49 research outputs found

    Exploring the Confounding Factors of Academic Career Success: An Empirical Study with Deep Predictive Modeling

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    Understanding determinants of success in academic careers is critically important to both scholars and their employing organizations. While considerable research efforts have been made in this direction, there is still a lack of a quantitative approach to modeling the academic careers of scholars due to the massive confounding factors. To this end, in this paper, we propose to explore the determinants of academic career success through an empirical and predictive modeling perspective, with a focus on two typical academic honors, i.e., IEEE Fellow and ACM Fellow. We analyze the importance of different factors quantitatively, and obtain some insightful findings. Specifically, we analyze the co-author network and find that potential scholars work closely with influential scholars early on and more closely as they grow. Then we compare the academic performance of male and female Fellows. After comparison, we find that to be elected, females need to put in more effort than males. In addition, we also find that being a Fellow could not bring the improvements of citations and productivity growth. We hope these derived factors and findings can help scholars to improve their competitiveness and develop well in their academic careers

    SetRank: A Setwise Bayesian Approach for Collaborative Ranking from Implicit Feedback

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    The recent development of online recommender systems has a focus on collaborative ranking from implicit feedback, such as user clicks and purchases. Different from explicit ratings, which reflect graded user preferences, the implicit feedback only generates positive and unobserved labels. While considerable efforts have been made in this direction, the well-known pairwise and listwise approaches have still been limited by various challenges. Specifically, for the pairwise approaches, the assumption of independent pairwise preference is not always held in practice. Also, the listwise approaches cannot efficiently accommodate "ties" due to the precondition of the entire list permutation. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel setwise Bayesian approach for collaborative ranking, namely SetRank, to inherently accommodate the characteristics of implicit feedback in recommender system. Specifically, SetRank aims at maximizing the posterior probability of novel setwise preference comparisons and can be implemented with matrix factorization and neural networks. Meanwhile, we also present the theoretical analysis of SetRank to show that the bound of excess risk can be proportional to M/N\sqrt{M/N}, where MM and NN are the numbers of items and users, respectively. Finally, extensive experiments on four real-world datasets clearly validate the superiority of SetRank compared with various state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: This paper has been accepted in AAAI'2

    Joint Air Quality and Weather Prediction Based on Multi-Adversarial Spatiotemporal Networks

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    Accurate and timely air quality and weather predictions are of great importance to urban governance and human livelihood. Though many efforts have been made for air quality or weather prediction, most of them simply employ one another as feature input, which ignores the inner-connection between two predictive tasks. On the one hand, the accurate prediction of one task can help improve another task's performance. On the other hand, geospatially distributed air quality and weather monitoring stations provide additional hints for city-wide spatiotemporal dependency modeling. Inspired by the above two insights, in this paper, we propose the Multi-adversarial spatiotemporal recurrent Graph Neural Networks (MasterGNN) for joint air quality and weather predictions. Specifically, we first propose a heterogeneous recurrent graph neural network to model the spatiotemporal autocorrelation among air quality and weather monitoring stations. Then, we develop a multi-adversarial graph learning framework to against observation noise propagation introduced by spatiotemporal modeling. Moreover, we present an adaptive training strategy by formulating multi-adversarial learning as a multi-task learning problem. Finally, extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show that MasterGNN achieves the best performance compared with seven baselines on both air quality and weather prediction tasks.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Developing Fairness Rules for Talent Intelligence Management System

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    Talent management is an important business strategy, but inherently expensive due to the unique, subjective, and developing nature of each talent. Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze large-scale data, talent intelligence management system (TIMS) is intended to address the talent management problems of organizations. While TIMS has greatly improved the efficiency of talent management, especially in the processes of talent selection and matching, high-potential talent discovery and talent turnover prediction, it also brings new challenges. Ethical issues, such as how to maintain fairness when designing and using TIMS, are typical examples. Through the Delphi study in a leading global AI company, this paper proposes eight fairness rules to avoid fairness risks when designing TIMS

    Enhancing Person-Job Fit for Talent Recruitment: An Ability-aware Neural Network Approach

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    The wide spread use of online recruitment services has led to information explosion in the job market. As a result, the recruiters have to seek the intelligent ways for Person Job Fit, which is the bridge for adapting the right job seekers to the right positions. Existing studies on Person Job Fit have a focus on measuring the matching degree between the talent qualification and the job requirements mainly based on the manual inspection of human resource experts despite of the subjective, incomplete, and inefficient nature of the human judgement. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel end to end Ability aware Person Job Fit Neural Network model, which has a goal of reducing the dependence on manual labour and can provide better interpretation about the fitting results. The key idea is to exploit the rich information available at abundant historical job application data. Specifically, we propose a word level semantic representation for both job requirements and job seekers' experiences based on Recurrent Neural Network. Along this line, four hierarchical ability aware attention strategies are designed to measure the different importance of job requirements for semantic representation, as well as measuring the different contribution of each job experience to a specific ability requirement. Finally, extensive experiments on a large scale real world data set clearly validate the effectiveness and interpretability of the APJFNN framework compared with several baselines.Comment: This is an extended version of our SIGIR18 pape

    The Future of ChatGPT-enabled Labor Market: A Preliminary Study

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    As a phenomenal large language model, ChatGPT has achieved unparalleled success in various real-world tasks and increasingly plays an important role in our daily lives and work. However, extensive concerns are also raised about the potential ethical issues, especially about whether ChatGPT-like artificial general intelligence (AGI) will replace human jobs. To this end, in this paper, we introduce a preliminary data-driven study on the future of ChatGPT-enabled labor market from the view of Human-AI Symbiosis instead of Human-AI Confrontation. To be specific, we first conduct an in-depth analysis of large-scale job posting data in BOSS Zhipin, the largest online recruitment platform in China. The results indicate that about 28% of occupations in the current labor market require ChatGPT-related skills. Furthermore, based on a large-scale occupation-centered knowledge graph, we develop a semantic information enhanced collaborative filtering algorithm to predict the future occupation-skill relations in the labor market. As a result, we find that additional 45% occupations in the future will require ChatGPT-related skills. In particular, industries related to technology, products, and operations are expected to have higher proficiency requirements for ChatGPT-related skills, while the manufacturing, services, education, and health science related industries will have lower requirements for ChatGPT-related skills

    Seq-HGNN: Learning Sequential Node Representation on Heterogeneous Graph

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) in information retrieval (IR) applications. Many existing HGNNs design a variety of tailor-made graph convolutions to capture structural and semantic information in heterogeneous graphs. However, existing HGNNs usually represent each node as a single vector in the multi-layer graph convolution calculation, which makes the high-level graph convolution layer fail to distinguish information from different relations and different orders, resulting in the information loss in the message passing. %insufficient mining of information. To this end, we propose a novel heterogeneous graph neural network with sequential node representation, namely Seq-HGNN. To avoid the information loss caused by the single vector node representation, we first design a sequential node representation learning mechanism to represent each node as a sequence of meta-path representations during the node message passing. Then we propose a heterogeneous representation fusion module, empowering Seq-HGNN to identify important meta-paths and aggregate their representations into a compact one. We conduct extensive experiments on four widely used datasets from Heterogeneous Graph Benchmark (HGB) and Open Graph Benchmark (OGB). Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in both accuracy and efficiency. The source code is available at https://github.com/nobrowning/SEQ_HGNN.Comment: SIGIR 202