428 research outputs found

    Independence numbers of hypergraphs with sparse neighborhoods

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    AbstractLet H be a hypergraph with N vertices and average degree d. Suppose that the neighborhoods of H are sparse, then its independence number is at least cN(logd /d), where c>0 is a constant. In particular, let integers r≥3 and n≥1 be fixed, and let H be r-uniform, triangle-free and linear, then its independence number is at least cNlognd/d for all sufficiently large d

    Belief Evolution Network-based Probability Transformation and Fusion

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    Smets proposes the Pignistic Probability Transformation (PPT) as the decision layer in the Transferable Belief Model (TBM), which argues when there is no more information, we have to make a decision using a Probability Mass Function (PMF). In this paper, the Belief Evolution Network (BEN) and the full causality function are proposed by introducing causality in Hierarchical Hypothesis Space (HHS). Based on BEN, we interpret the PPT from an information fusion view and propose a new Probability Transformation (PT) method called Full Causality Probability Transformation (FCPT), which has better performance under Bi-Criteria evaluation. Besides, we heuristically propose a new probability fusion method based on FCPT. Compared with Dempster Rule of Combination (DRC), the proposed method has more reasonable result when fusing same evidence

    LSTM-based energy management for electric vehicle charging in commercial-building prosumers

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    As typical prosumers, commercial buildings equipped with electric vehicle (EV) charging piles and solar photovoltaic panels require an effective energy management method. However, the conventional optimization-model-based building energy management system faces significant challenges regarding prediction and calculation in online execution. To address this issue, a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) based machine learning algorithm is proposed in this paper to schedule the charging and discharging of numerous EVs in commercial-building prosumers. Under the proposed system control structure, the LSTM algorithm can be separated into offline and online stages. At the offline stage, the LSTM is used to map states (inputs) to decisions (outputs) based on the network training. At the online stage, once the current state is input, the LSTM can quickly generate a solution without any additional prediction. A preliminary data processing rule and an additional output filtering procedure are designed to improve the decision performance of LSTM network. The simulation results demonstrate that the LSTM algorithm can generate near-optimal solutions in milliseconds and significantly reduce the prediction and calculation pressures compared with the conventional optimization algorithm

    The Innovation Waltz: Unpacking Developers’ Response to Market Feedback and Its Effects on App Performance

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    To remain competitive in the intensely competitive mobile app market, developers often rely on user feedback to fuel the innovation process. Past studies, however, have rarely examined the impact of developers’ incremental innovation strategies by treating app innovation as a continuous process. This knowledge gap prompted us to advance a framework of developers’ incremental innovation strategies comprising four coping strategies: sailing, optimizing, supplementing, and patching. Employing a multi-state Markov model to capture the probability of a developer employing an incremental innovation strategy in response to distinct types of market feedback during the app innovation process, we analyze data sourced from the Android app store that consists of 4,583 apps, 29,307 updates, and 231,817 reviews. We discovered that market feedback affects the adoption of the four incremental innovation strategies differently. Additionally, we found that sailing, supplementing, and optimizing strategies boost app downloads, while supplementing, optimizing, and patching strategies improve app ratings

    Wireless Access Control in Edge-Aided Disaster Response:A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Approach

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    Where Am I? SLAM for Mobile Machines on a Smart Working Site

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    The current optimization approaches of construction machinery are mainly based on internal sensors. However, the decision of a reasonable strategy is not only determined by its intrinsic signals, but also very strongly by environmental information, especially the terrain. Due to the dynamic changing of the construction site and the consequent absence of a high definition map, the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) offering the terrain information for construction machines is still challenging. Current SLAM technologies proposed for mobile machines are strongly dependent on costly or computationally expensive sensors, such as RTK GPS and cameras, so that commercial use is rare. In this study, we proposed an affordable SLAM method to create a multi-layer grid map for the construction site so that the machine can have the environmental information and be optimized accordingly. Concretely, after the machine passes by the grid, we can obtain the local information and record it. Combining with positioning technology, we then create a map of the interesting places of the construction site. As a result of our research gathered from Gazebo, we showed that a suitable layout is the combination of one IMU and two differential GPS antennas using the unscented Kalman filter, which keeps the average distance error lower than 2m and the mapping error lower than 1.3% in the harsh environment. As an outlook, our SLAM technology provides the cornerstone to activate many efficiency improvement approaches. View Full-Tex

    Mechanisms of esophageal cancer metastasis and treatment progress

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    Esophageal cancer is a prevalent tumor of the digestive tract worldwide. The detection rate of early-stage esophageal cancer is very low, and most patients are diagnosed with metastasis. Metastasis of esophageal cancer mainly includes direct diffusion metastasis, hematogenous metastasis, and lymphatic metastasis. This article reviews the metabolic process of esophageal cancer metastasis and the mechanisms by which M2 macrophages, CAF, regulatory T cells, and their released cytokines, including chemokines, interleukins, and growth factors, form an immune barrier to the anti-tumor immune response mediated by CD8+ T cells, impeding their ability to kill tumor cells during tumor immune escape. The effect of Ferroptosis on the metastasis of esophageal cancer is briefly mentioned. Moreover, the paper also summarizes common drugs and research directions in chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy for advanced metastatic esophageal cancer. This review aims to serve as a foundation for further investigations into the mechanism and management of esophageal cancer metastasis

    A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Machining Feature Recognition over Network

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    In this paper, a divide-and-conquer algorithm for machining feature recognition over network is presented. The algorithm consists of three steps. First, decompose the part and its stock into a number of sub-objects in the client and transfer the sub-objects to the server one by one. Meanwhile, perform machining feature recognition on each sub-object using the MCSG based approach in the server in parallel. Finally, generate the machining feature model of the part by synthesizing all the machining features including decomposed features recognized from all the sub-objects and send it back to the client. With divide-and-conquer and parallel computing, the algorithm is able to decrease the delay of transferring a complex CAD model over network and improve the capability of handling complex parts. Implementation details are included and some test results are given
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