295 research outputs found

    Model-Driven Beamforming Neural Networks

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    Beamforming is evidently a core technology in recent generations of mobile communication networks. Nevertheless, an iterative process is typically required to optimize the parameters, making it ill-placed for real-time implementation due to high complexity and computational delay. Heuristic solutions such as zero-forcing (ZF) are simpler but at the expense of performance loss. Alternatively, deep learning (DL) is well understood to be a generalizing technique that can deliver promising results for a wide range of applications at much lower complexity if it is sufficiently trained. As a consequence, DL may present itself as an attractive solution to beamforming. To exploit DL, this article introduces general data- and model-driven beamforming neural networks (BNNs), presents various possible learning strategies, and also discusses complexity reduction for the DL-based BNNs. We also offer enhancement methods such as training-set augmentation and transfer learning in order to improve the generality of BNNs, accompanied by computer simulation results and testbed results showing the performance of such BNN solutions

    Balanced Multi-modal Federated Learning via Cross-Modal Infiltration

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    Federated learning (FL) underpins advancements in privacy-preserving distributed computing by collaboratively training neural networks without exposing clients' raw data. Current FL paradigms primarily focus on uni-modal data, while exploiting the knowledge from distributed multimodal data remains largely unexplored. Existing multimodal FL (MFL) solutions are mainly designed for statistical or modality heterogeneity from the input side, however, have yet to solve the fundamental issue,"modality imbalance", in distributed conditions, which can lead to inadequate information exploitation and heterogeneous knowledge aggregation on different modalities.In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-Modal Infiltration Federated Learning (FedCMI) framework that effectively alleviates modality imbalance and knowledge heterogeneity via knowledge transfer from the global dominant modality. To avoid the loss of information in the weak modality due to merely imitating the behavior of dominant modality, we design the two-projector module to integrate the knowledge from dominant modality while still promoting the local feature exploitation of weak modality. In addition, we introduce a class-wise temperature adaptation scheme to achieve fair performance across different classes. Extensive experiments over popular datasets are conducted and give us a gratifying confirmation of the proposed framework for fully exploring the information of each modality in MFL.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures 4 table

    DualMix: Unleashing the Potential of Data Augmentation for Online Class-Incremental Learning

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    Online Class-Incremental (OCI) learning has sparked new approaches to expand the previously trained model knowledge from sequentially arriving data streams with new classes. Unfortunately, OCI learning can suffer from catastrophic forgetting (CF) as the decision boundaries for old classes can become inaccurate when perturbated by new ones. Existing literature have applied the data augmentation (DA) to alleviate the model forgetting, while the role of DA in OCI has not been well understood so far. In this paper, we theoretically show that augmented samples with lower correlation to the original data are more effective in preventing forgetting. However, aggressive augmentation may also reduce the consistency between data and corresponding labels, which motivates us to exploit proper DA to boost the OCI performance and prevent the CF problem. We propose the Enhanced Mixup (EnMix) method that mixes the augmented samples and their labels simultaneously, which is shown to enhance the sample diversity while maintaining strong consistency with corresponding labels. Further, to solve the class imbalance problem, we design an Adaptive Mixup (AdpMix) method to calibrate the decision boundaries by mixing samples from both old and new classes and dynamically adjusting the label mixing ratio. Our approach is demonstrated to be effective on several benchmark datasets through extensive experiments, and it is shown to be compatible with other replay-based techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures and 3 table

    Research on the Interaction between Tubeimoside 1 and HepG2 Cells Using the Microscopic Imaging and Fluorescent Spectra Method

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    The treatment of cancer draws interest from researchers worldwide. Of the different extracts from traditional Chinese medicines, Tubeimoside 1 (TBMS 1) is regarded as an effective treatment for cancer. To determine the mechanism of TBMS 1, the shape/pattern of HepG2 cells based on the microscopic imaging technology was determined to analyze experimental results; then the fluorescent spectra method was designed to investigate whether TBMS 1 affected HepG2 cells. A three-dimensional (3D) fluorescent spectra sweep was performed to determine the characteristic wave peak of HepG2 cells. A 2D fluorescent spectra method was then used to show the florescence change in HepG2 cells following treatment with TBMS 1. Finally, flow cytometry was employed to analyze the cell cycle of HepG2 cells. It was shown that TBMS 1 accelerated the death of HepG2 cells and had a strong dose- and time-dependent growth inhibitory effect on HepG2 cells, especially at the G2/M phase. These results indicate that the fluorescent spectra method is a promising substitute for flow cytometry as it is rapid and cost-effective in HepG2 cells

    Robust Respiration Sensing Based on Wi-Fi Beamforming

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    Currently, the robustness of most Wi-Fi sensing systems is very limited due to that the target’s reflection signal is quite weak and can be easily submerged by the ambient noise. To address this issue, we take advantage of the fact that Wi-Fi devices are commonly equipped with multiple antennas and introduce the beamforming technology to enhance the reflected signal as well as reduce the time-varying noise. We adopt the dynamic signal energy ratio for sub-carrier selection to solve the location dependency problem, based on which a robust respiration sensing system is designed and implemented. Experimental results show that when the distance between the target and the transceiver is 7m,the mean absolute error of the respiration sensing system is less than0.729bpm and the corresponding accuracy reaches 94.79%, which out performs the baseline methods
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