62 research outputs found

    A Novel Nanocomposite with Photo-Polymerization for Wafer Level Application

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.A novel nanocomposite photo-curable material which can act both as a photoresist and a stress redistribution layer applied on the wafer level was synthesized and studied. In the experiments, 20-nm silica fillers were modified by a silane coupling agent through a hydrolysis and condensation reaction and then incorporated into the epoxy matrix. A photo-sensitive initiator was added into the formulation which can release cations after ultraviolet exposure and initiate the epoxy crosslinking reaction. The photo-crosslinking reaction of the epoxy made it a negative tone photoresist. The curing reaction of the nanocomposites was monitored by a differential scanning calorimeter with the photo-calorimetric accessory. The thermal mechanical properties of photo-cured nanocomposites thin film were also measured. It was found that the moduli change of the nanocomposites as the filler loading increasing did not follow the Mori–Tanaka model, which indicated that the nanocomposite was not a simple two-phase structure as the composite with micron size filler. The addition of nano-sized silica fillers reduced the thermal expansion and improved the stiffness of the epoxy, with only a minimal effect on the optical transparency of the epoxy, which facilitated the complete photo reaction in the epoxy

    The Portfolio of Political Ties and Market Entries of Business Groups in Emerging Economies

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    This study examines how political ties maintained by a firm with rival political parties affect the firm’s entry into new industries. Drawing on the social network research, resource dependence theory, and corporate political strategy literature, we argue that the impact of a firm’s portfolio of political ties on market entry depends on the distribution of political power among rival political parties and the concomitant interdependency between the focal firm and its political partners. A diverse portfolio of political ties may facilitate entries when the political parties are relatively evenly matched in political power, but may induce adverse effects when there is substantial power distance between political parties. Moreover, the impact of portfolios of political ties on market entry is contingent on the internal resources of politically connected firms. Using the context of political ties maintained by Taiwanese business groups from 1998-2004, we find strong support for the proposed effects. The findings have implications for research on the corporate political strategy, contingencies of social relationships, the expansion of multi-business firms, and the organization of government

    Whether and How Network Structure Shapes the Value of Firm Capabilities?

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    This study examines how firm performance is driven jointly by individual firm-specific capabilities and the characteristics of networks in which firms are embedded. By using business groups in emerging economies as the organizational lens and adopting stochastic frontier estimation to measure firm capabilities, we find that the value of a firm�s capability is contingent upon the structure and the content of the intra-group network in which it is embedded. Specifically, we find that a dense intra-group network is likely to make innovative capability more valuable, although this effect varies across different types of network ties. While a dense network of intra-group buyer-supplier ties and equity ties enhances the value of innovative capability, a dense network of intra-group directorship ties does not influence the efficacy of a firm�s innovative capability

    Political ties and market entries of business groups in emerging economies

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    Survey of Research on Personalized News Recommendation Approaches

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    Personalized news recommendation is an important technology to help users obtain the news information they are interested in and alleviate information overload. In recent years, with the development of information technology and society, personalized news recommendation has been increasingly widely studied, and has achieved remarkable success in improving the news reading experience of users. This paper aims to systematically summarize personalized news recommendation methods based on deep learning. Firstly, it introduces personalized news recommendation methods and analyzes their characteristics and influencing factors. Then, the overall framework of personalized news recommendation is given, and the personalized news recommendation methods based on deep learning are analyzed and summarized. On this basis, it focuses on personalized news recommendation methods based on graph structure learning, including user-news interaction graph, knowledge graph and social relationship graph. Finally, it analyzes the challenges of the current personalized news recommendation, discusses how to solve the problems of data sparsity, model interpretability, diversity of recommendation results and news privacy protection in personalized news recommendation system, and puts forward more specific and operable research ideas in the future research direction