203 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary crude protein and calcium/ phosphorus content on growth, nitrogen and mineral retention in broiler chickens

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    This experiment was conducted to examine the effect of three levels of crude protein (CP) (NRC, 15% more than NRC and 15% less than NRC) and three levels of Ca and available P (Av. P) (NRC, 15% more than NRC and 15% less than NRC) on performance of broilers from hatching until 21 days of age. The experimental design was a completely randomized design (CRD), with a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement of nine dietary treatments. Each treatment combination had four replicate pens (10 birds per pen). Results of this experiment showed that CP content had no significant effect on feed and water intake. However, body weight gain (BWG) significantly reduced and FCR increased (P < 0.05) by 15% change in CP content of diet. Fifteen percent increase in mineral content of diets had no significant effect on feed intake. However, increase in Ca and Av. P significantly increased BWG and resulted in an improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) and increased water intake. There was an interactive effect of CP by Ca and Av. P levels on feed intake, BWG and FCR. A change in CP or mineral content of the diets had no significant effect on blood parameters except for potassium concentration (K+). Reducing CP, Ca and Av. P content of the diet significantly (P < 0.001) increased P, Ca and N retention. Reduction in CP content of the diet led to a decrease in length, P and tibia bone ash. There was an interactive effect of CP by Ca and Av. P on the retention of Ca, N and ash of tibia bone.Key words: Crude protein, Ca and Av. P levels, broilers, N retention

    MicroRNA-129-1 acts as tumour suppressor and induces cell cycle arrest of GBM cancer cells through targeting IGF2BP3 and MAPK1

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    Background MicroRNA-129-1 (miR-129-1) seems to behave as a tumour suppressor since its decreased expression is associated with different tumours such as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). GBM is the most common form of brain tumours originating from glial cells. The impact of miR-129-1 downregulation on GBM pathogenesis has yet to be elucidated. Methods MiR-129-1 was overexpressed in GBM cells, and its effect on proliferation was investigated by cell cycle assay. MiR-129-1 predicted targets (CDK6, IGF1, HDAC2, IGF2BP3 and MAPK1) were also evaluated by western blot and luciferase assay. Results Restoration of miR-129-1 reduced cell proliferation and induced G1 accumulation, significantly. Several functional assays confirmed IGF2BP3, MAPK1 and CDK6 as targets of miR-129-1. Despite the fact that IGF1 expression can be suppressed by miR-129-1, through 30-untranslated region complementary sequence, we could not find any association between IGF1 expression and GBM. MiR-129-1 expression inversely correlates with CDK6, IGF2BP3 and MAPK1 in primary clinical samples. Conclusion This is the first study to propose miR129-1 as a negative regulator of IGF2BP3 and MAPK1 and also a cell cycle arrest inducer in GBM cells. Our data suggests miR-129-1 as a potential tumour suppressor and presents a rationale for the use of miR-129-1 as a novel strategy to improve treatment response in GBM

    The effect of lavender essential oil and nanoemulsion on Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro

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    Background: Trichomonas vaginalis is the cause of trichomoniasis. Due to increased resistance and side effects of the drugs, the aim of this study was to assess an anti-trichomonias effect of lavender (Lavandula officinalis) essential oil and nanoemulsion on T. vaginalis in vitro. Materials and Methods: Lavender essential oil components were characterized by gas chromatography. To determine the cytotoxicity effects, the macrophage cell line J774.A.1 was used. Trichomonas vaginalis was isolated from vaginal secretions of the infected women and then cultured in the TYM complete medium and passaged for 10 days. The effect of essential oil and 1 lavender nanoemulsion in concentrations 10, 25, 50 and 100 μg/mL in the 24-well plate were examined at 1, 2 and 3 hours as triplicate. Positive control was metronidazole (50 μg/mL). The number of live and dead parasites was counted by trypan blue stain with a Neubauer slide. Results: The viability of the macrophages for lavender essential oil was 93.70 and for nanoemulsion was 90.90. Essential oil and nanoemulsion of lavender in concentration of 100 μg/mL and during 3 hours showed 81.7 and 81.9 growth inhibitory, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Lavender essential oil and nanoemulsion has a desirable inhibitory effect on growth of T.vaginalis and can be a good choice for conducting therapeutic investigations regarding trichomonial infections

    The Effect of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield of Different Growth Habit of Wheat Cultivars to Early, usual and Delayed Planting Dates

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    IntroductionIn recent decades, the introduction of high-yielding cultivars under optimal conditions has been the main focus of grain research programs. The identification of wheat cultivars that have acceptable yields on different planting dates has been taken into account.Materials and MethodsThe present split-plot test was performed with three replications in two cropping years, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. The main factor included three planting dates (October 20, November 20, and December 20 as early, normal, and delayed planting dates), and the sub-factor included six wheat cultivars (Zare with winter growth habits, Heidari, Pishgam, and Alvand with facultative growth habits, and Sirvan and Pishtaz with spring growth habits). The soil was sampled from a depth of 0 to 30 cm before the experiment, and the physical and chemical traits of the soil were determined. Land preparation steps were performed before the experiment. For this purpose, a land area of 1500 m2 was plowed by a reversible plow and then leveled. Fertilizer application was performed based on the soil experiment results as 100 kg.ha-1 of triple superphosphate, 100 kg.ha-1 of potassium sulfate, and 100 kg.ha-1 of urea before planting. The rest of the urea fertilizer (200 kg.ha-1) was applied at the stage of stem emergence and the beginning of anthesis wheat. Iron, zinc, and manganese fertilizers were also used from their sulfate sources at the rate of 0.2%, which were sprayed in two stages at the beginning of stalking and spiking. Each plot was 5 m long and 2 m wide and consisted of 8 planting rows at a distance of 25 cm. A distance of 50 cm was considered between the two sub-plots and 1 m between the two main plots. The required seed for each experimental plot was determined and distributed based on the density of 400 seeds per m2 based on the weight of 1000 seeds of each cultivar. Irrigation was performed immediately after planting. Agricultural care was applied uniformly, including pest, disease, and weed control. In each subplot, 50 cm from the beginning and end of the rows was considered as the margin. All data were subjected to ANOVA using the GLM procedure of SAS (SAS 9.1) and means were compared by using the Duncan test at 5% probability level.Results and DiscussionThe results showed that delayed planting reduced nutrient uptake and increased the extinction coefficient. Radiation use efficiency on the planting date of December 20 showed a reduction of 27% and 25%, compared to the planting date of October 20 in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, respectively. Also, on December 20, Sirvan and Pishtaz cultivars with spring growth habits showed lower extinction coefficients and higher photosynthesis rates than winter and facultative cultivars. On October 20 and November 20, the highest grain yield was obtained in cultivars with winter and facultative growth habits. On December 20, the grain yield was higher in cultivars with facultative and spring growth habits than in winter cultivars. Late planting of wheat cultivars with winter growth type, which must receive low temperatures for Vernalization, is very risky. Because delaying planting may lead to a sharp decrease in yield. These negative consequences of the delay in planting may have occurred through disruption of absorption of water, nutrients, and absorption of active photosynthetic radiation. Late cultivation shortens the vegetative growth period and the plant enters the reproductive stage prematurely, and then the plant faces a lack of photosynthetic resources. Also, the grain filling period is faced with drought and heat stress at the end of the season and this final stress causes a sharp decrease in yield.ConclusionIn general, the delayed planting significantly reduced grain yield, especially in cultivars with winter growth habits. Therefore, it is recommended to use intermediate and spring cultivars for delayed cultivation

    Comparison of dietary micronutrient intake in PCOS patients with and without metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in reproductive-age women. It is one of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome (MetS). These two syndromes have an inflammatory etiologic foundation along with oxidative stress. The present study aimed to compare the dietary intake of antioxidant micronutrients in PCOS women with and without MetS. Materials and methods: Overall, 42 participants eligible for this nested case control study were selected by the convenience sampling method. The case group included 14 PCOS patients with MetS and the control group included 28 PCOS patients without MetS. The dietary intake assessment of selenium, chromium, zinc, carotenoids, vitamin D and vitamin E was carried out by a 147-item Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). PCOS and MetS were diagnosed using the Rotterdam criteria and NCEP ATP III, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS16 software, T-test and Mann Whitney. Significant P-value was considered 0.05. Results: Dietary intake of antioxidant micronutrients (selenium, zinc, chromium, carotenoids and vitamin E) was significantly lower in the PCOS women with MetS than in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Since the PCOS patients without MetS had more intake of the aforementioned micronutrients than those with MetS, it is assumed that the dietary intake of these nutrients could probably have a protective effect on MetS. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Relationships between reproductive risk factors for breast cancer and tumor molecular subtypes

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    Background: Due to wide clinical differences in the various pathological types of breast cancer and also close associations between disease prognosis and molecular subtypes, relationships of the latter with traditional risk factors have been suggested. Hence, the present study aimed to assess any associations. Methods: This bi-center cross-sectional study was performed on 800 consecutive women with known breast cancer referred to two Comprehensive Cancer Centers in Tehran between 2006 and 2016. Baseline information related to reproductive risk profiles as well as pathological tumor diagnosis and molecular subtypes determined using immunohistochemical analysis by immune-staining for ER, PR, and HER2 molecules were collected by reviewing hospital records. Results: Of 800 samples included for immunohistochemical analysis, 314 (39.3) were diagnosed as of Luminal A subtype, 107 (13.4) as Luminal B subtype, 153 (19.1) as HER-2 over-expressing, and 226 (28.3) as triple negative. Among all reproductive risk factors initially assessed, young age was associated with HER-2 over-expression, greater tumor size and a history of abortion with the luminal B subtype, lower age at pregnancy with the luminal A subtype, and lower gravidity and a shorter duration of breastfeeding with the triple negative subtype. Conclusion: Each molecular subtype of breast cancer in our population may be associated with specific reproductive risk factors. © 2018 Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention

    A Generalization of Otsu's Method and Minimum Error Thresholding

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    We present Generalized Histogram Thresholding (GHT), a simple, fast, and effective technique for histogram-based image thresholding. GHT works by performing approximate maximum a posteriori estimation of a mixture of Gaussians with appropriate priors. We demonstrate that GHT subsumes three classic thresholding techniques as special cases: Otsu's method, Minimum Error Thresholding (MET), and weighted percentile thresholding. GHT thereby enables the continuous interpolation between those three algorithms, which allows thresholding accuracy to be improved significantly. GHT also provides a clarifying interpretation of the common practice of coarsening a histogram's bin width during thresholding. We show that GHT outperforms or matches the performance of all algorithms on a recent challenge for handwritten document image binarization (including deep neural networks trained to produce per-pixel binarizations), and can be implemented in a dozen lines of code or as a trivial modification to Otsu's method or MET.Comment: ECCV 202

    Identification of disease-causing genes using microarray data mining and gene ontology

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    Background: One of the best and most accurate methods for identifying disease-causing genes is monitoring gene expression values in different samples using microarray technology. One of the shortcomings of microarray data is that they provide a small quantity of samples with respect to the number of genes. This problem reduces the classification accuracy of the methods, so gene selection is essential to improve the predictive accuracy and to identify potential marker genes for a disease. Among numerous existing methods for gene selection, support vector machine-based recursive feature elimination (SVMRFE) has become one of the leading methods, but its performance can be reduced because of the small sample size, noisy data and the fact that the method does not remove redundant genes. Methods: We propose a novel framework for gene selection which uses the advantageous features of conventional methods and addresses their weaknesses. In fact, we have combined the Fisher method and SVMRFE to utilize the advantages of a filtering method as well as an embedded method. Furthermore, we have added a redundancy reduction stage to address the weakness of the Fisher method and SVMRFE. In addition to gene expression values, the proposed method uses Gene Ontology which is a reliable source of information on genes. The use of Gene Ontology can compensate, in part, for the limitations of microarrays, such as having a small number of samples and erroneous measurement results. Results: The proposed method has been applied to colon, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and prostate cancer datasets. The empirical results show that our method has improved classification performance in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In addition, the study of the molecular function of selected genes strengthened the hypothesis that these genes are involved in the process of cancer growth. Conclusions: The proposed method addresses the weakness of conventional methods by adding a redundancy reduction stage and utilizing Gene Ontology information. It predicts marker genes for colon, DLBCL and prostate cancer with a high accuracy. The predictions made in this study can serve as a list of candidates for subsequent wet-lab verification and might help in the search for a cure for cancers