509 research outputs found

    Karakterizacija i dobivanje proteina modifikacijom nusprodukta meljave riže pomoću proteaza

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    Broken rice is an underutilized by-product of milling. Proteins prepared from broken rice by treatments with alkaline protease and papain have been characterized with regard to nutritional and functional properties. The protein content and the protein recovery were 56.45 and 75.45 % for alkaline protease treatment, and 65.45 and 46.32 % for papain treatment, respectively. Protease treatment increased the lysine and valine content, leading to a more balanced amino acid profile. Broken rice proteins had high emulsifying capacity, 58.3–71.6 % at neutral pH, and adequate water holding capacity, ranging from 1.96 to 2.93 g/g of proteins. At pH=7.0, the broken rice protein had the highest water holding capacity and the best interfacial activities (emulsifying capacity, emulsifying stability, foaming capacity and foaming stability), which may be the result of the higher solubility at pH=7.0. The interfacial activities increased with the increase in the mass fraction of broken rice proteins. The proteins prepared by the papain treatment had higher water holding capacity (p>0.05), emulsifying capacity (p0.05) than alkaline protease treatment at the same pH or mass fraction. To test the fortification of food products with broken rice proteins, pork sausages containing the proteins were prepared. Higher yield of the sausages was obtained with the increased content of broken rice proteins, in the range of 2.0–9.0 %. The results indicate that broken rice proteins have potential to be used as the protein fortification ingredient for food products.Nusprodukt meljave riže slabo se iskorištava, pa su stoga pomoću alkalne proteaze i papaina iz njega izdvojeni proteini te određena njihova hranjiva i funkcionalna svojstva. Djelovanjem alkalne proteaze dobiven je udio proteina od 56,45 % pri iskorištenju od 75,45 %, a pomoću papaina udio proteina od 65,45 % uz iskorištenje od 46,32 %. Obrada je proteazom povećala udio lizina i valina te uravnotežila profil aminokiselina. Proteini izdvojeni nakon meljave riže imali su bolja emulgatorska svojstva (58,3-71,6 % pri neutralnoj pH-vrijednosti) i dobru sposobnost vezanja vode (1,96-2,93 g/g proteina). Pri pH=7 dobiveni su proteini, osim najvećeg kapaciteta vezanja, vode imali i najbolja emulgatorska svojstva, najveću stabilnost emulzije, sposobnost stvaranja pjene te njezinu stabilnost, što može biti posljedica veće topljivosti pri toj pH-vrijednosti. Ta su se svojstva poboljšavala s povećanjem masenog udjela proteina. Proteini dobiveni pomoću papaina imali su veću sposobnost vezanja vode (p>0,05), bolja emulgatorska svojstva (p0,05) od proteina dobivenih pomoću alkalne proteaze pri istoj pH-vrijednosti i masenom udjelu. Da bi se ispitala mogućnost obogaćivanja hrane proteinima izdvojenim iz nusprodukta meljave riže, pripremljene su svinjske kobasice, čiji je prinos povećan s povećanjem udjela proteina od 2 do 9 %. Rezultati pokazuju da se tako izdvojeni proteini mogu upotrijebiti za obogaćivanje prehrambenih proizvoda

    A study of the interaction between inverted cucurbit[7]uril and symmetric viologens

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    The interaction between inverted cucuribit[7]uril (iQ[7]) and a series of symmetric viologen derivatives bearing aliphatic substituents of variable length, namely dicationic dialkyl-4,4′-bipyridinium guests where the alkyl is CH₃(CH₂)n with n = 0 to 6, has been studied in aqueous solution by ¹H NMR spectroscopy, electronic absorption spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry and mass spectrometry. In the case of both n = 5 (HV ²⁺) and 6 (SV²⁺), single crystal X-ray diffraction revealed the composition to be [(iQ[7])₂(HV)₂][CdCl₃Br][H₃O+]₂[H₂O]₁₂.₅ and (iQ[7])₂(C7-SV)₁.₅[CdCl₄]₄(H₃O⁺)₅(H₂O)₈, respectively, with both adopting an external B-type structure (the alkyl chains of the viologen reside within the iQ[7])

    Sequential Star Formation in the filamentary structures of Planck Galactic cold clump G181.84+0.31

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    We present a multi-wavelength study of the Planck cold clump G181.84+0.31, which is located at the northern end of the extended filamentary structure S242. We have extracted 9 compact dense cores from the SCUBA-2 850 um map, and we have identified 18 young stellar objects (YSOs, 4 Class I and 14 Class II) based on their Spitzer, Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) near- and mid-infrared colours. The dense cores and YSOs are mainly distributed along the filamentary structures of G181.84 and are well traced by HCO+^{+}(1-0) and N2_{2}H+^{+}(1-0) spectral-line emission. We find signatures of sequential star formation activities in G181.84: dense cores and YSOs located in the northern and southern sub-structures are younger than those in the central region. We also detect global velocity gradients of about 0.8±\pm0.05 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} and 1.0±\pm0.05 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} along the northern and southern sub-structures, respectively, and local velocity gradients of 1.2±\pm0.1 km s1^{-1}pc1^{-1} in the central substructure. These results may be due to the fact that the global collapse of the extended filamentary structure S242 is driven by an edge effect, for which the filament edges collapse first and then further trigger star formation activities inward. We identify three substructures in G181.84 and estimate their critical masses per unit length, which are \sim 101±\pm15 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}, 56±\pm8 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1} and 28±\pm4 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}, respectively. These values are all lower than the observed values (\sim 200 M_{\odot} pc1^{-1}), suggesting that these sub-structures are gravitationally unstable.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figures, article, accepte

    FAST reveals new evidence for M94 as a merger

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    We report the first high-sensitivity HI observation toward the spiral galaxy M94 with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). From these observations, we discovered that M94 has a very extended HI disk, twice larger than that observed by THINGS, which is accompanied by an HI filament and seven HVCs (high velocity clouds) at different distances. The projected distances of these clouds and filament are less than 50 kpc from the galactic center. We measured a total integrated flux (including all clouds/filament) of 127.3 (±\pm1) Jy km s1^{-1}, corresponding to a H I mass of (6.51±\pm0.06)×\times108^{8}M_{\odot}, which is 63.0% more than that observed by THINGS. By comparing numerical simulations with the HI maps and the optical morphology of M94, we suggest that M94 is likely a remnant of a major merger of two galaxies, and the HVCs and HI filament could be the tidal features originated from the first collision of the merger happened about 5 Gyr ago. Furthermore, we found a seemingly isolated HI cloud at a projection distance of 109 kpc without any optical counterpart detected. We discussed the possibilities of the origin of this cloud, such as dark dwarf galaxy and RELHIC (REionization-Limited HI Cloud). Our results demonstrate that high-sensitivity and wide-field HI imaging is important in revealing the diffuse cold gas structures and tidal debris which is crucial to understanding the dynamical evolution of galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Interaction of influenza virus NS1 protein with growth arrest-specific protein 8

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    NS1 protein is the only non-structural protein encoded by the influenza A virus, and it contributes significantly to disease pathogenesis by modulating many virus and host cell processes. A two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with NS1 from influenza A yielded growth arrest-specific protein 8. Gas8 associated with NS1 in vitro and in vivo. Deletion analysis revealed that the N-terminal 260 amino acids of Gas8 were able to interact with NS1, and neither the RNA-binding domain nor the effector domain of NS1 was sufficient for the NS1 interaction. We also found that actin, myosin, and drebrin interact with Gas8. NS1 and β-actin proteins could be co-immunoprecipitated from extracts of transfected cells. Furthermore, actin and Gas8 co-localized at the plasma membrane. These results are discussed in relation to the possible functions of Gas8 protein and their relevance in influenza virus release

    Room-temperature van der Waals 2D ferromagnet switching by spin-orbit torques

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    Emerging wide varieties of the two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) magnets with atomically thin and smooth interfaces holds great promise for next-generation spintronic devices. However, due to the lower Curie temperature of the vdW 2D ferromagnets than room temperature, electrically manipulating its magnetization at room temperature has not been realized. In this work, we demonstrate the perpendicular magnetization of 2D vdW ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2 can be effectively switched at room temperature in Fe3GaTe2/Pt bilayer by spin-orbit torques (SOTs) with a relatively low current density of 1.3 10^7A/cm2. Moreover, the high SOT efficiency of \xi_{DL}~0.22 is quantitatively determined by harmonic measurements, which is higher than those in Pt-based heavy metal/conventional ferromagnet devices. Our findings of room-temperature vdW 2D ferromagnet switching by SOTs provide a significant basis for the development of vdW-ferromagnet-based spintronic applications

    Assay on Sugars, Acid and Polyphenols of Red Fuji Apple in Chinese Main Production Area and Models of Reginal Authenticate

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    The nutritional quality of Fuji apple candy, acid, and polyphenols varies among production areas in China, so the construction of its origin traceability technology is beneficial to the implementation of production area protection, characteristic product fidelity and sustainable industrial development. Therefore, 18 nutritional quality indexes such as total carbohydrate, acid and polyphenols of Fuji apple from six production areas, namely, Aksu in Xinjiang, Jingning in Gansu, Luochuan in Shaanxi, Lingbao in Henan, Yantai in Shandong and Zhaotong in Yunnan were tested and analyzed in this paper. And effective origin traceability nutritional quality indicators were screened based on multivariate statistical analysis to construct a method for the identification of different origins of Fuji apple. The discriminative model for the identification of different production areas of Fuji apple was constructed. The results showed that compared with other production areas, the contents of Aksu Fuji apple total carbohydrate and sorbitol were high, the contents of Jingning Fuji apple total phenols and chlorogenic acid were high and the contents of Lingbao Fuji apple catechin and phloretin were high. The contents of Luochuan Fuji apple fructose and phlorizin were high, the contents of Yantai Fuji apple sugar-acid ratio and rutin were high, the contents of Zhaotong Fuji apple quercitrin and epicatechin were high. The fruit indicators measured were subjected to orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis with a Q2 value of 0.794, a matrix R2X value of 0.885 and a differentiation parameter R2Y value of 0.874, and a valid OPLS-DA appellation identification model with a correct discrimination rate of 93.33% was established. The linear discriminant was used and eight valid indicators including VC, sorbitol, catechin, quercetin glycoside, quercetin rhamnoside, quercitrin, rutin and quercetin were screened and obtained, which could distinguish 100% of Fuji apple in each appellation. Fruit sugar accumulation in each appellation was closely related to the appellation environment. Total carbohydrate and total acid content were significantly and negatively correlated with rainfall, and sucrose content was significantly and positively correlated with temperature difference. This study was expected to provide technical support for the development of Fuji apple industry and the protection of geographical indication products in China

    Type II Crigler-Najjar syndrome: a case report and literature review

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    BackgroundCrigler-Najjar syndrome (CNS) is caused by mutations in uridine 5′-diphosphate glucuronyltransferase (UGT1A1) resulting in enzyme deficiency and hyperbilirubinemia. Type II CNS patients could respond to phenobarbital treatment and survive. This study presents a rare case of type II CNS.Case summaryThe proband was a 29-year-old male patient admitted with severe jaundice. A hepatic biopsy showed bullous steatosis of the peri-central veins of the hepatic lobule, sediment of bile pigment, and mild periportal inflammation with normal liver plate structure. The type II CNS was diagnosed by routine genomic sequencing which found that the proband with the Gry71Arg/Tyr486Asp compound heterozygous mutations in the UGT1A1 gene. After treatment with phenobarbital (180 mg/day), his bilirubin levels fluctuated between 100 and 200 μmol/L for 6 months and without severe icterus.ConclusionType II CNS could be diagnosed by routine gene sequencing and treated by phenobarbital