191 research outputs found

    MotionBERT: A Unified Perspective on Learning Human Motion Representations

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    We present a unified perspective on tackling various human-centric video tasks by learning human motion representations from large-scale and heterogeneous data resources. Specifically, we propose a pretraining stage in which a motion encoder is trained to recover the underlying 3D motion from noisy partial 2D observations. The motion representations acquired in this way incorporate geometric, kinematic, and physical knowledge about human motion, which can be easily transferred to multiple downstream tasks. We implement the motion encoder with a Dual-stream Spatio-temporal Transformer (DSTformer) neural network. It could capture long-range spatio-temporal relationships among the skeletal joints comprehensively and adaptively, exemplified by the lowest 3D pose estimation error so far when trained from scratch. Furthermore, our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on all three downstream tasks by simply finetuning the pretrained motion encoder with a simple regression head (1-2 layers), which demonstrates the versatility of the learned motion representations. Code and models are available at https://motionbert.github.io/Comment: ICCV 2023 Camera Read

    ChimpACT: A Longitudinal Dataset for Understanding Chimpanzee Behaviors

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    Understanding the behavior of non-human primates is crucial for improving animal welfare, modeling social behavior, and gaining insights into distinctively human and phylogenetically shared behaviors. However, the lack of datasets on non-human primate behavior hinders in-depth exploration of primate social interactions, posing challenges to research on our closest living relatives. To address these limitations, we present ChimpACT, a comprehensive dataset for quantifying the longitudinal behavior and social relations of chimpanzees within a social group. Spanning from 2015 to 2018, ChimpACT features videos of a group of over 20 chimpanzees residing at the Leipzig Zoo, Germany, with a particular focus on documenting the developmental trajectory of one young male, Azibo. ChimpACT is both comprehensive and challenging, consisting of 163 videos with a cumulative 160,500 frames, each richly annotated with detection, identification, pose estimation, and fine-grained spatiotemporal behavior labels. We benchmark representative methods of three tracks on ChimpACT: (i) tracking and identification, (ii) pose estimation, and (iii) spatiotemporal action detection of the chimpanzees. Our experiments reveal that ChimpACT offers ample opportunities for both devising new methods and adapting existing ones to solve fundamental computer vision tasks applied to chimpanzee groups, such as detection, pose estimation, and behavior analysis, ultimately deepening our comprehension of communication and sociality in non-human primates.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Recent Advances on Internet of Things

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    Meng, X.; Lloret, J.; Zhu, X.; Zhou, Z. (2014). Recent Advances on Internet of Things. Scientific World Journal. doi:10.1155/2014/709345

    Human Motion Generation: A Survey

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    Human motion generation aims to generate natural human pose sequences and shows immense potential for real-world applications. Substantial progress has been made recently in motion data collection technologies and generation methods, laying the foundation for increasing interest in human motion generation. Most research within this field focuses on generating human motions based on conditional signals, such as text, audio, and scene contexts. While significant advancements have been made in recent years, the task continues to pose challenges due to the intricate nature of human motion and its implicit relationship with conditional signals. In this survey, we present a comprehensive literature review of human motion generation, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first of its kind in this field. We begin by introducing the background of human motion and generative models, followed by an examination of representative methods for three mainstream sub-tasks: text-conditioned, audio-conditioned, and scene-conditioned human motion generation. Additionally, we provide an overview of common datasets and evaluation metrics. Lastly, we discuss open problems and outline potential future research directions. We hope that this survey could provide the community with a comprehensive glimpse of this rapidly evolving field and inspire novel ideas that address the outstanding challenges.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    SciBench: Evaluating College-Level Scientific Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models

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    Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated notable progress on many mathematical benchmarks. However, most of these benchmarks only feature problems grounded in junior and senior high school subjects, contain only multiple-choice questions, and are confined to a limited scope of elementary arithmetic operations. To address these issues, this paper introduces an expansive benchmark suite SciBench that aims to systematically examine the reasoning capabilities required for complex scientific problem solving. SciBench contains two carefully curated datasets: an open set featuring a range of collegiate-level scientific problems drawn from mathematics, chemistry, and physics textbooks, and a closed set comprising problems from undergraduate-level exams in computer science and mathematics. Based on the two datasets, we conduct an in-depth benchmark study of two representative LLMs with various prompting strategies. The results reveal that current LLMs fall short of delivering satisfactory performance, with an overall score of merely 35.80%. Furthermore, through a detailed user study, we categorize the errors made by LLMs into ten problem-solving abilities. Our analysis indicates that no single prompting strategy significantly outperforms others and some strategies that demonstrate improvements in certain problem-solving skills result in declines in other skills. We envision that SciBench will catalyze further developments in the reasoning abilities of LLMs, thereby ultimately contributing to scientific research and discovery.Comment: Work in progress, 18 page

    Estuarine plastisphere as an overlooked source of N2O production

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    “Plastisphere”, microbial communities colonizing plastic debris, has sparked global concern for marine ecosystems. Microbiome inhabiting this novel human-made niche has been increasingly characterized; however, whether the plastisphere holds crucial roles in biogeochemical cycling remains largely unknown. Here we evaluate the potential of plastisphere in biotic and abiotic denitrification and nitrous oxide (N2O) production in estuaries. Biofilm formation provides anoxic conditions favoring denitrifiers. Comparing with surrounding bulk water, plastisphere exhibits a higher denitrifying activity and N2O production, suggesting an overlooked N2O source. Regardless of plastisphere and bulk water, bacterial and fungal denitrifications are the main regulators for N2O production instead of chemodenitrification. However, the contributions of bacteria and fungi in the plastisphere are different from those in bulk water, indicating a distinct N2O production pattern in the plastisphere. These findings pinpoint plastisphere as a N2O source, and provide insights into roles of the new biotope in biogeochemical cycling in the Anthropocene

    PathAsst: Redefining Pathology through Generative Foundation AI Assistant for Pathology

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    As advances in large language models (LLMs) and multimodal techniques continue to mature, the development of general-purpose multimodal large language models (MLLMs) has surged, with significant applications in natural image interpretation. However, the field of pathology has largely remained untapped in this regard, despite the growing need for accurate, timely, and personalized diagnostics. To bridge the gap in pathology MLLMs, we present the PathAsst in this study, which is a generative foundation AI assistant to revolutionize diagnostic and predictive analytics in pathology. To develop PathAsst, we collect over 142K high-quality pathology image-text pairs from a variety of reliable sources, including PubMed, comprehensive pathology textbooks, reputable pathology websites, and private data annotated by pathologists. Leveraging the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT/GPT-4, we generate over 180K instruction-following samples. Furthermore, we devise additional instruction-following data, specifically tailored for the invocation of the pathology-specific models, allowing the PathAsst to effectively interact with these models based on the input image and user intent, consequently enhancing the model's diagnostic capabilities. Subsequently, our PathAsst is trained based on Vicuna-13B language model in coordination with the CLIP vision encoder. The results of PathAsst show the potential of harnessing the AI-powered generative foundation model to improve pathology diagnosis and treatment processes. We are committed to open-sourcing our meticulously curated dataset, as well as a comprehensive toolkit designed to aid researchers in the extensive collection and preprocessing of their own datasets. Resources can be obtained at https://github.com/superjamessyx/Generative-Foundation-AI-Assistant-for-Pathology.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, conferenc

    Beyond the Obvious: Evaluating the Reasoning Ability In Real-life Scenarios of Language Models on Life Scapes Reasoning Benchmark~(LSR-Benchmark)

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    This paper introduces the Life Scapes Reasoning Benchmark (LSR-Benchmark), a novel dataset targeting real-life scenario reasoning, aiming to close the gap in artificial neural networks' ability to reason in everyday contexts. In contrast to domain knowledge reasoning datasets, LSR-Benchmark comprises free-text formatted questions with rich information on real-life scenarios, human behaviors, and character roles. The dataset consists of 2,162 questions collected from open-source online sources and is manually annotated to improve its quality. Experiments are conducted using state-of-the-art language models, such as gpt3.5-turbo and instruction fine-tuned llama models, to test the performance in LSR-Benchmark. The results reveal that humans outperform these models significantly, indicating a persisting challenge for machine learning models in comprehending daily human life