377 research outputs found

    Determination of Boiling Range of Xylene Mixed in PX Device Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Determination of boiling range of xylene mixed in PX device is currently a crucial topic in the practical applications because of the recent disputes of PX project in China. In our study, instead of determining the boiling range of xylene mixed by traditional approach in laboratory or industry, we successfully established two Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) models to determine the initial boiling point and final boiling point respectively. Results show that the Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks (MLFN) model with 7 nodes (MLFN-7) is the best model to determine the initial boiling point of xylene mixed, with the RMS error 0.18; while the MLFN model with 4 nodes (MLFN-4) is the best model to determine the final boiling point of xylene mixed, with the RMS error 0.75. The training and testing processes both indicate that the models we developed are robust and precise. Our research can effectively avoid the damage of the PX device to human body and environment

    On Generalized Sub-Gaussian Canonical Processes and Their Applications

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    We obtain the tail probability of generalized sub-Gaussian canonical processes. It can be viewed as a variant of the Bernstein-type inequality in the i.i.d case, and we further get a tighter bound of concentration inequality through uniformly randomized techniques. A concentration inequality for general functions involving independent random variables is also derived as an extension. As for applications, we derive convergence results for principal component analysis and the Rademacher complexities method.Comment: 25page

    The optimal connection model for blood vessels segmentation and the MEA-Net

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    Vascular diseases have long been regarded as a significant health concern. Accurately detecting the location, shape, and afflicted regions of blood vessels from a diverse range of medical images has proven to be a major challenge. Obtaining blood vessels that retain their correct topological structures is currently a crucial research issue. Numerous efforts have sought to reinforce neural networks' learning of vascular geometric features, including measures to ensure the correct topological structure of the segmentation result's vessel centerline. Typically, these methods extract topological features from the network's segmentation result and then apply regular constraints to reinforce the accuracy of critical components and the overall topological structure. However, as blood vessels are three-dimensional structures, it is essential to achieve complete local vessel segmentation, which necessitates enhancing the segmentation of vessel boundaries. Furthermore, current methods are limited to handling 2D blood vessel fragmentation cases. Our proposed boundary attention module directly extracts boundary voxels from the network's segmentation result. Additionally, we have established an optimal connection model based on minimal surfaces to determine the connection order between blood vessels. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in 3D multi-class vascular segmentation tasks, as evidenced by the high values of Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Normalized Surface Dice (NSD) metrics. Furthermore, our approach improves the Betti error, LR error, and BR error indicators of vessel richness and structural integrity by more than 10% compared to other methods, and effectively addresses vessel fragmentation and yields blood vessels with a more precise topological structure.Comment: 19 page

    A Survey on Explainable Anomaly Detection

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    In the past two decades, most research on anomaly detection has focused on improving the accuracy of the detection, while largely ignoring the explainability of the corresponding methods and thus leaving the explanation of outcomes to practitioners. As anomaly detection algorithms are increasingly used in safety-critical domains, providing explanations for the high-stakes decisions made in those domains has become an ethical and regulatory requirement. Therefore, this work provides a comprehensive and structured survey on state-of-the-art explainable anomaly detection techniques. We propose a taxonomy based on the main aspects that characterize each explainable anomaly detection technique, aiming to help practitioners and researchers find the explainable anomaly detection method that best suits their needs.Comment: Paper accepted by the ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) for publication (preprint version

    Test-Time Training for Semantic Segmentation with Output Contrastive Loss

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    Although deep learning-based segmentation models have achieved impressive performance on public benchmarks, generalizing well to unseen environments remains a major challenge. To improve the model's generalization ability to the new domain during evaluation, the test-time training (TTT) is a challenging paradigm that adapts the source-pretrained model in an online fashion. Early efforts on TTT mainly focus on the image classification task. Directly extending these methods to semantic segmentation easily experiences unstable adaption due to segmentation's inherent characteristics, such as extreme class imbalance and complex decision spaces. To stabilize the adaptation process, we introduce contrastive loss (CL), known for its capability to learn robust and generalized representations. Nevertheless, the traditional CL operates in the representation space and cannot directly enhance predictions. In this paper, we resolve this limitation by adapting the CL to the output space, employing a high temperature, and simplifying the formulation, resulting in a straightforward yet effective loss function called Output Contrastive Loss (OCL). Our comprehensive experiments validate the efficacy of our approach across diverse evaluation scenarios. Notably, our method excels even when applied to models initially pre-trained using domain adaptation methods on test domain data, showcasing its resilience and adaptability.\footnote{Code and more information could be found at~ \url{https://github.com/dazhangyu123/OCL}

    General synthesis of porous mixed metal oxide hollow spheres with enhanced supercapacitive properties

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    Porous mixed metal oxide (MMO) hollow spheres present high specific surface areas, abundant electrochemically active sites, and outstanding electrochemical properties, showing potential applications in energy storage. A hydro/solvothermal process, followed by a calcination process, can be a viable method for producing uniform porous metal oxide hollow spheres. Unfortunately, this method usually involves harsh synthetic conditions such as high temperature and intricate processing. Herein, we report a general and facile ion adsorption-annealing approach for the fabrication of uniform porous MMO hollow spheres. The size and shell thickness of the as-obtained hollow spheres can be adjusted by the carbohydrate sphere templates and the solution concentration. Electrochemical measurements of the MMO hollow spheres demonstrate excellent supercapacitive properties, which may be due to the small size, ultrathin shells, and fine porous structure

    Where and How to Attack? A Causality-Inspired Recipe for Generating Counterfactual Adversarial Examples

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to well-crafted \emph{adversarial examples}, which are generated through either well-conceived Lp\mathcal{L}_p-norm restricted or unrestricted attacks. Nevertheless, the majority of those approaches assume that adversaries can modify any features as they wish, and neglect the causal generating process of the data, which is unreasonable and unpractical. For instance, a modification in income would inevitably impact features like the debt-to-income ratio within a banking system. By considering the underappreciated causal generating process, first, we pinpoint the source of the vulnerability of DNNs via the lens of causality, then give theoretical results to answer \emph{where to attack}. Second, considering the consequences of the attack interventions on the current state of the examples to generate more realistic adversarial examples, we propose CADE, a framework that can generate \textbf{C}ounterfactual \textbf{AD}versarial \textbf{E}xamples to answer \emph{how to attack}. The empirical results demonstrate CADE's effectiveness, as evidenced by its competitive performance across diverse attack scenarios, including white-box, transfer-based, and random intervention attacks.Comment: Accepted by AAAI-202

    LXL: LiDAR Excluded Lean 3D Object Detection with 4D Imaging Radar and Camera Fusion

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    As an emerging technology and a relatively affordable device, the 4D imaging radar has already been confirmed effective in performing 3D object detection in autonomous driving. Nevertheless, the sparsity and noisiness of 4D radar point clouds hinder further performance improvement, and in-depth studies about its fusion with other modalities are lacking. On the other hand, most of the camera-based perception methods transform the extracted image perspective view features into the bird's-eye view geometrically via "depth-based splatting" proposed in Lift-Splat-Shoot (LSS), and some researchers exploit other modals such as LiDARs or ordinary automotive radars for enhancement. Recently, a few works have applied the "sampling" strategy for image view transformation, showing that it outperforms "splatting" even without image depth prediction. However, the potential of "sampling" is not fully unleashed. In this paper, we investigate the "sampling" view transformation strategy on the camera and 4D imaging radar fusion-based 3D object detection. In the proposed model, LXL, predicted image depth distribution maps and radar 3D occupancy grids are utilized to aid image view transformation, called "radar occupancy-assisted depth-based sampling". Experiments on VoD and TJ4DRadSet datasets show that the proposed method outperforms existing 3D object detection methods by a significant margin without bells and whistles. Ablation studies demonstrate that our method performs the best among different enhancement settings
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