28 research outputs found


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    Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of nitrogen oxide in leukocytes of humans and animals. It is an important role of the AA in maintaining the immune status of the organism.Ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of nitrogen oxide in leukocytes of humans and animals. It is an important role of the AA in maintaining the immune status of the organism

    The development of parents pedagogical competence in pre-school science education institution

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently there is an acute problem of the relationship between parents and children. Fathers’ and mothers’ pedagogical illiteracy leads to errors in family education, which is the result of a low level of education of many children today. The problem’s solution is associated with the development of parents’ pedagogical competence, provision of the family with specialized support in the education’s issues of the children. In this regard, this paper aims at the conditions’ identifying of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development in pre-school education and curriculum development for parent’ teaching education. The article describes the developed and implemented curriculum for the development of parents’ pedagogical competence in pre-school educational organizations, as well as provides empirical data on the curriculum testing results. The article reveals the content of the developed curriculum of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development

    Clinical Experience in Management of Patients with Cervical Erosion and Ectopia

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    PURPOSE OF RESEARCH: The main objective of the study was to analyze the results of treatment of patients with cervical erosion and ectopia without surgical treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To this end, a complete clinical examination of women with cervical erosion and ectopia was carried out: A smear for oncocytology, PCR for HPV 16–18, herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, colposcopy extended, and bacteriological study to identify the vaginal microflora. As a result of examinations, 30% of women without specific symptoms and complaints were diagnosed with cervical ectopia and assigned to the first group (practically healthy women). About 68% of women were assigned to the second group – with cervical erosion, who need conservative treatment, 2% – to the third group – women with invasive cervical cancer, who were sent to the oncology center. About 82% of L-SIL developed against the background of infection with highly oncogenic types of HPV, most often HPV 16, with 30% of them infected with more than 1 type of HPV. To eliminate concomitant inflammation of the cervix and vagina, hexicon was used in this group. After the rehabilitation of the vagina and cervix, the next step was to connect the drug depantol. RESULTS: The use of hexicon and depantol in the treatment of cervical erosion led to the regeneration of the defect of the cervical vaginal mucosa, bypassing the surgical treatment of cervical erosion. THE NOVELTY OF THE RESEARCH: As a result of the treatment of uncomplicated ectopia, there was no need to apply a surgical method of treatment in connection with the healing of ectopia. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE STUDY: Such an approach to the treatment of women with cervical erosion among obstetrician-gynecologists would lead to the prevention of relapse and improve the quality of life of patients. After treating the cervix with solkovagin, healthy tissues begin to recover under these dead tissues, which in the process completely replace patients without scarring on the cervix

    Growing cell cultures of some rare local species of medicinal plants

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    The article analyzes the results of growing new planting materials by tissue culture of some medicinal plants (Eminium regelii Vved., Angelica ternate Regel et Schmalh., Aconitum rotundifolium Kar. et Kir., Gentiana algida Pall., Rodiola heterodonta (Hook. f. et Thomson) Boriss.), found on the territory of the natural park Kara-Shoro of Kyrgyzstan. The conditions for growing callus cultures by the in vitro method were studied and the temperature optimum for growing cell cultures in the laboratory was identified. Callus cultures were grown on four types of nutrient media, which differ from each other in their component composition, and the preparation technique is the same.In the course of the study, it was found that the most universal nutrient medium is the Murashige-Skoog medium, in which callus formation is relatively more observed. The nutrient medium of Nitsch and Nitsch showed the lowest indicators of crop survival. Gamborg’s and Eveleg’s media showed good results, but root formation proceeded comparatively faster in White’s nutrient medium. Planting schemes for medicinal plants and conditions for growing and development close to the ecological optimum have been developed. Based on the studies carried out, methods were proposed for creating a research and production complex for growing cell cultures of the State Natural Park (SNP) Kara-Shoro


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    Treatment of primary and recurrent cancer of the trachea and main bronchi is a complex clinical problem. The article presents own experience of contact intraluminal radiation therapy in patients of this group. Efficacy and toxicity of this treatment was evaluated.Лечение первичного и рецидивного рака трахеи и главных бронхов является сложной клинической задачей. В статье представлен собственный опыт применения внутрипросветной контактной лучевой терапии улиц данной группы. Дана оценка эффективности и токсичности данного вида лечения

    Intellectual property management in startups — problematic issues

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    This paper describes the most important problems related to the management of intellectual property in startups. Startups have become an inseparable element of the innovative economy. Many of these companies base their development on intellectual capital and innovations. In this context, it is extremely important to legally secure the innovations and protect intellectual property. These activities can often be the decisive factor in the development of startups. This article aims to identify, analyse and evaluate the most important issues related to the management of intellectual property in startups. The first part of this paper presents the performed literature review, which mainly concerns the definition of innovation, the state of entrepreneurship in Poland, and the definition of a startup. The second part of the article deals with the main problems related to the management of intellectual property in startups. It is divided into three issues: underestimating the importance of intellectual property, the lack of intellectual property management strategies in startups and financial challenges of startups. The main results of the research indicate that many startups still have low awareness of what is intellectual property and what can be the consequence of using exclusive rights of others. The protection of intellectual property should become one of the elements of business strategies. However, startups find that the creation of the strategy and its implementation is rather expensive

    The development of parents pedagogical competence in pre-school science education institution

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the study is due to the fact that currently there is an acute problem of the relationship between parents and children. Fathers’ and mothers’ pedagogical illiteracy leads to errors in family education, which is the result of a low level of education of many children today. The problem’s solution is associated with the development of parents’ pedagogical competence, provision of the family with specialized support in the education’s issues of the children. In this regard, this paper aims at the conditions’ identifying of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development in pre-school education and curriculum development for parent’ teaching education. The article describes the developed and implemented curriculum for the development of parents’ pedagogical competence in pre-school educational organizations, as well as provides empirical data on the curriculum testing results. The article reveals the content of the developed curriculum of parents’ pedagogical competence’s development

    Program of adaptation assistance in foster families and particular features of its implementation

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Relevance of the problem stated in the article, conditioned by the fact that the successful adaptation of orphans in a foster family requires specialized knowledge and skills, as well as the need of professional support. Therefore, this article aims at substantiation of the effectiveness of the developed pilot program psycho-pedagogical support of adaptation of orphans in a foster family. The leading method of this problem’s study is the experimental method aimed to identify the problems of the adopted children and to test the program of professional support of their adaptation. The authors present the program of the orphans’ adaptation support, which includes diagnostic, projective, correctional, rehabilitative, recovery and consulting parts. This program is aimed both at providing psychological and educational assistance to adopted children and foster parents, and the achievement of successful adaptation of orphans to new conditions in a foster family