979 research outputs found

    Quark-Antiquark and Diquark Condensates in Vacuum in a 3D Two-Flavor Gross-Neveu Model

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    The effective potential analysis indicates that, in a 3D two-flavor Gross-Neveu model in vacuum, depending on less or bigger than the critical value 2/3 of GS/HPG_S/H_P, where GSG_S and HPH_P are respectively the coupling constants of scalar quark-antiquark channel and pseudoscalar diquark channel, the system will have the ground state with pure diquark condensates or with pure quark-antiquark condensates, but no the one with coexistence of the two forms of condensates. The similarities and differences in the interplay between the quark-antiquark and the diquark condensates in vacuum in the 2D, 3D and 4D two-flavor four-fermion interaction models are summarized.Comment: 5 pages, revtex4, no figure, minor typos correcte

    Quark-Antiquark and Diquark Condensates in Vacuum in a 2D Two-Flavor Gross-Neveu Model

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    The analysis based on the renormalized effective potential indicates that, similar to in the 4D two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model, in a 2D two-flavor Gross-Neveu model, the interplay between the quark-antiquark and the diquark condensates in vacuum also depends on GS/HSG_S/H_S, the ratio of the coupling constants in scalar quark-antiquark and scalar diquark channel. Only the pure quark-antiquark condensates exist if GS/HS>2/3G_S/H_S>2/3 which is just the ratio of the color numbers of the quarks participating in the diquark and quark-antiquark condensates. The two condensates will coexist if 0<GS/HS<2/30<G_S/H_S<2/3. However, different from the 4D NJL model, the pure diquark condensates arise only at GS/HS=0G_S/H_S=0 and are not in a possibly finite region of GS/HSG_S/H_S below 2/3.Comment: 6 pages, revtex4, no figur

    QGP flow fluctuations and the characteristics of higher moments

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    The dynamical development of expanding Quark-gluon Plasma (QGP) flow is studied in a 3+1D fluid dynamical model with a globally symmetric, initial condition. We minimize fluctuations arising from complex dynamical processes at finite impact parameters and from fluctuating random initial conditions to have a conservative fluid dynamical background estimate for the statistical distributions of the thermodynamical parameters. We also avoid a phase transition in the equation of state, and we let the matter supercool during the expansion. Then central Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV are studied in an almost perfect fluid dynamical model, with azimuthally symmetric initial state generated in a dynamical flux-tube model. The general development of thermodynamical extensives are also shown for lower energies. We observe considerable deviations from a thermal equilibrium source as a consequence of the fluid dynamical expansion arising from a least fluctuating initial state

    Retinal S-antigen Th1 cell epitope mapping in patients with Behcet's disease

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    Background - Retinal S-antigen (S-Ag) is a most characterized autoantigen of autoimmune uveitis. The recognized immunodominant epitope of human S-Ag in patients with uveitis has not been identified. In this study, we selected certain patients with active uveitis to map the Th1 cell epitope spectrum of human S-Ag in Behcet's disease(BD). Methods - Blood samples were taken from eight active BD patients who showed an immune response to 40 mixed overlapping peptides spanning the entire sequence of human S-Ag. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with single S-Ag peptide at 5 mu g/ml or 20 mu g/ml. Single-cell immune responses were measured by IFN-gamma ELIspot assay. Results - BD patients heterogeneously responded to the S-Ag peptides at two concentrations. In general, the responses to 5 mu g/ml peptides were slightly stronger than those to 20 mu g/ml peptides, while the maximum SFC frequency to single peptide at the two concentrations was similar. Several peptides including P31, P35 and P40 induced a prominent response, with the frequency of S-Ag specific cells being about 0.007%. Significant reactivity pattern shift was noted in patients with different disease courses. Conclusions - Certain active BD patients have S-Ag specific Th1 cells with a low frequency. The S-Ag epitope specificity between patients is highly heterogeneous, and varies with the uveitis cours

    Impurity band in clean superconducting weak links

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    Weak impurity scattering produces a narrow band with a finite density of states near the phase difference ϕ=π\phi =\pi in the mid-gap energy spectrum of a macroscopic superconducting weak link. The equivalent distribution of transmission coefficients of various cunducting quantum channels is found.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, changed conten

    Quantum Pumping in the Magnetic Field: Role of Discrete Symmetries

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    We consider an effect of the discrete spatial symmetries and magnetic field on the adiabatic charge pumping in mesoscopic systems. In general case, there is no symmetry of the pumped charge with respect to the inversion of magnetic field Q(B) \neq Q(-B). We find that the reflection symmetries give rise to relations Q(B)=Q(-B) or Q(B)=-Q(-B) depending on the orientation of the reflection axis. In presence of the center of inversion, Q(B) = 0. Additional symmetries may arise in the case of bilinear pumping.Comment: 4 page

    Conductance fluctuations in a quantum dot under almost periodic ac pumping

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    It is shown that the variance of the linear dc conductance fluctuations in an open quantum dot under a high-frequency ac pumping depends significantly on the spectral content of the ac field. For a sufficiently strong ac field γτϕ<<1\gamma\tau_{\phi}<< 1, where 1/τϕ1/\tau_{\phi} is the dephasing rate induced by ac noise and γ\gamma is the electron escape rate, the dc conductance fluctuations are much stronger for the harmonic pumping than in the case of the noise ac field of the same intensity. The reduction factor rr in a static magnetic field takes the universal value of 2 only for the white--noise pumping. For the strictly harmonic pumping A(t)=A0cosωtA(t)=A_{0}\cos\omega t of sufficiently large intensity the variance is almost insensitive to the static magnetic field r1=2τϕγ<<1r-1= 2\sqrt{\tau_{\phi}\gamma} << 1. For the quasi-periodic ac field of the form A(t)=A0[cos(ω1t)+cos(ω2t)]A(t)=A_{0} [\cos(\omega_{1} t)+\cos(\omega_{2} t)] with ω1,2>>γ\omega_{1,2} >> \gamma and γτϕ<<1\gamma\tau_{\phi} << 1 we predict the novel effect of enchancement of conductance fluctuations at commensurate frequencies ω2/ω1=P/Q\omega_{2}/\omega_{1}=P/Q.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 4 eps figures; the final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Pumped current and voltage for an adiabatic quantum pump

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    We consider adiabatic pumping of electrons through a quantum dot. There are two ways to operate the pump: to create a dc current Iˉ{\bar I} or to create a dc voltage Vˉ{\bar V}. We demonstrate that, for very slow pumping, Iˉ{\bar I} and Vˉ{\bar V} are not simply related via the dc conductance GG as Iˉ=VˉG\bar I = \bar V G. For the case of a chaotic quantum dot, we consider the statistical distribution of VˉGIˉ{\bar V} G - {\bar I}. Results are presented for the limiting cases of a dot with single channel and with multichannel point contacts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum superconductor-metal transition

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    We consider a system of superconducting grains embedded in a normal metal. At zero temperature this system exhibits a quantum superconductor-normal metal phase transition. This transition can take place at arbitrarily large conductance of the normal metal.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure include

    Floquet scattering in parametric electron pumps

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    A Floquet scattering approach to parametric electron pumps is presented and compared with Brouwer's adiabatic scattering approach [Phys. Rev. B 58, R10135 (1998)] for a simple scattering model with two harmonically oscillating delta-function barriers. For small strength of oscillating potentials these two approaches give exactly equivalent results while for large strength, these clearly deviate from each other. The validity of the adiabatic theory is also discussed by using the Wigner delay time obtained from the Floquet scattering matrix.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure