92 research outputs found

    Ultrasensitive vibrational resonance induced by small disturbances

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    We have found two kinds of ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance in coupled nonlinear systems. It is particularly worth pointing out that this ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance is a transient behavior caused by transient chaos. Considering long-term response, the system will transform from transient chaos to periodic response. The pattern of vibrational resonance will also transform from ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance to conventional vibrational resonance. This article focuses on the transient ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance phenomenon. It is induced by a small disturbance of the high-frequency excitation and the initial simulation conditions, respectively. The damping coefficient and the coupling strength are the key factors to induce the ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance. By increasing these two parameters, the vibrational resonance pattern can be transformed from an ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance to a conventional vibrational resonance. The reason for different vibrational resonance patterns to occur lies in the state of the system response. The response usually presents transient chaotic behavior when the ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance appears and the plot of the response amplitude versus the controlled parameters shows a highly fractalized pattern. When the response is periodic or doubly-periodic, it usually corresponds to the conventional vibrational resonance. The ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance not only occurs at the excitation frequency, but it also occurs at some more nonlinear frequency components. The ultra-sensitive vibrational resonance as a transient behavior and the transformation of vibrational resonance patterns are new phenomena in coupled nonlinear systems

    Exploiting gender-based biomarkers and drug targets: advancing personalized therapeutic strategies in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    This review systematically examines gender differences in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), identifying the influence of sex hormones, genetic variance, and environmental factors on the disease’s epidemiology and treatment outcomes. Recognizing the liver as a sexually dimorphic organ, we highlight how gender-specific risk factors, such as alcohol consumption and obesity, contribute differently to hepatocarcinogenesis in men and women. We explore molecular mechanisms, including the differential expression of androgen and estrogen receptors, which mediate diverse pathways in tumor biology such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, and DNA repair. Our analysis underscores the critical need for gender-specific research in liver cancer, from molecular studies to clinical trials, to improve diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic effectiveness. By incorporating a gender perspective into all facets of liver cancer research, we advocate for a more precise and personalized approach to cancer treatment that acknowledges gender as a significant factor in both the progression of HCC and its response to treatment. This review aims to foster a deeper understanding of the biological and molecular bases of gender differences in HCC and to promote the development of tailored interventions that enhance outcomes for all patients

    Si-Ni-San alleviates early life stress-induced depression-like behaviors in adolescence via modulating Rac1 activity and associated spine plasticity in the nucleus accumbens

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    Background: Early life stress (ELS) is a major risk factor for depression in adolescents. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a key center of the reward system, and spine remodeling in the NAc contributes to the development of depression. The Si-Ni-San formula (SNS) is a fundamental prescription for treating depression in traditional Chinese medicine. However, little is known about the effects of SNS on behavioral abnormalities and spine plasticity in the NAc induced by ELS.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the therapeutic effect and the modulatory mechanism of SNS on abnormal behaviors and spine plasticity in the NAc caused by ELS.Methods: We utilized a model of ELS that involved maternal separation with early weaning to explore the protective effects of SNS on adolescent depression. Depressive-like behaviors were evaluated by the sucrose preference test, the tail suspension test, and the forced swimming test; anxiety-like behaviors were monitored by the open field test and the elevated plus maze. A laser scanning confocal microscope was used to analyze dendritic spine remodeling in the NAc. The activity of Rac1 was detected by pull-down and Western blot tests. Viral-mediated gene transfer of Rac1 was used to investigate its role in ELS-induced depression-like behaviors in adolescence.Results: ELS induced depression-like behaviors but not anxiety-like behaviors in adolescent mice, accompanied by an increase in stubby spine density, a decrease in mushroom spine density, and decreased Rac1 activity in the NAc. Overexpression of constitutively active Rac1 in the NAc reversed depression-related behaviors, leading to a decrease in stubby spine density and an increase in mushroom spine density. Moreover, SNS attenuated depression-like behavior in adolescent mice and counteracted the spine abnormalities in the NAc induced by ELS. Additionally, SNS increased NAc Rac1 activity, and the inhibition of Rac1 activity weakened the antidepressant effect of SNS.Conclusion: These results suggest that SNS may exert its antidepressant effects by modulating Rac1 activity and associated spine plasticity in the NAc

    Quercetin Alleviates Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice Exposed to Silica by Inhibiting Macrophage Senescence

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    Quercetin exerts anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and other protective effects. Previous studies have shown that senescent cells, such as fibroblasts and type II airway epithelial cells, are strongly implicated in the development of pulmonary fibrosis pathology. However, the role of senescent macrophages during silicosis remains unclear. We investigated the effects of quercetin on macrophage senescence and pulmonary fibrosis, and explored underlying mechanisms. Mice were randomized to six model groups. Vitro model was also established by culturing RAW264.7 macrophages with silica (SiO2). We examined the effects of quercetin on fibrosis, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity, and senescence-specific genes (p16, p21, and p53). We showed that quercetin reduced pulmonary fibrosis and inhibited extracellular matrix (ECM) formation. Quercetin also attenuated macrophage senescence induced by SiO2 both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, quercetin significantly decreased the expressions of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), including proinflammatory factors (interleukin-1α (Il-1α), Il-6, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMP2, MMP9, and MMP12). In conclusion, quercetin mediated its anti-fibrotic effects by inhibiting macrophage senescence, possibly via SASP

    Effects of Reproductive Status, Social Rank, Sex and Group Size on Vigilance Patterns in Przewalski's Gazelle

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    Quantifying vigilance and exploring the underlying mechanisms has been the subject of numerous studies. Less attention has focused on the complex interplay between contributing factors such as reproductive status, social rank, sex and group size. Reproductive status and social rank are of particular interest due to their association with mating behavior. Mating activities in rutting season may interfere with typical patterns of vigilance and possibly interact with social rank. In addition, balancing the tradeoff between vigilance and life maintenance may represent a challenge for gregarious ungulate species rutting under harsh winter conditions. We studied vigilance patterns in the endangered Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii) during both the rutting and non-rutting seasons to examine these issues.Field observations were carried out with focal sampling during rutting and non-rutting season in 2008-2009. Results indicated a complex interplay between reproductive status, social rank, sex and group size in determining vigilance in this species. Vigilance decreased with group size in female but not in male gazelles. Males scanned more frequently and thus spent more time vigilant than females. Compared to non-rutting season, gazelles increased time spent scanning at the expense of bedding in rutting season. During the rutting season, territorial males spent a large proportion of time on rutting activities and were less vigilant than non-territorial males. Although territorial males may share collective risk detection with harem females, we suggest that they are probably more vulnerable to predation because they seemed reluctant to leave rut stands under threats.Vigilance behavior in Przewalski's gazelle was significantly affected by reproductive status, social rank, sex, group size and their complex interactions. These findings shed light on the mechanisms underlying vigilance patterns and the tradeoff between vigilance and other crucial activities

    The Effectiveness of Service Innovation Practices to Reduce Energy Consumption Based on Adaptive Theory

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    Research on service innovation appears in several research disciplines, with important contributions in marketing, management, and operations research. The purpose of manufacturing enterprise service is to reduce energy consumption. We offer a new account based on an adaptive theory perspective. This paper investigates the relationship among three types of service innovation practices and service innovation performance in manufacturing enterprise. The study further examines environmental uncertainty as a moderator between service innovation practices and service innovation performance. Data collected from 59 manufacturing enterprises in China, and is analyzed and used to validate the article’s theoretical and empirical contributions. The findings reveal that three types of service innovation practices have positive effects on service innovation performance. In addition, the results show that the effect of guide-based service innovation practices on service innovation performance is weakened in manufacturing enterprise when there are higher levels of environmental uncertainty. The effect of project-based service innovation practices on service innovation performance is weakened in manufacturing enterprise when there are higher levels of environmental uncertainty. Based on the results, this study provides implications for service innovation and support roles in fostering and sustaining innovation, which generate sustainable competitive advantage

    The Effect of Principal Component Analysis Parameters on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Signal Extraction

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    Number: 11 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing InstituteSolar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), one of the three main releasing pathways of vegetation-absorbed photosynthetic active radiation, has been proven as an effective monitoring implementation of leaf photosynthesis, canopy growth, and ecological diversity. There exist three categories of SIF retrieval methods, and the principal component analysis (PCA) retrieval method is obtrusively eye-catching due to its brief, data-driven characteristics. However, we still lack a lucid understanding of PCA’s parameter settings. In this study, we examined if principal component numbers and retrieval band regions could have effects on the accuracy of SIF inversion under two controlled experiments. The results revealed that the near-infrared region could remarkably boost SIF’s retrieval accuracy, whereas red and near-infrared bands caused anomalous values, which subverted a traditional view that more retrieval regions might provide more photosynthetic information. Furthermore, the results demonstrated that three principal components would benefit more in PCA-based SIF retrieval. These arguments further help elucidate the more in-depth influence of the parameters on the PCA retrieval method, which unveil the potential effects of different parameters and give a parameter-setting foundation for the PCA retrieval method, in addition to assisting retrieval achievements

    Customers as Co-Creators: Antecedents of Customer Participation in Online Virtual Communities

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    The development of internet technology and the popularity of smartphones has been gradually affecting people’s daily lives, thus causing subtle changes to their health. Manufacturing companies are increasingly establishing virtual communities to motivate customers to participate in new product development. However, the reasons that customers participate in the innovation process and the timing of participation remain under-researched. Hence, using data on 517 customers of 14 manufacturing enterprises, we investigate the reasons behind such participation and the moderating role of perceived ease of use and perceived control based on the social exchange theory. Results show that learning benefits, integrative benefits, and hedonic benefits have positive effects on participation. Perceived ease of use strengthens the positive relationship between integrative benefits and customer participation. Perceived control strengthens the positive relationship between hedonic benefits and customer participation. Theoretical implications and managerial practices are also discussed
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