9,609 research outputs found

    Real-time lattice boltzmann shallow waters method for breaking wave simulations

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    We present a new approach for the simulation of surfacebased fluids based in a hybrid formulation of Lattice Boltzmann Method for Shallow Waters and particle systems. The modified LBM can handle arbitrary underlying terrain conditions and arbitrary fluid depth. It also introduces a novel method for tracking dry-wet regions and moving boundaries. Dynamic rigid bodies are also included in our simulations using a two-way coupling. Certain features of the simulation that the LBM can not handle because of its heightfield nature, as breaking waves, are detected and automatically turned into splash particles. Here we use a ballistic particle system, but our hybrid method can handle more complex systems as SPH. Both the LBM and particle systems are implemented in CUDA, although dynamic rigid bodies are simulated in CPU. We show the effectiveness of our method with various examples which achieve real-time on consumer-level hardware.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Longevity of the Permian Emeishan mantle plume (SW China): 1 Ma, 8 Ma or 18 Ma?

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    After the formation of the ∼ 260 Ma Emeishan large igneous province, there were two volumetrically minor magmatic pulses at ∼ 252 Ma and ∼ 242 Ma, respectively. Alkaline mafic dykes intruding both 260 Ma and 252 Ma felsic plutons in the Panxi region, southwestern China, have compositions similar to the Emeishan flood basalts. One dyke is dated using the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb technique at 242 ± 2 Ma, ∼ 18 Ma younger than the start of Emeishan magmatism. The dykes have enriched light rare earth element patterns (La/YbN = 4.4-18.8) and trace element patterns similar to the Emeishan flood basalts and average ocean-island basalts. Some trace element ratios of the dykes (Zr/Nb = 3.8-8.2, La/Nb = 0.4-1.7, Ba/La = 7.5-25.6) are somewhat similar to EM1 source material, however, there are differences. Their εNd values (εNd = +2.6 and +2.7) and ISr( ISr = 0.704542 and 0.704554) ratios are indicative of a mantle source. Thus Emeishan magmatism may have lasted for almost 20 Ma after the initial eruption. However, geological evidence precludes the possibility that the post-260 Ma magmatic events were directly related to Emeishan magmatism, which began at and ended shortly after 260 Ma. The 252 Ma plutons and 242 Ma dykes represent volumetrically minor melting of the fossil Emeishan plume-head beneath the Yangtze crust. The 252 Ma magmatic event was likely caused by post-flood basalt extension of the Yangtze crust, whereas the 242 Ma event was caused by decompressional melting associated with the collision between the South China and North China blocks during the Middle Triassic. © 2008 Cambridge University Press.published_or_final_versio

    MM Algorithms for Geometric and Signomial Programming

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    This paper derives new algorithms for signomial programming, a generalization of geometric programming. The algorithms are based on a generic principle for optimization called the MM algorithm. In this setting, one can apply the geometric-arithmetic mean inequality and a supporting hyperplane inequality to create a surrogate function with parameters separated. Thus, unconstrained signomial programming reduces to a sequence of one-dimensional minimization problems. Simple examples demonstrate that the MM algorithm derived can converge to a boundary point or to one point of a continuum of minimum points. Conditions under which the minimum point is unique or occurs in the interior of parameter space are proved for geometric programming. Convergence to an interior point occurs at a linear rate. Finally, the MM framework easily accommodates equality and inequality constraints of signomial type. For the most important special case, constrained quadratic programming, the MM algorithm involves very simple updates.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    An ultrahigh pressure mineral assemblage from the Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet

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    Abstract in http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gold2001/pdf/3138.pd


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    激光探针等离子体质谱可对错石进行快速准确的Pb一Pb 同位素定年。本文进一步探讨了该方法应用中的几个问题。对不同样品采用不同的聚焦方式可以对U/Pb 分异有一定的控制作用。在一定的条件下, 不连续和连续采样模式都可以得到较高精度和准确度的结果。连续采样模式还可以得到同位素计数的深度剖面。不同的侧量滞留时间会影响测量结果的精度。20Ins 为适合错石ZO7Pb/206Pb 分析的最佳侧量滞留时间。在对侧定结果进行校正时, 可以采用玻璃标样NIST61O 和错石标样两种不同的校正方法。Laser probe-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LP-ICPMS) provides a rapid,precise and accurate technique for Pb-Pb zircon chronology. Different conditions affect massfractionation during laser ablation. Fixed-focus-mode and active-focus-mode, focus-mode anddefocus-mode, time-average mode (single point method) and time-resolved mode (depth pro-filing method), are compared. Both time-average mode and time-resolved mode can give rel-atively high precise, accurate results, and depth profile can only be obtained by time-resolvedmode. Comparing the results of time-resolved mode using different dwell time, it is found that20 ms is the best dwell time with highest precision and accuracy. It is shown that both NIST610and Zircon Standard give satisfactory calibration results for zircon 207Pb/206Pb isotopic age.Therefore, time resolved mode with dwell time of 20 ms is preferred for zircon analysis.published_or_final_versio

    A fast and reliable approach to simulating the output from an x-ray tube used for developing security backscatter imaging

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    Copyright 2017 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.The PENELOPE Monte Carlo simulation code was used alongside the SpekCalc code to simulate X-ray energy spectra from a VJ Technologies’ X-ray generator at a range of anode voltages. The PENELOPE code is often utilised in medicine but is here applied to develop coded aperture and pinhole imaging systems for security purposes. The greater computational burden of PENELOPE over SpekCalc is warranted by its greater flexibility and output information. The model was designed using the PENGEOM sub-tool and consists of a tungsten anode and five layers of window materials. The photons generated by a mono-energetic electron beam are collected by a virtual detector placed after the last window layer, and this records the spatial, angular and energy distributions which are then used as the X-ray source for subsequent simulations. The process of storing X-ray outputs and using them as a virtual photon source can then be used efficiently for exploring a range of imaging conditions as the computationally expensive electron interactions in the anode need not be repeated. The modelled spectra were validated with experimentally determined spectra collected with an Amptek X-123 Cadmium Telluride detector placed in front of the source

    Co3O4 Nanocrystals on Graphene as a Synergistic Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction

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    Catalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions are at the heart of key renewable energy technologies including fuel cells and water splitting. Despite tremendous efforts, developing oxygen electrode catalysts with high activity at low costs remains a grand challenge. Here, we report a hybrid material of Co3O4 nanocrystals grown on reduced graphene oxide (GO) as a high-performance bi-functional catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). While Co3O4 or graphene oxide alone has little catalytic activity, their hybrid exhibits an unexpected, surprisingly high ORR activity that is further enhanced by nitrogen-doping of graphene. The Co3O4/N-doped graphene hybrid exhibits similar catalytic activity but superior stability to Pt in alkaline solutions. The same hybrid is also highly active for OER, making it a high performance non-precious metal based bi-catalyst for both ORR and OER. The unusual catalytic activity arises from synergetic chemical coupling effects between Co3O4 and graphene.Comment: published in Nature Material

    Numerical study of the antibiotic transport and distribution in the Laizhou Bay, China

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    © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. A large number of antibiotic residues are discharged into aquatic environments due to the widespread use of antibiotics in daily life. After a series of processes in the water, the residues will potentially have adverse impacts on water ecosystem and human health. Therefore, it is critical for mediating the pollution to know how the antibiotics transport and distribute in the water. This study utilizes a two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann model to find out the transport and distribution of antibiotics in a highly polluted area, the Laizhou Bay in China. Furthermore, the model was used to simulate two scenarios in the Laizhou Bay, the antibiotics from sewage treatment plants and the contamination of mariculture. The simulated results show that the model as an effective tool can provide a useful basis for the management of antibiotics-related environmental issues in the Laizhou Bay

    SHRIMP zircon geochronology of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China): implications for double mass extinctions in Late Permian

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    Abstract in http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gold2001/pdf/3519.pd