that the chosen mechanism is appropriate to express a wide range of concurrency abstractions in a unified way

    Corporate constructed and dissent enabling public spheres: differentiating dissensual from consensual corporate social responsibility

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    I here distinguish dissensual from consensual corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the grounds that the former is more concerned to organize (or portray) corporate-civil society disagreement than it is corporate-civil society agreement. In doing so, I first conceive of consensual CSR, and identify a positive and negative view thereof. Second, I conceive of dissensual CSR, and suggest that it can be actualized through the construction of dissent enabling, rather than consent-oriented, public spheres. Following this, I describe four actor-centred institutional theories-i.e. a sociological, ethical, transformative and economic perspective, respectively-and suggest that an economic perspective is generally well suited to explaining CSR activities at the organizational level. Accordingly, I then use the economic perspective to analyse a dissent enabling public sphere that Shell has constructed, and within which Greenpeace participated. In particular, I explain Shell's employment of dissensual CSR in terms of their core business interests; and identify some potential implications thereof for Shell, Greenpeace, and society more generally. In concluding, I highlight a number of ways in which the present paper can inform future research on business and society interactions

    A multiparty session typing discipline for fault-tolerant event-driven distributed programming

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    This paper presents a formulation of multiparty session types (MPSTs) for practical fault-tolerant distributed programming. We tackle the challenges faced by session types in the context of distributed systems involving asynchronous and concurrent partial failures – such as supporting dynamic replacement of failed parties and retrying failed protocol segments in an ongoing multiparty session – in the presence of unreliable failure detection. Key to our approach is that we develop a novel model of event-driven concurrency for multiparty sessions. Inspired by real-world practices, it enables us to unify the session-typed handling of regular I/O events with failure handling and the combination of features needed to express practical fault-tolerant protocols. Moreover, the characteristics of our model allow us to prove a global progress property for well-typed processes engaged in multiple concurrent sessions, which does not hold in traditional MPST systems. To demonstrate its practicality, we implement our framework as a toolchain and runtime for Scala, and use it to specify and implement a session-typed version of the cluster management system of the industrial-strength Apache Spark data analytics framework. Our session-typed cluster manager composes with other vanilla Spark components to give a functioning Spark runtime; e.g., it can execute existing third-party Spark applications without code modification. A performance evaluation using the TPC-H benchmark shows our prototype implementation incurs an average overhead below 10%

    A typing discipline for statically verified crash failure handling in distributed systems

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    A key requirement for many distributed systems is to be resilient toward partial failures, allowing a system to progress despite the failure of some components. This makes programming of such systems daunting, particularly in regards to avoiding inconsistencies due to failures and asynchrony. This work introduces a formal model for crash failure handling in asynchronous distributed systems featuring a lightweight coordinator, modeled in the image of widely used systems such as ZooKeeper and Chubby. We develop a typing discipline based on multiparty session types for this model that supports the specification and static verification of multiparty protocols with explicit failure handling. We show that our type system ensures subject reduction and progress in the presence of failures. In other words, in a well-typed system even if some participants crash during execution, the system is guaranteed to progress in a consistent manner with the remaining participants

    In silico

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