37 research outputs found

    Heavy Particle Modes and Signature of the I-Regime

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    The recently discovered properties of the I-confinement Regime are explained as resulting from the excitation of a heavy particle mode. The theoretically predicted mode phase velocity in the direction of the electron diamagnetic velocity and the induced confinement of impurities at the edge of the plasma column have been confirmed by the experiments. The direction of the mode phase velocity is consistent with that (opposite) of the spontaneous rotation in the plasma core. The mode is of the “ion-mixing” type, in that it does not produce any electron transport across the fields and it involves significant poloidal magnetic field fluctuations.United States. Department of Energ

    Freezing point depression and freeze-thaw damage by nano-fuidic salt trapping

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    A remarkable variety of organisms and wet materials are able to endure temperatures far below the freezing point of bulk water. Cryo-tolerance in biology is usually attributed to "anti-freeze" proteins, and yet massive supercooling (<−40∘< -40^\circC) is also possible in porous media containing only simple aqueous electrolytes. For concrete pavements, the common wisdom is that freeze-thaw damage results from the expansion of water upon freezing, but this cannot explain the large pressures (>10> 10~MPa) required to damage concrete, the observed correlation between pavement damage and de-icing salts, or the damage of cement paste loaded with benzene (which contracts upon freezing). In this Letter, we propose a different mechanism -- nanofluidic salt trapping -- which can explain the observations, using simple mathematical models of dissolved ions confined to thin liquid films between growing ice and charged surfaces. Although trapped salt lowers the freezing point, ice nucleation in charged pores causes enormous disjoining pressures via the rejected ions, until their removal by precipitation or surface adsorption at a lower temperatures releases the pressure and allows complete freezing. The theory is able to predict the non-monotonic salt-concentration dependence of freeze-thaw damage in concreter and provides a general framework to understand the origins of cryo-tolerance.Comment: 5 figure

    Activity-induced propulsion of a vesicle

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    Modern biomedical applications such as targeted drug delivery require a delivery system capable of enhanced transport beyond that of passive Brownian diffusion. In this work an osmotic mechanism for the propulsion of a vesicle immersed in a viscous fluid is proposed. By maintaining a steady-state solute gradient inside the vesicle, a seepage flow of the solvent (e.g., water) across the semipermeable membrane is generated which in turn propels the vesicle. We develop a theoretical model for this vesicle-solute system in which the seepage flow is described by a Darcy flow. Using the reciprocal theorem for Stokes flow it is shown that the seepage velocity at the exterior surface of the vesicle generates a thrust force which is balanced by the hydrodynamic drag such that there is no net force on the vesicle. We characterize the motility of the vesicle in relation to the concentration distribution of the solute confined inside the vesicle. Any osmotic solute is able to propel the vesicle so long as a concentration gradient is present. In the present work, we propose active Brownian particles (ABPs) as a solute. To maintain a symmetry-breaking concentration gradient, we consider ABPs with spatially varying swim speed and ABPs with constant properties but under the influence of an orienting field. In particular, it is shown that at high activity the vesicle velocity is U∌[K⊄/(ηeℓm)]∫Π0swimndΩ\boldsymbol{U}\sim [K_\perp /(\eta_e\ell_m) ]\int \Pi_0^\mathrm{swim} \boldsymbol{n} d\Omega , where Π0swim\Pi_0^\mathrm{swim} is the swim pressure just outside the thin accumulation boundary layer on the interior vesicle surface, n\boldsymbol{n} is the unit normal vector of the vesicle boundary, K⊄K_\perp is the membrane permeability, ηe\eta_e is the viscosity of the solvent, and ℓm\ell_m is the membrane thickness

    On the IMF in a Triggered Star Formation Context

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    The origin of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is a fundamental issue in the theory of star formation. It is generally fit with a composite power law. Some clues on the progenitors can be found in dense starless cores that have a core mass function (CMF) with a similar shape. In the low-mass end, these mass functions increase with mass, albeit the sample may be somewhat incomplete; in the high-mass end, the mass functions decrease with mass. There is an offset in the turn-over mass between the two mass distributions. The stellar mass for the IMF peak is lower than the corresponding core mass for the CMF peak in the Pipe Nebula by about a factor of three. Smaller offsets are found between the IMF and the CMFs in other nebulae. We suggest that the offset is likely induced during a starburst episode of global star formation which is triggered by the formation of a few O/B stars in the multi-phase media, which naturally emerged through the onset of thermal instability in the cloud-core formation process. We consider the scenario that the ignition of a few massive stars photoionizes the warm medium between the cores, increases the external pressure, reduces their Bonnor?Ebert mass, and triggers the collapse of some previously stable cores. We quantitatively reproduce the IMF in the low-mass end with the assumption of additional rotational fragmentation.Comment: 3 figure

    Multiscale Poromechanics of Wet Cement Paste

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    Capillary effects such as imbibition-drying cycles impact the mechanics of granular systems over time. A multiscale poromechanics framework was applied to cement paste, that is the most common building material, experiencing broad humidity variations over the lifetime of infrastructure. First, the liquid density distribution at intermediate to high relative humidities is obtained using a lattice gas density functional method together with a realistic nano-granular model of cement hydrates. The calculated adsorption/desorption isotherms and pore size distributions are discussed and compare well to nitrogen and water experiments. The standard method for pore size distribution determination from desorption data is evaluated. Then, the integration of the Korteweg liquid stress field around each cement hydrate particle provided the capillary forces at the nanoscale. The cement mesoscale structure was relaxed under the action of the capillary forces. Local irreversible deformations of the cement nano-grains assembly were identified due to liquid-solid interactions. The spatial correlations of the nonaffine displacements extend to a few tens of nm. Finally, the Love-Weber method provided the homogenized liquid stress at the micronscale. The homogenization length coincided with the spatial correlation length nonaffine displacements. Our results on the solid response to capillary stress field suggest that the micronscale texture is not affected by mild drying, while local irreversible deformations still occur. These results pave the way towards understanding capillary phenomena induced stresses in heterogeneous porous media ranging from construction materials, hydrogels to living systems.Comment: 6 figures in main text, 4 figures in the SI appendi

    On the Coagulation and Size Distribution of Pressure Confined Cores

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    Observations of the Pipe Nebula have led to the discovery of dense starless cores. The mass of most cores is too small for their self gravity to hold them together. Instead, they are thought to be pressure confined. The observed dense cores' mass function (CMF) matches well with the initial mass function (IMF) of stars in young clusters. Similar CMF's are observed in other star forming regions such as the Aquila Nebula, albeit with some dispersion. The shape of these CMF provides important clues to the competing physical processes which lead to star formation and its feedback on the interstellar media. In this paper, we investigate the dynamical origin of the the mass function of starless cores which are confined by a warm, less dense medium. We consider the coagulation between the cold cores and their ablation due to Kelvin-Helmholtz instability induced by their relative motion through the warm medium. We are able to reproduce the observed CMF among the starless cores in the Pipe nebula. Our results indicate that in environment similar to the Pipe nebula: 1) before the onset of their gravitational collapse, the mass distribution of the progenitor cores is similar to that of the young stars, 2) the observed CMF is a robust consequence of dynamical equilibrium between the coagulation and ablation of cores, and 3) a break in the slope of the CMF is due to the enhancement of collisional cross section and suppression of ablation for cores with masses larger than the cores' Bonnor-Ebert mass.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Dielectric breakdown by electric-field induced phase separation

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    The control of the dielectric and conductive properties of device-level systems is important for increasing the efficiency of energy- and information-related technologies. In some cases, such as neuromorphic computing, it is desirable to increase the conductivity of an initially insulating medium by several orders of magnitude, resulting in effective dielectric breakdown. Here, we show that by tuning the value of the applied electric field in systems { with variable permittivity and electric conductivity}, e.g. ion intercalation materials, we can vary the device-level electrical conductivity by orders of magnitude. We attribute this behavior to the formation of filament-like conductive domains that percolate throughout the system, { which form only when the electric conductivity depends on the concentration}. We conclude by discussing the applicability of our results in neuromorphic computing devices and Li-ion batteries.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Freezing point depression and freeze-thaw damage by nanofluidic salt trapping

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    A remarkable variety of organisms and wet materials are able to endure temperatures far below the freezing point of bulk water. Cryotolerance in biology is usually attributed to “antifreeze” proteins, and yet massive supercooling (10 MPa) required to damage concrete, the observed correlation between pavement damage and deicing salts, or the FT damage of cement paste loaded with benzene (which contracts upon freezing). In this work, we propose a different mechanism—nanofluidic salt trapping—which can explain the observations, using simple mathematical models of dissolved ions confined between growing ice and charged pore surfaces. When the transport time scale for ions through charged pore space is prolonged, ice formation in confined pores causes enormous disjoining pressures via the ions rejected from the ice core, until their removal by precipitation or surface adsorption at lower temperatures releases the pressure and allows complete freezing. The theory is able to predict the nonmonotonic salt-concentration dependence of FT damage in concrete and provides some hint to better understand the origins of cryotolerance from a physical chemistry perspective