34 research outputs found

    Функционирование лекисческих единиц с абстрактной семантикой в жанре светской беседы

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    Стаття присвячена семантичному аналізу та ролі абстрактних субстантивів у жанрі світської бесіди.; Статья посвящена с емантическому анализу и роли абстрактн ых субстантивов в жанре светской беседы.; The article focuses on semantiсanalysis of abstract lexemes ina speech genre of society conversation

    Поліінтенційність жанру світської бесіди

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    Статтю присвячено аналізу інтенційної парадигми комунікантів у світській бесіді. Автор описує основні цілі світської комунікації як один із аспектів, необхідних для аналізу мовного жанру світської бесіди. ; The article focuses on analysis of the intention paradigm of communicants in society conversation. The author describes main communicative intentions as one of the aspects relevant for analysis of the speech genre of society conversation

    Comparative assessment of various methods of studying the skin toxicity of a wound-healing drug

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    The article presents the results of studying the subacute skin toxicity of a wound-healing cream based on betamethasone dipropionate, gentamicin sulfate, and clotrimazole. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD No. 410), the research was conducted using the classic method. When studying the effect of a wound-healing agent on the body of animals during long-term 28-day dermal application by the classical method in animals of the I, II, and III experimental groups, which received the drug in a dose of 0.5, 2.5, and 5 ml/kg body weight; respectively no significant changes were found in the body weight of the animals and the weight coefficients of the liver, heart, spleen, kidneys, and lungs. At the same time, in the animals of the II and III research groups, a slight increase in the concentration of hemoglobin was noted, respectively, by 1.3 and 3.9 %, the level of urea – 5.3 and 11.2 %, the activity of AST – 9.8 and 14.9 % compared to the indicators of animals of the control group. In these groups, there was a decrease in total protein concentration by 5.5 and 6.8 %, creatinine level by 3.1 and 5.3 %, and ALT activity by 6.5 and 9.7 %. The studies conducted according to the OECD No. 410 make it possible to obtain more informative data on the toxic effect of the investigated agent. In particular, it was established that the use of the researched drug in animals of the I, II, and III experimental groups caused a decrease in the weight coefficients of the spleen mass, respectively, by 19.1 (Р < 0.05), 22.4 (Р < 0.05) and 28.3 % (P < 0.05), hearts – 3.6, 4.6 and 7.7 %, kidneys – 4.9, 6.5 and 10.4 % and animal body weight – 4.5, 5.4 and 6.4 %, hemoglobin concentrations – 2.6, 2.9 and 4.4 %, leukocyte counts – 21.4, 16.1 and 15.1 %, hematocrit values – 1.9, 3, 6 and 4.0 %. The average hemoglobin content in the erythrocyte (MSN) also decreased by 8.3, 6.9, and 5.1 %, and the average erythrocyte (MCV) volume was 5.0, 4.7, and 1.7 %. In addition, an increase in weight coefficients of liver mass was established by 10.8 (P < 0.05), 11.8 (P < 0.05), and 15.6 % (P < 0.05). When studying the effect of the researched agent during 28-day dermal application on biochemical indicators of blood serum in animals of the first experimental group, a decrease in the concentration of total protein by 5.8 % was established. Under these conditions, an increase in creatinine level, urea level, ALT, and AST was established, respectively, by 6.2, 18.8 (P < 0.05), 3.8, and 14.7 % (P < 0.05). It should be noted that the use of the researched product in animals of the II and III experimental groups caused an increase in the level of urea, respectively, by 28.6 and 35.7 % (Р < 0.05), creatinine by 8.4 and 3.5 %, AST – 16.4 (P < 0.05) and 11.3 % and the activity of ALT – 8.5 and 11.0 %

    Оценка потенциальных разрешающей способности и точности измерительных преобразователей линейных и угловых перемещений на базе использования фазовых набегов поверхностных акустических волн

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    Приведено результати оцінки метрологічних параметрів 3-х частотного вимірювального перетворювача лінійних та кутових переміщень з рухомим приймачем на поверхневих акустичних хвилях (ПАХ).In this article present results of estimation of metrological parameters of the three frequency transducer measurement of linear and angular displacements of the moving receiver on surface acoustic waves (SAW).Приведены результаты оценки метрологических параметров 3-х частотного измерительного преобразователя линейных и угловых перемещений с подвижным приемником на поверхностных акустических волнах (ПАВ)

    Health vs. Disease in the Context of Verbalization of the Axiological Picture of the World of a Modern Doctor

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    Статтю присвячено проблемі інтерпретації цінностей та антицінностей у лінгвістичному контексті. Акцентовано на релевантності вирізнення дихотомії цінність – антицінність (нецінність). Визначено, що цінності – це сукупність життєво необхідних матеріальних та духовний понять, які окреслюють базові поведінкові домінанти людини, забезпечують її основні інтереси та найважливіші потреби. Антицінності дефіновано опозиційною (за смислом) до цінностей універсальною категорією загальної аксіологічної парадигми людини. Обґрунтовано думку про те, що цінність для лікаря – це те, на що скерована його робота як компетентного фахівця медичної галузі, а також важливий атрибут його свідомості, який виформовує вектори професійної діяльності. Виділено в обстеженому дискурсі мовні рефлекси вказаних ціннісних орієнтирів сучасного лікаря. Описано закономірності мовної об’єктивації протилежних аксіологічних орієнтирів – здоров’я та хвороби, які увиразнюють функціонування всіх живих організмів, зокрема й людей, на векторі життя – смерть. Зауважено, що всі проаналізовані словесні об’єктиватори відображають модифікацію аксіологічної парадигми в галузі охорони здоров’я. Крім цього, указано на прагматичний потенціал лексем, що вербалізують ціннісний континуум медичної комунікації. Зафіксовані в дискурсі позитивно і негативно конотовані лексеми увиразнюють схвалення, привітність, докір чи критичне ставлення лікаря до пацієнтів. The article is devoted to the problem of linguistic interpretation of values and anti-values. The relevance of their differention and the functioning of dichotomy value – anti-value is pointed out.It is defined that values are a complex of vital material and spiritual, non-material concepts that outline the basic behavioral dominant of a person, provide their main interests and essential needs. At the same time, anti-values are defined as the opposition (meaning) to values as universal category of the general human axiological paradigm.Considering the value aspects of medical communication, presently great attention is paid to the importance of studying doctor’s axiological continuum. In this work health and disease were defined as the principal semantic oppositions. According to the results of analysis, these contrast notions are central to the axiological picture of the modern doctor, and these concepts belong to different parts of the coordinate system – value – antivalence. The author substantiates the opinion that the value for the doctor means the specific notion directed him to be an competent expert in the medical field, an essential attribute of consciousness that determines main vectors of his professional activity.The study of the discourse-textual material made it possible to determine the language reflexes of these values. The paper presents features of the language objectification of opposing axiological landmarks – health and disease. It is indicated that all analyzed verbal objectivists reflect a modification of the health paradigm. In addition, the pragmatic potential of tokens is noted, which verbalize the value component of medical communication. The positive and negative connotations recorded in the discourse express the approval, affability, reproach or critical attitude of the doctor to the patients

    Visualization tools: using word clouds in teaching «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language»

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    The essential role of the Internet has led to an increase amount of the cutting-edge ways, methods and technologies for improving of the approaches of the present-day educational system. Therefore, it’s vital for every higher educational establishment to open up for all foreign students’ vast opportunities to study under the guidance of the well qualified teaching stuff. There many effective as well as exiting teaching / learning approaches that can change the way of organization and delivery of higher education in today modern society. The harnessing the most advanced information and communication technologies, particulary visualization tools, is one of such approaches. In this paper the most common and appropriate ways of using the advanced information and communication technologies for educational purposes have been described. The act that learning Web 2.0 is an emergent phenomenon was declared and explained. The main reason for using Web 2.0 educational tools, particularly visualization tools have been shown and analyzed. As mentioned above, tasks the main problems of utilizing different kinds of Web Space tools have been discussed. The others of this research have also outlined what kinds of benefits we will have after shifting your learning style from traditional to online. They tried to show the positive and negative impacts of the advanced information and communication technologies on language studying process. They paid our attention on the language training of foreigners, particularly medical students. In this response the outers have proposed algorithm of modernizing the teaching of the discipline «Ukrainian as a Foreign Language» is especially valuable, capable of harnessing the visualization tools, in particular word clouds, of the Ukrainian language teaching process to foreign students mastering the medical profession. To comply with the notion that Wordle is used for fast analysis, quick and effective remembering terms, words and active topical phrases; they suggested some exercises and tasks to do on classes

    Speech portrait of modern doctor (linguopragmatic aspect)

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    Новая научная лингвистическая парадигма обусловила появление научных направлений, ориентированных на анализ дискурса, речевых жанров и речевых актов. Цель этого исследования - описание речевого портрета современного доктора, выделение его ключевых дискурсивных характеристик, анализ докторского тезауруса. Методы исследования детерминированы его целью и задачами. В работе использованы методы наблюдения, описания, классификации, дискурс-анализа, элементы социолингвистического анализа. Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что в ней впервые представлена и охарактеризована дискурсивная личность современного врача. Установлено, что доктор - это, прежде всего, высококвалифицированный представитель нынешней отечественной медицины. Его имманентными речевыми характеристиками являются образованность, профессионализм, ответственность, бескорыстие, нравственность. Выявлено поведенческие стандарты, которые отличаются от указанных выше, в частности, неопытность, корыстолюбие, безответственность.The article is dediсated to one of the central notions of anthropocentric linguistics -lingvopersonology. This thesis presents different views on the problem of personality as a complicated phenomenon, which can be showed from linguistic point of view. The new scientific linguistic paradigm has led to the emergence of scientific areas focused on the analysis of discourses, speech genres and speech acts.The purpose of the study is to describe the speech portrait of a modern doctor. The author has focused on the linguopragmatic aspect of making different speech portraits. This way clearly expresses the axiological orientations of the communicant. The main task is the analysis of his main discourse features and the characterization of the medical thesaurus. Methods of research are determined by its goals and objectives. Among the general scientific methods used in this article are observation, description, systematization. The methodological base is augmented by the method of discourse analysis. It is used to find out discursive features and relevant contexts. Elements of sociolinguistic analysis were used for determining the influence of extralinguistic factors on the formation of the investigated speech personality. The scientific novelty of the work is in the fact that for the first time it presents and describes the discursive personality of a modern physician in a linguistic and cognitive aspect. Conclusions. Nowadays doctor is commonly a highly qualified, educated, skilful person. He is a representative of the modern ukrainian medical industry. It was found that his immanent speech characteristics are education, professionalism, responsibility, sel-flessness, morality. On the other hand, it should be poented out that deviations from the specified behavioral standards are revealed. The author has fixed in the medical discourse negative behavioral standards: illiteracy, self-interest, irresponsibility. According to the research, social and professional responsibilities sometimes may contraste with self-interes

    Standard and realities of language presentation of dental discourse

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    Акцентовано на уніфікації й гострій необхідності дотримання норм сучасної української літературної мови в публікованому науковому стоматологічному дискурсі. Указано на брак компетенції володіння науковою мовою й пізнання особливостей функціонування наукового стилю в мові стоматології. Аргументовано нагальність і своєчасність аналізу відповідності мови стоматологічних наукових і науково-методичних праць базовим функціональним якостям української мови. Досліджено стан дотримання граматичних, зокрема морфологічних, норм у сфері стоматологічного дискурсу. Вирізнено й охарактеризовано випадки невнормованого вживання мовних одиниць у фаховому мовленні стоматологічної сфери. Детально простудійовано правопис фахових стоматологічних термінів-іменників у родовому відмінку однини чоловічого роду. Систематизовано й параметризовано випадки нормативно вмотивованого закінчення родового відмінка -а/-у;The article deals with the typical mistakes of dental scientific researches – original theses, articles, manuals, textbooks, monographs, texts of abstracts and dissertations, etc. The necessity to form and develop language competence in academics has been showed. The research aims to focus attention on the importance of language presentation of the current scientific thoughts, ideas and hypotheses. According to this, the focus of this research has been shifted to the peculiarities of the development and potential of the scientific language. So, its quality and normalization have been considered by the authors. They interpret this aspect as interesting and extremely urgent problems of modern humanitarian science. The authors also mentioned the need to clarify the necessity of visible improvement of the scientific publication. Certain other priorities for modern scholars, such as monitoring the quality of its basic standard were pointed out. It is generally known, that there are diversity of discourses and each of them has its own particular tools. Apart from their specific discursive characteristic, either one of them has a number of language features. This is not only in the area of communication. Firstly, it concerns essential ideas about discursive representation according to the current language norms. This article deals with the dental discourse. Or more precisely, the primary focus is on its proper grammar. In this response the diversity of dental scientific researches – original theses, articles, manuals, textbooks, monographs, etc. has been analyzed in detail. The typical grammatical, in particular morphological mistakes of the above-mentioned scientific and materials and teaching aids have been showed. Scientific texts as well as various learning and teaching materials on dentistry have been examined from the point of view of the correctness of their morphological organization. The examples of incorrect usage of curtain language units in the samples of scientific dental discourse have been described and characterized. The appropriate utilizing of mail gendered terms (genitive case) has been also analyzed

    The Advanced Information and Communication Technologies in the Language Education for Foreigners : Utilizing Padlet

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    The essential role of Advanced Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet have led to an increased amount of the newest ways, methods and technologies improving of the approaches of the present-day educational system. The study reports the impact of advanced technologies, in particular Padlet, on language education for foreign students mastering the medical occupations. The study found that the harnessing of Padlet as a learning tool has changed the traditional method of teaching from teacher-centered to student-centered