929 research outputs found

    Smad3 promotes cancer progression by inhibiting E4BP4-mediated NK cell development

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    Exact ground states for the four-electron problem in a Hubbard ladder

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    The exact ground state of four electrons in an arbitrary large two leg Hubbard ladder is deduced from nine analytic and explicit linear equations. The used procedure is described, and the properties of the ground state are analyzed. The method is based on the construction in r-space of the different type of orthogonal basis wave vectors which span the subspace of the Hilbert space containing the ground state. In order to do this, we start from the possible microconfigurations of the four particles within the system. These microconfigurations are then rotated, translated and spin-reversed in order to build up the basis vectors of the problem. A closed system of nine analytic linear equations is obtained whose secular equation, by its minimum energy solution, provides the ground state energy and the ground state wave function of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Bacteria-Induced Uroplakin Signaling Mediates Bladder Response to Infection

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    Urinary tract infections are the second most common infectious disease in humans and are predominantly caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). A majority of UPEC isolates express the type 1 pilus adhesin, FimH, and cell culture and murine studies demonstrate that FimH is involved in invasion and apoptosis of urothelial cells. FimH initiates bladder pathology by binding to the uroplakin receptor complex, but the subsequent events mediating pathogenesis have not been fully characterized. We report a hitherto undiscovered signaling role for the UPIIIa protein, the only major uroplakin with a potential cytoplasmic signaling domain, in bacterial invasion and apoptosis. In response to FimH adhesin binding, the UPIIIa cytoplasmic tail undergoes phosphorylation on a specific threonine residue by casein kinase II, followed by an elevation of intracellular calcium. Pharmacological inhibition of these signaling events abrogates bacterial invasion and urothelial apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Our studies suggest that bacteria-induced UPIIIa signaling is a critical mediator of bladder responses to insult by uropathogenic E. coli

    Suppression of gas species signals in direct current glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    The possibility of suppressing gas species in direct current glow discharge mass spectrometry (dc-GDMS) with a linear time-of-flight mass analyzer was investigated. With this tic-GD ion source, a 'clean' mass spectrum rich in analyte could be obtained when the dc-GD was operated under a discharge current of 15-30 mA and a gas pressure of 300-500 Pa, in contrast to the strong signals of gas species in convention dc-GDMS, which operates at lower currents and pressures (typically 1-5 mA and 100 Pa). Such an experimental result is believed to be due to increased sputtering at higher pressures and currents, and the different ionization mechanisms of analyte and gas species. For a possible GD design to eliminate the background gas ions, a new discharge configuration was developed by attaching a TM,,, microwave resonator to the GD ion source. The mass spectrum of the cathode sample showed a low gas species background when the microwave-induced plasma (MIP) discharge was 'off' under different dc-GD parameters. The mass spectra of analyte and gas species obtained with 'MIP + dc-GD' and 'MIP only' modes are also compared and discussed. It was found that the analyte signals decrease and the gas species signals increase in the presence of the MIP, and that the analyte signals nearly disappear in the 'MIP only' mode. Preliminary results suggest that, for specific discharge conditions and with a suitable design of the GD source, an efficient suppression of gas species in dc-GDMS detection could be realized

    Microwave-induced plasma boosted microsecond-pulse glow discharge optical emission spectrometry

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    A microsecond-pulse (mu s-pulse) glow discharge (GD) source boosted by a microwave-induced plasma (MIP) has been developed and studied for optical emission spectrometry (OES), The excitation processes of the tandem GD source were investigated, The analytical characteristics of the GD-OES source in the presence and absence of the MIP were compared, including the operating parameters, signal-to-background ratios (S/B) and relative standard deviation (RSD), The results show that under a relatively low discharge pressure (<180 Pa), the mu s-pulse GD can couple fairly well with the MIP and emit intense analytical lines, When the GD source is operated under a pressure higher than 200 Pa, tao emission peaks appear, independent in time, for a given resonance atomic line, because sample atoms are independently structurally excited, first by the mu s-pulse GD and then by the MIP. The time interval between the tao peaks for Zn I 213.8 nm is longer than that for Cu I 324.7 nm, which is believed to be due to the faster diffusing velocity of copper atoms, When the mu s-pulse GD lamp is operated under a gas pressure higher than 220 Pa, the ion population is so high that Cu II ionic line at 224.7 nm 'becomes' two peaks because of a possible self-absorption. The results show that the supplementary nse of an MIP can eliminate the self-absorption of ionic and atomic lines, When the mu s-pulse GD source is coupled with the MTP, S/Bs are improved by a factor of more than one order of magnitude for several analytical lines. A short-term RSD of 0.2% is achieved for the 'mu s-pulse GD+MIP' configuration compared with that of 1.0% for 'mu s-pulse GD only' mode. The experimental results show that the MIP boosted mu s-pulse GD is a promising technique for solid sample and surface analysis

    A BAC-Based Transgenic Mouse Specifically Expresses an Inducible Cre in the Urothelium

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    Cre-loxp mediated conditional knockout strategy has played critical roles for revealing functions of many genes essential for development, as well as the causal relationships between gene mutations and diseases in the postnatal adult mice. One key factor of this strategy is the availability of mice with tissue- or cell type-specific Cre expression. However, the success of the traditional molecular cloning approach to generate mice with tissue specific Cre expression often depends on luck. Here we provide a better alternative by using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based recombineering to insert iCreERT2 cDNA at the ATG start of the Upk2 gene. The BAC-based transgenic mice express the inducible Cre specifically in the urothelium as demonstrated by mRNA expression and staining for LacZ expression after crossing with a Rosa26 reporter mouse. Taking into consideration the size of the gene of interest and neighboring genes included in a BAC, this method should be widely applicable for generation of mice with tissue specific gene expression or deletions in a more specific manner than previously reported

    Choroidal thickness in school children: The Gobi Desert Children Eye Study

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    Optical properties of exfoliated MoS2 coaxial nanotubes - analogues of graphene

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    We report on the first exfoliation of MoS2 coaxial nanotubes. The single-layer flakes, as the result of exfoliation, represent the transition metal dichalcogenides' analogue of graphene. They show a very low degree of restacking in comparison with exfoliation of MoS2 plate-like crystals. MoS2 monolayers were investigated by means of electron and atomic force microscopies, showing their structure, and ultraviolet-visible spectrometry, revealing quantum confinement as the consequence of the nanoscale size in the z-direction