67 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation of Algorithms for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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    This paper describes a mobile robot system designed for simultaneous localization and mapping. The architecture of a robotic mobile system based on the mini-tractor chassis is considered. The existing and modern methods and approaches to solving the SLAM problem are described, as well as the results of experimental studies of the work of methods on a mobile robot. A description of the developed robotic system for solving the navigation problem and constructing a route map is given. The issues addressed in this paper include the design, development and experimental testing of the mobile robot. The advantages, disadvantages of the algorithm, as well as the direction of further research are described in this work

    The impact of folk games on primary school students

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    Kazakhstan's efforts to expand its physical culture have brought tremendous benefits. However, there are still unresolved issues in the teaching of physical education in our country's schools. Despite many ethnic and cultural traditions, combining learning opportunities in the classroom is ineffective. Domestic experience in sports is underutilized due to a lack of educational literature and scientific evidence that supports the use of traditional outdoor sports. The purpose of this study is to improve the motor abilities of young children by using carefully selected traditional outdoor sports. A study on the use of folk games in working with children in primary schools found that teachers' knowledge of the possibilities of folk games is inadequate. Finally, the findings suggest that incorporating traditional games into the physical education curriculum for students in lower grades can serve as a model for healthy lifestyles. Various types of games and exercises help to improve physiological systems, physical development and physical fitness in children and foster positive moral and volitional qualities

    Method of Measuring Permittivity of Composite Materials with Hexagonal Ferrite Inclusions

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    A new simple method for measuring complex permittivity of substantially lossy composite materials is presented. In this method, a sample of the material under study should completely fill in the cross-section of the single-mode transmission line (waveguide), and the length of the sample must be an integer of a half-wavelength in the waveguide filled with this material. The oscillator frequency is swept linearly, the minima of the reflection coefficient are measured, and then analytical formulas are used to calculate real and imaginary parts of permittivity. The method was tested on magneto- dielectric samples containing hexagonal ferrite powders, as well on such dielectric materials, as PMMA, schungite composites, and alabaster. This method can be a useful technique for measuring dielectric properties of absorbing materials designed, for example, for electromagnetic shielding purposes

    Technology of Battery Grade Lithium Carbonate from domestic spodumene raw materials for lithium electrode materials

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    Rapid development of the market for battery-powered devices, especially electric and hybrid cars and renewable energy over the past 10 years has led to a sharp demand for new high-capacity materials for LIB. Today, lithium is becoming a new strategic material capable of influencing the sustainable development of the world economy...

    The visual arts' role in the development of students' noosphere worldview

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    Noospheric education is considered the basis for the formation of an environmental culture in people and society aimed at solving a complex of problems related to ensuring the sustainable development of society. Identifying promising areas for noospheric education development and demonstrating the importance of students developing a noospheric vision of the world through the visual arts depend on whether the necessary conditions for achieving the desired results have been established. This study aims to examine the impact of software on the effective formation of students' noospheric vision of the world using the visual arts. A quantitative and qualitative research design was used in this study. The study involved 240 fourth-grade students at secondary school no. 12 in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan). The findings revealed issues with the formation of students' noospheric worldviews which demonstrates that students have an unstable perception of the intellectual sphere   and develop an enthusiasm for the bright, spectacular objects and phenomena of their surroundings rather than their content. Experts can use the research findings to model environmental education in secondary schools, in the practical work of visual arts instructors, in the creation of curriculum and instructional aids for the visual arts and in the transmission of information on noospheric concepts

    The impact of formative assessment techniques on students' self-assessment skills

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    The introduction of formative assessment to improve students' self-assessment skills was one of the main innovations in Kazakhstan. However, there are issues with the implementation of formative assessment and its introduction. This study aims to examine the impact of the author's formative assessment techniques on students' self-evaluations. One of the methods was experimental work carried out in 2021-2022 at Almaty Secondary School No. 198. This study was carried out using 55 fourth grade students   consisting of 27 students in grade four "A" (16 girls and 11 boys) as the experimental group (EG) and 28 students in grade four "B" (18 girls and 10 boys) as the control group (CG). The results identified problems with the introduction and implementation of formative assessments. This highlighted the importance of developing formative assessment strategies to improve students' self-evaluations.   Our findings confirm that the identified and methodically substantiated procedures for improving self-assessment in students in primary school may be employed in classes with younger students and in teacher training groups

    Students' perspectives of a hybrid learning system in Kazakhstani higher education: A case study

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    Hybrid learning is a relatively new approach in Kazakhstan's educational system. The transition to a new format necessitates a significant amount of effort and restructuring at the universities. The problems of researching   the advantages and disadvantages of implementing this kind of instruction in the classroom are very relevant. The study's goal was to investigate students' attitudes towards implementing a hybrid learning environment. A qualitative method of data analysis was applied in the study.  1,186 students participated in hybrid learning at various universities in Kazakhstan. According to the findings, students value the flexibility and convenience of attending classes remotely through a two-way video conference. However, the findings also indicate that this new learning environment faces several pedagogical and technological challenges. These findings emphasize the importance of assisting students in understanding hybrid learning resources and goals   thereby creating opportunities for success in hybrid learning. Policymakers in education can use it as a guide to develop policies related to crisis management or inclusive education   as well as curriculum documents and resources for hybrid learning

    The impact of integrated technology on students' logical thought in mathematics: A case study of Kazakhstan

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    This study aims to assess the impact of integrative technology on the improvement of the logical thinking of students in mathematics, their goals and the appropriate technological process. The study used   mixed research methods. Participants included third-grade students attending elementary schools No. 12 and Ataturk in Kentau (Kazakhstan) during 2019-2022. The results indicated that primary school teachers do not pay attention to the improvement of the logical thinking of lower-grade students in mathematics. The research findings suggest that integrative technology improved logical thought in lower-grade students in the experimental group in mathematics. Finally, the study offers suggestions to improve the work of primary school teachers in developing the logical thinking of children in mathematics in Kazakhstan to increase the effectiveness of this process without increasing the burden on students or changing the curriculum

    Implementing polylingual space into the process of training future primary school teachers

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    La relevancia del problema objeto de investigación es debido a un nuevo orden social, reflejado en el Concepto para el Desarrollo de la Educación en Idiomas Extranjeros de la República de Kazajstán, donde la formación de una personalidad polilingüe se determina como resultado cualitativo final de la sociedad, estudiando una lengua y cultura extranjeras. En estas condiciones, el problema de la capacitación del personal pedagógico respectivo de maestros de escuela primaria se está actualizando para construir un nuevo tipo de educación en un entorno polilingüe en la etapa moderna de la educación, incluidas las cuestiones del desarrollo de su apoyo teórico y tecnológico. La mejora de la calidad de la educación, que es un problema clave de la pedagogía, en las condiciones modernas de expansión de las áreas de cooperación internacional y las tendencias de formar una comunidad global unificada, se enfoca con atención. El objetivo del artículo es desarrollar el contenido de un plan de estudios experimental sobre el espacio polilingüe y probar la formación de la competencia lingüística de los futuros maestros de Primaria en el proceso de Educación Superior, así como estudiar los detalles de su capacitación para trabajar con estudiantes en el espacio educativo multicultural de la moderna Kazajstán. El método principal para estudiar este problema es el análisis, que permite identificar las necesidades lingüísticas de los estudiantes. El estudio analizó una serie de encuestas a 115 estudiantes y estudiantes universitarios, así como a profesores universitarios de diversas disciplinas. Además, implementando en el estudio métodos como el análisis, síntesis, generalización, encuesta, diagnóstico y realización de diversos trabajos prácticos, se determinaron las condiciones para optimizar el desarrollo de currículos y cursos especiales y eliminar obstáculos en la implementación de la educación trilingüe. El análisis de los trabajos para mejorar el sistema de capacitación de maestros de Primaria en las condiciones del espacio polilingüe y los requisitos para la personalidad de un maestro muestra que se pueden enfatizar las siguientes áreas de su implementación: el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas de un maestro; la organización de sitios experimentales de diferentes niveles para enseñar a los estudiantes en tres idiomas; el desarrollo del aprendizaje integrador; el uso de tecnologías innovadoras de aprendizaje. Como resultado del trabajo experimental, el programa de la disciplina "Espacio polilingüe: teoría y práctica" se desarrolló en tres idiomas para estudiantes de Pregrado de la especialidad 6M010200 - Pedagogía y Metodología de la Educación Primaria, un libro de texto con el mismo título y textos en tres idiomas que fueron publicados, probados e implementados en el proceso educativo. Los materiales de este artículo pueden ser útiles para profesores de Primaria, que trabajan en un entorno polilingüe, así como para estudiantes, estudiantes universitarios y estudiantes de doctorado de la especialidad mencionada anteriormente.The relevance of the problem under research is due to a new social order of the society, reflected in the Concept for the Development of Foreign Language Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the formation of a polylingual personality is determined as the final qualitative result of studying a foreign language and culture. In these conditions, the problem of training the respective pedagogical staff primary school teachers, is being actualized for constructing a new type of education in a polylingual environment at the modern stage of the modernization of education, including the issues of developing its theoretical and technological support. Improving the quality of education, being a key problem of pedagogy, in the modern conditions of expanding the areas of international cooperation and the tendencies of forming a unified global community, comes into sharp focus. The aim of the article is to develop the content of an experimental curriculum on polylingual space and to test the formation of language competence of future primary school teachers in the process of higher education, as well as to study the specifics of their training for working with students in the multicultural educational space of modern Kazakhstan. The leading method of studying this problem is the analysis, which allows to identify the language needs of students. The study analyzed a series of surveys of 115 students and undergraduates, as well as university teachers of various disciplines. Moreover, implementing in the study such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, diagnostics and carrying out various practical works, conditions to optimize the development of curricula and special courses and to remove obstacles in the implementation of trilingual education were determined. The analysis of works on improving the system of training primary school teachers in the conditions of polylingual space and the requirements for the personality of a teacher shows that the following areas of its implementation can be emphasized: the development of a teacher’s communicative abilities; the organization of experimental sites of different levels for teaching students in three languages; the development of integrative learning; the use of innovative learning technologies. As a result of the experimental work, the program of the discipline “Polylingual space: Theory and Practice” was developed in three languages for undergraduates of the specialty 6M010200 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, a textbook with the same title and texts in three languages was published, tested, and implemented in the educational process. The materials of this article can be useful for primary school teachers, working in a polylingual environment, as well as for students, undergraduates and PhD students of the above-mentioned specialty.peerReviewe

    Air pollution in the workplace: making shish kebab is an overlooked occupational hazard

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    Meat grilled with wood charcoal is the most popular meal in Central Asia, but little is known about the grillers’ occupational exposure to fine particulate matter (PM) in fumes. The aim of this study was to provide a quantitative analysis of occupational exposure to fine PM in grillers in the workplace. We assessed exposure to PM2.5 from barbecue fumes using SidePak AM520 in six popular cafes in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Grillers wore devices for 8 h of work shift for 7 days in each place. Within- and between-place variances of PM2.5 mass concentrations were calculated using analysis of variance, and we also calculated the fold range of the 95% variance within (wR0.95) and between places (bR0.95), as well as exceedance (γ) and the probability of overexposure (θ). Very high occupational exposure to barbecue fumes in grillers is overlooked and likely causes elevated health risks