27 research outputs found

    Arteriovenous Blood Metabolomics: A Readout of Intra-Tissue Metabostasis.

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    The human circulatory system consists of arterial blood that delivers nutrients to tissues, and venous blood that removes the metabolic by-products. Although it is well established that arterial blood generally has higher concentrations of glucose and oxygen relative to venous blood, a comprehensive biochemical characterization of arteriovenous differences has not yet been reported. Here we apply cutting-edge, mass spectrometry-based metabolomic technologies to provide a global characterization of metabolites that vary in concentration between the arterial and venous blood of human patients. Global profiling of paired arterial and venous plasma from 20 healthy individuals, followed up by targeted analysis made it possible to measure subtle (<2 fold), yet highly statistically significant and physiologically important differences in water soluble human plasma metabolome. While we detected changes in lactic acid, alanine, glutamine, and glutamate as expected from skeletal muscle activity, a number of unanticipated metabolites were also determined to be significantly altered including Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids that have not been previously implicated in transport, and a few oxidized fatty acids. This study provides the most comprehensive assessment of metabolic changes in the blood during circulation to date and suggests that such profiling approach may offer new insights into organ homeostasis and organ specific pathology

    Impacts of biochar amendment and straw incorporation on soil heterotrophic respiration and desorption of soil organic carbon

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    Abstract While biochar amendment and straw incorporation in soil have received great attention due to the potential of carbon sequestration and improvements in soil physicochemical properties, there were limited studies addressing their impacts on soil heterotrophic respiration over a seasonal cycle. Here, we conducted a field experiment to evaluate the effects of biochar amendment and straw incorporation on the temporal variations of soil heterotrophic respiration and desorption of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the North China Plain. We measured CO2 efflux over 1-year period in the field, together with water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) and soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC). Our study showed a significant exponential relationship (P < 0.001) between CO2 efflux and temperature, with Q 10 values in a range of 2.6–3. CO2 efflux was significantly higher in summer under straw incorporation (5.66 Όmol m−2 s−1) than under biochar amendments (3.54–3.92 Όmol m−2 s−1) and without amendment (3.76 Όmol m−2 s−1). We found significantly lower WEOC:SOC ratio and SMBC:SOC ratio under biochar amendments than with straw incorporation and without amendment. Our study indicated that biochar amendment had a greater potential for reducing SOC desorption and CO2 efflux in the cropland of North China Plain

    Iron-catalyzed Benzannulation Reactions of 2‑Alkylbenzaldehydes and Alkynes Leading to Naphthalene Derivatives

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    An efficient and practical method for the synthesis of naphthalene derivatives via Fe(III)-catalyzed benzannulation of 2-(2-oxoethyl)-benzaldehydes and alkynes has been developed. The system holds the advantages of cheap catalysts, wide substrate scope, and mild reaction conditions

    Proteome-Wide Analysis of N‑Glycosylation Stoichiometry Using SWATH Technology

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    N-glycosylation is a crucial post-translational modification (PTM) and plays essential roles in biological processes. Several methods have been developed for the relative quantification of N-glycosylation at the proteome scale. However, the proportion of N-glycosylated forms in a total protein population, or the “N-glycosylation stoichiometry”, varies greatly among proteins or cellular states and is frequently missing due to the lack of robust technologies. In the present study, we developed a data-independent acquisition (DIA)-based strategy that enabled the in-depth measurement of N-glycosylation stoichiometry. A spectral library containing 3,509 N-glycosylated peptides and 17,525 fragment ions from human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK-293) cells was established from which the stoichiometries of 1,186 N-glycosites were calculated. These stoichiometric values differ greatly among different glycosites, and many glycosites tend to occur with low stoichiometry. We then investigated the N-glycosylation changes induced by tunicamycin in HEK-293 cells and by a temperature shift in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Quantifying the proteome, N-glycoproteome, and N-glycosylation stoichiometry demonstrated that the regulation of N-glycosylation is primarily achieved by adjusting the N-glycosylation stoichiometry. In total, the stoichiometries of 2,274 glycosites were determined in the current study. Notably, our approach can be applied to other biological systems and other types of PTMs

    The Oxysterol Receptor EBI2 Links Innate and Adaptive Immunity to Limit IFN Response and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Abstract Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disease with abnormal activation of the immune system. Recent attention is increasing about how aberrant lipid and cholesterol metabolism is linked together with type I interferon (IFN‐I) signaling in the regulation of the pathogenesis of SLE. Here, a metabonomic analysis is performed and increased plasma concentrations of oxysterols, especially 7α, 25‐dihydroxycholesterol (7α, 25‐OHC), are identified in SLE patients. The authors find that 7α, 25‐OHC binding to its receptor Epstein–Barr virus‐induced gene 2 (EBI2) in macrophages can suppress STAT activation and the production of IFN‐ÎČ, chemokines, and cytokines. Importantly, monocytes/macrophages from SLE patients and mice show significantly reduced EBI2 expression, which can be triggered by IFN‐γ produced in activated T cells. Previous findings suggest that EBI2 enhances immune cell migration. Opposite to this effect, the authors demonstrate that EBI2‐deficient macrophages produce higher levels of chemokines and cytokines, which recruits and activates myeloid cells,T and B lymphocytes to exacerbate tetramethylpentadecane‐induced SLE. Together, via sensing the oxysterol 7α, 25‐OHC, EBI2 in macrophages can modulate innate and adaptive immune responses, which may be used as a potential diagnostic marker and therapeutic target for SLE