4 research outputs found

    The Polishness of foreigners in the

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    The thesis is a description of the 'Etniczne klimaty' (Ethnicclimates) series of television documentaries produced by WaldemarJanda in 2002-2010. Through the person of the narrator, Brian Scott,they present the nature and the situation of national, ethnic andregional minorities in Poland. The objective of the series was tofamiliarise Poles and the minorities living in Poland with the idea ofa multicultural society, which - according to the creators of theseries - is an asset, and not a burden, for the nation.Praca jest opisem reporta偶y telewizyjnych pt. "Etniczne klimaty" zrealizowanych przez Waldemara Jand臋 w latach 2002- 2010.Przedstawiaj膮 one poprzez narratora ca艂ej serii Briana Scotta, oblicze isytuacj臋 mniejszo艣ci narodowych, etnicznych i regionalnych w Polsce. Celememisji by艂o przybli偶enie Polakom i mniejszo艣ciom zamieszkuj膮cymnasz kraj idei wielokulturowego spo艂ecze艅stwa, kt贸re zdaniem tw贸rc贸w stanowi bogactwo narodu a nie jego obci膮偶eni

    Organic bio-wastes as potential precursors used for preparation of activated carbons- review

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    Currently significant amounts of wastes, which pose a real threat to the natural environment and human health, are produced worldwide. One way to get rid of waste materials is to dispose them in landfills but some of them no longer perform their function due to overfilling. For this reason, scientists pay more and more attention to the search for 聽their possible disposal and/or recycling, as it is impossible to prevent its generation completely. Recently, many researchers have taken up the topic of the use of agri-food wastes due to their low cost and widespread availability as a starting material for the production of activated carbons. As a result, it was found out that organic wastes are very successful precursors of organic matter and the obtained activated carbons are characterized by a very well developed porous structure. The paper presents a literature review regarding the possibility of using various waste materials under different impregnation and preparation conditions to obtain activated carbons with a developed surface area and good adsorption properties

    Structural and photocatalytic properties of Ni-TiO2 photocatalysts prepared by mechanochemical synthesis assisted with calcination

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    In the study the mechanochemical synthesis in the planetary ball mill was used to prepare photocatalytic materials obtained on the basis of TiO2 and nickel(II) acetylacetonate as a Ni2+ source. Three materials with different contents of Ni2+: 5, 10 and 20% wt. were prepared. The obtained materials were calcinated at 800掳C for 1 h. Their physicochemical properties were investigated using the N2 adsorption/desorption, FT-IR/PAS, XRD, UV-Vis/DRS and SEM methods. Additionally, thermal stability of the obtained materials was examined (TGA/DTG/DTA). Photocatalytic activity of the samples was tested in relation to the aqueous solution of Safranin T (initial concentration C0 = 1脳10-5 mol L-1) at the visible light (Vis). The results indicate that the mechanochemical synthesis is an effective and simple method for preparing materials with photocatalytic properties. All obtained materials were characterized by greater photocatalytic activity compared to the initial TiO2

    Characterization of Multimodal Silicas Using TG/DTG/DTA, Q-TG, and DSC Methods

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    The formation of hierarchical, multimodal porosity materials with controlled shape and size of pores is the essential challenge in materials science. Properties of silica materials depend largely on different features: crystal structure, dispersity, surface composition, and porosity as well as the method of preparation and possible modification. In this paper, multimodal silicas obtained using different additives are presented. A-50 and A-380 aerosils and wide-porous SiO2 milled at 300 rpm were used as the additives in the sol stage at 20 °C, the sol–gel stage followed by hydrothermal modification (HTT) at 200 °C, or in the mechanochemical treatment (MChT) process. The characterizations were made by application of N2 adsorption/desorption, SEM imaging, quasi-isothermal thermogravimetry (Q-TG), dynamic thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTG/DTA), and cryoporometry differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) methods. Results showed that such a one-step preparation method is convenient and makes it possible to obtain multimodal silicas of differentiated porous structures and surface chemistry