27 research outputs found

    Причины роста заболеваемости раком почки в Самарской области

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    Incidence of renal cancer for time period from 1989 to 2004 is analyzed. Three fold upsurge of bladder cancer incidence among whole population, in various age groups and in male and female patients are found. Component analysis showed that increased morbidity correlates with unfavorable environmental factors in which population resides.

    Reserves for the growth of crop production

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    On the basis of a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of working time can make a conclusion about its efficient use and to identify the obstacles to productive work. Each enterprise also need to establish a system of motivation of professional work, work discipline and its support by the management, as well as a fair distribution of production tasks and their proportional encouragement

    Causes of renal cancer incidence growth in Samara region

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    Incidence of renal cancer for time period from 1989 to 2004 is analyzed. Three fold upsurge of bladder cancer incidence among whole population, in various age groups and in male and female patients are found. Component analysis showed that increased morbidity correlates with unfavorable environmental factors in which population resides

    Improvement of the methods for company’s fixed assets analysis

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    Fixed assets are an integral component of the productive capacity of any enterprise. The financial results of the enterprise largely depend on their intensity and efficiency of use. The analysis of fixed assets is usually carried out using an integrated and systematic approach, based on their availability, their movement, efficiency of use (including their active part). In the opinion of some authors, the traditional methods of analyzing fixed assets have a number of shortcomings, since they do not take into account the life cycle of an enterprise, the ecological aspects of the operation of fixed assets, the operation specifics of the individual divisions of a company and its branches. In order to improve the methodology for analyzing fixed assets, the authors proposed to use formalized and nonformalized criteria for analyzing the risks associated with the fixed asset use. A survey questionnaire was designed to determine the likelihood of the risk of economic losses associated with the use of fixed assets. The authors propose using the integral indicator for the purpose of analyzing the risk of using fixed assets in dynamics. In order to improve the procedure for auditing, the authors proposed segregation of economic transactions with fixed assets according to their cycles in accordance with the stage of their reproduction. Operational analysis is important for managing the efficiency of the fixed asset use, especially during a critical period. Using the analysis of the regularity in grain combines performance would reduce losses during harvesting, implement the work within strictly defined time frame and remunerate the employees for high-quality and intensive performance of their tasks

    The ways to improve the financial results of the housing and utility sector companies

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    Housing and communal services is an integral part of the social sphere of any settlement. Currently, its technical condition is characterized by a high degree of wear, low efficiency and loss of resources and coolants. Because of this, housing and communal services is unattractive to investors. A detailed analysis of the financial results of the municipal unitary enterprise of the Kamenno-Stepnoy rural settlement “Oasis” was carried out, the reasons for the decrease in efficiency by types of activities: heat supply, water supply, sanitation and solid waste management were identified. The analysis of the problems of the work of the MUE “Oasis” for 2016–2018. In 2017, from the 7.3 km heating network, 2.1 km already needed to be replaced, and in 2018 – 2.3 km or 31.5%. The number of accidents for 2017–2018 on heat supply sources (on steam and heat networks) – 4. Among water consumers, less than 50% have individual meters. For 2017-2018 7 accidents occurred on the water supply system, water losses amounted to approximately 13% of its total volume. Due to breakthroughs of heating networks, the loss of thermal energy in 2017 amounted to 1116 gigacalories, and in 2018 – 1235 gigacalories. The analyzed company has an unstable financial condition, it is insolvent. In order to increase the stability of the functioning of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Oasis”, it is proposed to carry out a number of measures: development of the enterprise on the basis of public-private partnerships, strengthening payment discipline, reducing costs and strengthening labor discipline