48,309 research outputs found

    Nash equilibria of games with monotonic best replies

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    We introduce notions of increasingness for the best reply of a game that capture properly the intuitive idea of complementarity among players’ strategies. We show, by generalizing the fixpoint theorems of Veinott and Zhou, that the Nash sets of our games with increasing best replies are nonempty complete lattices. Hence we extend the class of games with strategic complementarities.Complementarity, supermodular games, fixpoint theorem, Nash equilibria

    Extend the ideas of Kan and Zhou paper on Optimal Portfolio Construction under parameter uncertainty

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    In this dissertation, we extend the ideas of Raymond Kan and Guofu Zhou for optimal portfolio construction under parameter uncertainty. Kan and Zhou proved analytically that under parameter uncertainty, investing in the sample tangency portfolio and the riskless is not optimal. Based on this idea we will approach the portfolio construction under parameter uncertainty in a different way. We will optimise the expected out-of-sample performance of a portfolio using a numerical approach. Using Monte Carlo simulations we will develop an algorithm that calculates the expected out-of-sample performance of any portfolio rule. We will then extend this algorithm in order to be able to input new portfolio rules and test their performance.\ud \ud The new portfolio rules we introduce are based on shrinkages for the mean and covariance matrix of the assets returns. These shrinkages will have some parameters that will be chosen so that we optimise the expected out-of-sample performance of the input portfolio rule. A comparison is then done between the portfolio rules we introduce and Kan and Zhou portfolio rules

    Rethinking the Axial Age in Ancient China: The Role of Religion in Governance from the Shang to the Early Han

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    The Axial Age is a term often used to describe an intellectual golden age that occurred in the first millennium Before the Common Era. Thinkers in civilizations across the globe at that time contributed to a philosophical movement that is sometimes portrayed as an evolution from superstition to reason. However, this thesis focuses on the changing role of religion in regards to governance in Ancient China. Beginning with the first evidence of writing on oracle bones in the Shang Dynasty, religious ideas and practices were relied on by the Shang royal court. The spread of these religious artifacts is a testament to the growing power of the Shang. By claiming supernatural influence with the spirits and deities, the authority of the Shang king was strengthened. As the ritual of divining and crafting oracle bones became more routinized, these religious practices became politically important as well. The Zhou conquered the Shang and justified their newfound rule by claiming to be favored by Heaven. Their concept of Heaven incorporated all of the Shang spiritual pantheon, thereby reinforcing Zhou legitimacy. Zhou kings were expected to uphold the Mandate of Heaven not only by pleasing the spirits but also by providing for the people. Divination and ritual continued but did not have as much of an impact on governance as it did in the Shang. As the central Zhou state began to lose power, various states favored practical measures to strengthen their own political authority. Might determined right as states preferred military power instead of religious influence. Assimilation of outside peoples paired with increased social mobility also contributed to the waning influence of the Zhou state. The philosophical trends of the Hundred Schools of Thought mirrored this development. The idealistic ritual-based rule of the early Confucians was later displaced by the pragmatic law-based rule of the Legalists. Although the Qin state succeeded in uniting the warring states by utilizing clear laws and strict punishments, their reign was short-lived. The Han Dynasty inherited the legal bureaucracy from the Qin but fused that with religious ideas to serve as an ethicopolitical framework for their rule. This legacy served as a blueprint for dynastic rule that lasted over two thousand years

    Study the effect of sliding frequency on reciprocating sliding wear test for titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V

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    Titanium alloys are widely used in the aerospace, automotive, chemical and biomedical industries. Titanium and its alloys have excellent corrosion resistance towards many of the highly corrosive environments, particularly, oxidizing and chloride containing process streams due to their excellent combination of low density, high strength to weight ratio, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility (Feng & Xu, 2006). This material have evoked sufficient interest among tribologists due to their poor performance when subjected to wear (Argatov, 2011); (Chen & Zhou, 2001). Tribo contact between uncoated titanium alloy once the coated completely used are crucial and these need to be study and analyse

    The Sacred and the Cannibalistic: Zhou Zuoren’s Critique of Violence in Modern China

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    This article explores the ways in which Zhou Zuoren critiqued violence in modern China as a belief-­‐‑driven phenomenon. Differing from Lu Xun and other mainstream intellectuals, Zhou consistently denied the legitimacy of violence as a force for modernizing China. Relying on extensive readings in anthropology, intellectual history, and religious studies, he investigated the fundamental “nexus” between violence and the religious, political, and ideological beliefs. In the Enlightenment’s effort to achieve modernity, cannibalistic Confucianism was to be cleansed from the corpus of Chinese culture as the “barbaric” cultural Other, but Zhou was convinced that such barbaric cannibalism was inherited by the Enlightenment thinkers, and thus made the Enlightenment impossible. Through critiquing the violence in intellectual persecution and everyday life, and through identifying modern intellectuals and the masses as the major sponsors and agents of violence, Zhou questioned the legitimacy of the mainstream Enlightenment, modern political movements, and national salvation by defining them as inherently irrational and violent

    Detecting the intermediate-mass Higgs boson through the associate production channel pp --> t + anti-t + H + X

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    We examine the detection of the intermediate-mass Higgs boson (IMH) at LHC through the associate production channel pp-->t+(anti-t)+H+X-->l+photon+ photon+X'. It is shown that by applying kinematic cuts or b-tagging on the final state jets, the main backgrounds of W(-->l+nu)+photon+photon+(n-jet) can be reduced substantially without significant loss of signals. It is possible to detect the Higgs boson at LHC through the pp-->t+(anti-t)+H+X channel using a modest photon detector with mass resolution of about 3% of the photon pair invariant mass.Comment: 10 pages, standard LaTex fil