1,248 research outputs found

    Multistep transition of diamond to warm dense matter state revealed by femtosecond X-ray diffraction

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    Diamond bulk irradiated with a free-electron laser pulse of 6100 eV photon energy, 5 fs duration, at the ∼19−25\sim 19-25 eV/atom absorbed doses, is studied theoretically on its way to warm dense matter state. Simulations with our hybrid code XTANT show disordering on sub-100 fs timescale, with the diffraction peak (220) vanishing faster than the peak (111). The warm dense matter formation proceeds as a nonthermal damage of diamond with the band gap collapse triggering atomic disordering. Short-living graphite-like state is identified during a few femtoseconds between the disappearance of (220) peak and the disappearance of (111) peak. The results obtained are compared with the data from the recent experiment at SACLA, showing qualitative agreement. Challenges remaining for the accurate modeling of the transition of solids to warm dense matter state and proposals for supplementary measurements are discussed in detail.Comment: Preprint, submitte

    Factorial correlators: angular scaling within QCD jets

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    Factorial correlators measure the amount of dynamical correlation in multiplicity between two separated phase-space windows. We present the analytical derivation of factorial correlators for a QCD jet described at the double logarithmic (DL) accuracy. We obtain a new angular scaling property for properly normalized correlators between two solid-angle cells or two rings around the jet axis. Normalized QCD factorial correlators scale with the angular distance and are independent of the window size. Scaling violations are expected beyond DL approximation, in particular from the subjet structure. Experimental tests are feasible, and thus welcome.Comment: preprint SACLAY-T00-182, TSL/ISV-00-0239; 18 pages, latex, 4 figures; submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    The photon structure and exclusive production of vector mesons in gamma-gamma collisions

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    The process of exclusive vector meson production (gamma gamma to J/psi rho^0) is studied for almost real photons. This process may be reduced to photoproduction of J/psi off the rho^0 meson. We discuss the possibility of extracting the gluon distribution of rho^0 and of the photon from such measurement. Predictions are also given for the reaction (e+e- to e+ e- J/psi rho^0) for various e+e- cms energies typical for LEP and for the future linear colliders.Comment: 10 pages with 3 Postscript figure

    Thermal and nonthermal melting of silicon under femtosecond x-ray irradiation

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    As it is known from visible light experiments, silicon under femtosecond pulse irradiation can undergo the so-called 'nonthermal melting' if the density of electrons excited from the valence to the conduction band overcomes a certain critical value. Such ultrafast transition is induced by strong changes in the atomic potential energy surface, which trigger atomic relocation. However, heating of a material due to the electron-phonon coupling can also lead to a phase transition, called 'thermal melting'. This thermal melting can occur even if the excited-electron density is much too low to induce non-thermal effects. To study phase transitions, and in particular, the interplay of the thermal and nonthermal effects in silicon under a femtosecond x-ray irradiation, we propose their unified treatment by going beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation within our hybrid model based on tight binding molecular dynamics. With our extended model we identify damage thresholds for various phase transitions in irradiated silicon. We show that electron-phonon coupling triggers the phase transition of solid silicon into a low-density liquid phase if the energy deposited into the sample is above ∼0.65\sim0.65 eV per atom. For the deposited doses of over ∼0.9\sim0.9 eV per atom, solid silicon undergoes a phase transition into high-density liquid phase triggered by an interplay between electron-phonon heating and nonthermal effects. These thresholds are much lower than those predicted with the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (∼2.1\sim2.1 eV/atom), and indicate a significant contribution of electron-phonon coupling to the relaxation of the laser-excited silicon. We expect that these results will stimulate dedicated experimental studies, unveiling in detail various paths of structural relaxation within laser-irradiated silicon
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