129,797 research outputs found

    The dissipation of the system and the atom in two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with degenerate atomic levels

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    The method of perturbative expansion of master equation is employed to study the dissipative properties of system and of atom in the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM) with degenerate atomic levels. The numerical results show that the degeneracy of atomic levels prolongs the period of entanglement between the atom and the field. The asymptotic value of atomic linear entropy is apparently increased by the degeneration. The amplitude of local entanglement and disentanglement is suppressed. The better the initial coherence property of the degenerate atom, the larger the coherence loss.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Corrections to scaling in the dynamic approach to the phase transition with quenched disorder

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    With dynamic Monte Carlo simulations, we investigate the continuous phase transition in the three-dimensional three-state random-bond Potts model. We propose a useful technique to deal with the strong corrections to the dynamic scaling form. The critical point, static exponents β\beta and ν\nu, and dynamic exponent zz are accurately determined. Particularly, the results support that the exponent ν\nu satisfies the lower bound ν2/d\nu \geqslant 2/d.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Fluctuation-Driven Vortex Fractionalization in Topologically Ordered Superfluids of Cold Atoms

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    We have studied spin structures of fluctuation-driven fractionalized vortices and topological spin order in 2D nematic superfluids of cold sodium atoms. Our Monte Carlo simulations suggest a softened pi-spin disclination structure in a half-quantum vortex when spin correlations are short ranged; in addition, calculations indicate that a unique non-local topological spin order emerges simultaneously as cold atoms become a superfluid below a critical temperature. We have also estimated fluctuation-dependent critical frequencies for half-quantum vortex nucleation in rotating optical traps and discussed probing these excitations in experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; revised version accepted by Europhysics Letter

    Dynamic effect of overhangs and islands at the depinning transition in two-dimensional magnets

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    With the Monte Carlo methods, we systematically investigate the short-time dynamics of domain-wall motion in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model with a driving field ?DRFIM?. We accurately determine the depinning transition field and critical exponents. Through two different definitions of the domain interface, we examine the dynamics of overhangs and islands. At the depinning transition, the dynamic effect of overhangs and islands reaches maximum. We argue that this should be an important mechanism leading the DRFIM model to a different universality class from the Edwards-Wilkinson equation with quenched disorderComment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Development of a hybrid multi-scale simulation approach for spray processes

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    This paper presents a multi-scale approach coupling a Eulerian interface-tracking method and a Lagrangian particle-tracking method to simulate liquid atomisation processes. This method aims to represent the complete spray atomisation process including the primary break-up process and the secondary break-up process, paving the way for high-fidelity simulations of spray atomisation in the dense spray zone and spray combustion in the dilute spray zone. The Eulerian method is based on the coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method for interface tracking, which can accurately simulate the primary break-up process. For the coupling approach, the Eulerian method describes only large droplet and ligament structures, while small-scale droplet structures are removed from the resolved Eulerian description and transformed into Lagrangian point-source spherical droplets. The Lagrangian method is thus used to track smaller droplets. In this study, two-dimensional simulations of liquid jet atomisation are performed. We analysed Lagrangian droplet formation and motion using the multi-scale approach. The results indicate that the coupling method successfully achieves multi-scale simulations and accurately models droplet motion after the Eulerian–Lagrangian transition. Finally, the reverse Lagrangian–Eulerian transition is also considered to cope with interactions between Eulerian droplets and Lagrangian droplets.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK (grant number EP/L000199/1)

    Cutout reinforcements for shear loaded laminate and sandwich composite panels

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    This paper presents the numerical and experimental studies of shear loaded laminated and sandwich carbon/epoxy composite panels with cutouts and reinforcements aiming at reducing the cutout stress concentration and increasing the buckling stability of the panels. The effect of different cutout sizes and the design and materials of cutout reinforcements on the stress and buckling behaviour of the panels are evaluated. For the sandwich panels with a range of cutout size and a constant weight, an optimal ratio of the core to the face thickness has been studied for the maximum buckling stability. The finite element method and an analytical method are employed to perform parametric studies. In both constant stress and constant displacement shear loading conditions, the results are in very good agreement with those obtained from experiment for selected cutout reinforcement cases. Conclusions are drawn on the cutout reinforcement design and improvement of stress concentration and buckling behaviour of shear loaded laminated and sandwich composite panels with cutouts