9 research outputs found

    Geological and geomorphological condition of the hydrographic network pattern in the catchment of the Upper Wołosatka Stream (High Bieszczady Mts)

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    Przeprowadzono szczegółowe kartowanie hydrograficzne obejmujące m.in. układ sieci rzecznej w górnej części zlewni Wołosatki. Badania ukierunkowane były na określenie związków między współczesnym układem sieci rzecznej a budową geologiczną i rzeźbą. Dominującą rolę w kształtowaniu układu sieci rzecznej odgrywa przebieg warstw skalnych oraz obecność stref nieciągłości tektonicznych. Upad warstw skalnych decyduje o możliwości retencji wód opadowych i obok uwarunkowań klimatycznych jest czynnikiem decydującym o zasobności zbiornika wód podziemnych. Odpływ jednostkowy okresów niżówkowych w poszczególnych częściach zlewni może wynosić od 2.1 do 9.8 l/s/km2l/s/km^{2}Detailed hydrographic investigation was carried out in the catchment of Upper Wołosatka Stream. The characteristics cover the structure of hydrographic network, namely its pattern. Detailed map of stream network was created. The main factors controlling the development of the hydrological network were discussed. Geological structures played the most important role in the development of hydrographic network. The capacity of groundwater aquifer is strictly connected with the dip of flysch strata hoverer it also reflects the rain shadow effect. The unit discharge in the catchment can range in dry periods from 2.1 up to 9.8 $l/s/km^{2}

    Springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment in the Wysokie Bieszczady Mountains.

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    Paper presents results of mapping of springs of the upper Wołosatka River catchment (Wysokie Bieszczady Mts. -Outer Carpathians). Springs were the most common outflow type in the area (52.55%). Outflow density in the area studied (8.32 km2) was equal 23.56 per km2, while spring rate was 12.4 per km2. Outflow discharges were low and very low- most springs belong to Meinzer classes VI-VIII. Only seven springs had discharges higher than 0.5 dm3/s, and three-over 1 dm3/s. The spatial outflow distribution strongly depends on geology, tectonics and river valley direction. High density of outflows was especially observed within the Bukowe Berdo anticline, where the Otryt sandstones are alternated by thin-bedded flysch of high shale content. All these layers dip down in the opposite direction to the slope, which creates numerous springs and other outflows. Furthermore, a spectacular spring line is visible in the field lying along the Halicz fault

    Listening to music during work and the sense of flow and mood.

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    Niniejsza praca przedstawia badania dotyczące wpływu słuchanej muzyki na poczucie flow oraz nastrój u pracowników biurowych w trakcie wykonywania swojej pracy zawodowej. W badaniu wzięło udział 36 pracowników biurowych i odbywało się ono łącznie przez cztery dni robocze. Do zbadania hipotez i pomiaru zmiennych zostały użyte trzy metody: Kwestionariusz nastroju UMACL (Goryńska, 2005), Kwestionariusz Poczucia Flow w Pracy (Work-related flow, WOLF; Bakker, 2007) oraz własna ankieta socjodemograficzna skonstruowana przez autora niniejszej pracy. Postawiono hipotezy o pozytywnym wpływie słuchania muzyki na wyniki w Inwentarzu Poczucia Flow w Pracy oraz Skali UMACL. Na sześć postawionych hipotez dotyczących podskal użytych kwestionariuszy (Pochłonięcie, Motywacja wewnętrzna, Radość z pracy, Ton hedoniczny, Pobudzenie napięciowe, Pobudzenie energetyczne), po analizie wyników badania udało się potwierdzić hipotezę dotyczącą podskali kwestionariusza WOLF – Motywacja wewnętrzna. Analiza wykazała istotnie statystycznie różnicę w porównaniu wyników podskali kwestionariusza w grupie badanej między dniami kiedy słuchali muzyki w pracy oraz kiedy pracowali bez niej.The aim of this study was research on the influence of the music listened to on the sense of flow and mood in office workers during their professional work. 36 office workers participated in the survey and it was conducted for a total of four working days. Three methods were used to test hypotheses and measure variables: the UMACL mood questionnaire (Goryńska, 2005), the Work-related flow questionnaire (WOLF) (Bakker, 2007) and the author's own sociodemographic survey. Hypotheses were made about the positive impact of listening to music on the results in the Flow Sense at Work Inventory and the UMACL Scale. Out of the six hypotheses regarding the subscales of the questionnaires used (Absorption, Internal Motivation, Joy at work, Hedonic tone, Tension arousal, Energy arousal), after analyzing the results of the study, it was possible to confirm the hypothesis regarding the subscale of the questionnaire WOLF – Internal Motivation. Analysis showed a statistically significant difference in comparing the results of the subscale of the questionnaire in the study group between the days when they listened to music at work and when they worked without it

    Performance of micro CHP unit based on SI engine with quantitative-qualitative load control

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    The paper presents data resulting by the preliminary experimental tests performed on a micro CHP (combined heat and power) 7 kWel unit. The engine load has been controlled by throttle position (quantitatively) or/and the value of air excess ratio (qualitatively) QQLC. By this way the engine efficiency can be improved in the range of partial loads by reducing the exergy losses during the inlet stroke. During the tests engine has been powered with LPG fuel. The engine performance together with environmental impact has been studied in this paper. Used method shows that despite the reduction of the load from 5.6 kW to 4.7 kW while burning the lean mixture, the efficiency of electricity generation increased slightly. The efficiency grew by approx. 1.41 percentage point comparing with the results obtained for almost constant load but obtained by burning the lean mixture (λ = 1.3), followed by increased throttling and combustion of the stoichiometric mixture

    Integracja satelitarnych modeli wysokościowych

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    The article presents the method of developing a 30-m spatial resolution DSMDSM based on integration of height data from InSAR SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM mission and the stereoscopic measurements of ASTERSTER satellite images. The method involves the use of 30-m ASTERSTER model for refinement of a 90-m interferometric SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM model. ASTERSTER model has a higher resolution, but it can contain local systematic errors (due to incorrect image matching in areas of the regular pattern of agricultural parcels). The differential model is generated and next smoothed with weighted averaging filter. Such a model is used to correct the ASTERSTER DSMDSM. The method was tested in the area of 31,000 square kilometers located in central Poland. A visual and precise evaluation of the output model relative to source data was performed with the use of terrain GPS profiles and the detailed DSMDSM based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for three types of land cover. The accuracy of models was assessed by RMSERMSE calculated from a difference between point heights interpolated from the model and the same height points taken from terrain GPS profiles. Also the standard deviation of height difference between analyzed and ALSLS DSMDSMDSM was analyzed. In the new integrated DSMDSMDSM, more details were noticed compared to the SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM DSMDSM. The height errors typical for ASTERSTER model were compensated. The vertical accuracy of the developed DSMDSM is close to SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM data.[b]Keywords[/b]: interferometry, SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM, Digital Elevation Model, accuracy, analysi

    Integration of satellites digital surface model

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    The article presents the method of developing a 30-m spatial resolution DSMDSM based on integration of height data from InSAR SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM mission and the stereoscopic measurements of ASTERSTER satellite images. The method involves the use of 30-m ASTERSTER model for refinement of a 90-m interferometric SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM model. ASTERSTER model has a higher resolution, but it can contain local systematic errors (due to incorrect image matching in areas of the regular pattern of agricultural parcels). The differential model is generated and next smoothed with weighted averaging filter. Such a model is used to correct the ASTERSTER DSMDSM. The method was tested in the area of 31,000 square kilometers located in central Poland. A visual and precise evaluation of the output model relative to source data was performed with the use of terrain GPS profiles and the detailed DSMDSM based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for three types of land cover. The accuracy of models was assessed by RMSERMSE calculated from a difference between point heights interpolated from the model and the same height points taken from terrain GPS profiles. Also the standard deviation of height difference between analyzed and ALSLS DSMDSMDSM was analyzed. In the new integrated DSMDSMDSM, more details were noticed compared to the SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM SRTM DSMDSM. The height errors typical for ASTERSTER model were compensated. The vertical accuracy of the developed DSMDSM is close to SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM data.[b]Keywords[/b]: interferometry, SRTMSRTMSRTMSRTM, Digital Elevation Model, accuracy, analysi

    Projekt Samaipata – cel badań, metodologia i metody dokumentacji

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    The Samaipata project concerns one of Bolivia’s most important monuments – El Fuerte de Samaipata, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This paper describes the origin of the project, the reasons behind starting it, and its main goals. In addition, the documentation, surveying and analytical methods used in the project are briefly described.Przedstawiany projekt Samaipata dotyczył jednego z najważniejszych zabytków Boliwii – El Fuerte de Samaipata, prekolumbijskiego stanowiska archeologicznego wpisanego na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. W artykule opisano genezę projektu, powody podjęcia tematu oraz jego główne cele. Ponadto w skrócie opisano zastosowane w projekcie metody dokumentacyjno-pomiarowe i analityczne

    The Identification and Pharmacological Characterization of 6-(tert-Butylsulfonyl)-N-(5-fluoro-1H-indazol-3-yl)quinolin-4-amine (GSK583), a Highly Potent and Selective Inhibitor of RIP2 Kinase

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    RIP2 kinase is a central component of the innate immune system and enables downstream signaling following activation of the pattern recognition receptors NOD1 and NOD2, leading to the production of inflammatory cytokines. Recently, several inhibitors of RIP2 kinase have been disclosed that have contributed to the fundamental understanding of the role of RIP2 in this pathway. However, because they lack either broad kinase selectivity or strong affinity for RIP2, these tools have only limited utility to assess the role of RIP2 in complex environments. We present, herein, the discovery and pharmacological characterization of GSK583, a next-generation RIP2 inhibitor possessing exquisite selectivity and potency. Having demonstrated the pharmacological precision of this tool compound, we report its use in elucidating the role of RIP2 kinase in a variety of in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo experiments, further clarifying our understanding of the role of RIP2 in NOD1 and NOD2 mediated disease pathogenesis