116 research outputs found

    The corpus of the Old Russian copies of the Paraenesis of Ephraem Syrus. II: RNB, Pogod. 71a

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    In the article we continue our research on the Old Russian copies of the Homilies (Paraenesis) of Ephraem Syrus. The article deals with the description of the earliest copy of the Paraenesis-the Old Russian copy RNB, Pogod. 71a. We reproduce the record made by the scribe of the manuscript. On the basis of the record we prove its early dating-around 1289. The copy is of Galich-Volyn' origin. A complex analysis of the copy's phonetic and grammatical peculiarities is provided. The copy displays early dialectal forms and innovations: reflection of the palatalization * zg > *ẑ'dẑ' in the spellings like Russian source; non-distinguishing of the hushing sounds and sibilants; development of the new jat' [e > ie] and a new o [o > uo]; [i] > [y] shift; variant transformation of the type tτrt > tort, trot, trt; development of the Accusative- and Genitive-homonymy; formation of Locative with a generalized -o- as in; appearance of new forms of numerals; appearance of verbal forms like Russian source; spreading of the Imperative as in; and many other phenomena. In the appendix we give a list of errors found in the first volume of the Paraenesis edition by Bojkovsky, Aitzetmüller (1984, 1986-1988). © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    O tempo perfeito no manuscrito do século XIII

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    This article reflects the result of perfect form semantics study in the collection of words and teachings (RNL, F.p.1.39) of the 13th century, which was carried out within the framework of the project devoted to the evolution and the functioning of an ancient Russian verb. Most of the manuscript is occupied by Kirill Turovsky’s words. Besides, it contains the oldest South Russian translation of "Tales of Aphroditian." In this regard, the attention of researchers was mainly paid to the contents of the collection, and not to its linguistic and morphological characteristics. The work is the part of a comprehensive analysis of Tolstoy's collection linguistic features. We have determined that in the source, as in many other works, the overwhelming number of perfect forms is represented by the 2nd and the 3rd person singular, but, unlike the "traditional" use of the 3rd person forms without a link, the collection has only few forms without a link. The formulation of a single meaning, which could explain all the contexts of the use and non-use of perfects, is impossible for us. Presumably, perfect conveys a certain complex of subjectively colored meanings, connected, on the one hand, with emotionally expressive isolation of an action or an event, and on the other hand - with an evidence or with a reference to a known information / source.Este artículo refleja el resultado del estudio semántico de forma perfecta en la colección de palabras y enseñanzas (RNL, Fp1.39) del siglo XIII, que se llevó a cabo en el marco del proyecto dedicado a la evolución y el funcionamiento de un antiguo verbo ruso . La mayor parte del manuscrito está ocupado por las palabras de Kirill Turovsky. Además, contiene la traducción más antigua del sur de Rusia de "Tales of Aphroditian". En este sentido, la atención de los investigadores se centró principalmente en los contenidos de la colección y no en sus características lingüísticas y morfológicas. El trabajo es parte de un análisis exhaustivo de las características lingüísticas de la colección de Tolstoy. Hemos determinado que en la fuente, como en muchas otras obras, la abrumadora cantidad de formas perfectas está representada por la segunda y la tercera persona del singular, pero, a diferencia del uso "tradicional" de las formas de tercera persona sin un vínculo, la colección tiene pocas formas sin un enlace. La formulación de un significado único, que podría explicar todos los contextos del uso y no uso de los perfectos, es imposible para nosotros. Presumiblemente, perfecto transmite un cierto complejo de significados subjetivamente coloreados, conectados, por un lado, con el aislamiento emocionalmente expresivo de una acción o un evento, y por otro lado, con una evidencia o con una referencia a una fuente / información conocida.Este artigo reflete o resultado da perfeita forma semântica de estudo na coleção de palavras e ensinamentos (RNL, Fp1.39) do século XIII, que foi realizada no âmbito do projeto dedicado à evolução e ao funcionamento de um antigo verbo russo . A maior parte do manuscrito é ocupada pelas palavras de Kirill Turovsky. Além disso, contém a mais antiga tradução para o sul da Rússia de "Tales of Aphroditian". A esse respeito, a atenção dos pesquisadores foi principalmente paga ao conteúdo da coleção, e não às suas características lingüísticas e morfológicas. O trabalho é parte de uma análise abrangente das características linguísticas da coleção de Tolstoi. Determinamos que na fonte, como em muitos outros trabalhos, o número esmagador de formas perfeitas é representado pela 2ª e 3ª pessoas do singular, mas, ao contrário do uso "tradicional" das formas de 3ª pessoa sem um link, a coleção tem apenas alguns formulários sem um link. A formulação de um significado único, que poderia explicar todos os contextos do uso e não uso de perfeitos, é impossível para nós. Presumivelmente, o perfeito transmite um certo complexo de significados subjetivamente coloridos, conectados, por um lado, com o isolamento emocionalmente expressivo de uma ação ou um evento e, por outro lado, com uma evidência ou com uma referência a uma informação / fonte conhecida

    From proto-slavic to old church slavonic: On perfective imperfect

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    The article deals with the functioning of Perfective Imperfect and the dimensions of its usage. Perfective Imperfect was mainly used in habitual situations, when the events acquired a ritualized character or had an established order. It denoted mainly a multiplicity of completed actions in the past, though the distributive component of its semantics was completely not excluded. The paper presents some evidence of quite a widespread usage of Perfective Imperfect in Old Church Slavonic. These facts help us to have a fresh look at the evolution of Perfective Imperfect, as it has been considered before that Perfective Imperfect didn't have a Proto-Slavic origin. The appearance of Perfective Imperfect is determined by the development of aspect as a category in the Present tense stems, with which the Imperfect correlated, in Proto-Slavic

    The Root Aorist in Old East Slavonic Parimejnik Copies (To the Online Corpus Edition)

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    The article focuses on aorist forms and root aorist distribution in the Old East Slavonic Parimejnik corpus, an Old Testament lectionary, being one of the most important liturgical texts in Byzantine and Slavonic rites, it provided the Old Testament knowledge. The root aorist is a diagnostic type of archaic forms that indicates the reference of the text with Cyril-and-Methodius tradition to the emergence of Slavonic written culture. The analysis is carried out for the first time and is based on the corpus approach. It became possible due to the online edition of five Old East Slavonic copies of Parimejnik: Lazarevskiy from ca. 1150–1170, Zakharinskiy from 1271, Kozminskiy from 1312–1313, Troitskiy I from the 14 th century, and Fedorovskiy II, from the 13 th century. The author discovered 18 entries of root aorists in Zakhariinskiy Parimejnik. This is the largest number of entries in the late Old East Slavonic written sources altogether. 10 entries were found at Lazarevskiy Parimejnik. The root aorist is represented in the rest of the copies in sporadic forms. The distribution of forms in the copies corresponds precisely to the four distinguished editorial types: the most ancient, Zakharinskiy, Kozminskiy, and Semenovskiy. The samples of editing root aorist forms were revealed to occur due to their confusion with homonymous forms of "zero" presence and participles

    Notes on the word form je 'is' in old Russian and old church slavonic literature

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    A study of the so-called zero-forms of the present tense 3rd person singular and plural (without inflectional -tb) in the birch bark manuscripts has once again attracted the attention of researchers to this grammatical phenomenon. Andrey Zaliznyak established the zero-forms usage positions and their range and functions, and he arrived at the conclusion that they are Novgorod dialectisms. Analysis of the Old Slavonic and written sources of the Russian Southwest found similarities with the Novgorod birch bark manuscripts, so the zero-forms should be considered Proto-Slavic dialectisms, inherited by different Old Russian dialects and tracing back to the injunctive and the conjunctive, its later substitute. At the same time, data correlation showed the narrowness of the birch bark manuscripts' discursive range. A. Zaliznyak discovered several je 'is' word forms in a supposedly enclitic function. He noted, however, that there was a lack of material for drawing final conclusions. The present paper provides evidence of the je word form usage in the function of Wackernagel enclitics in different sources, especially in the 11th century Sinaiskii Paterik (Pratum spiritual), where, as it turns out, this type of enclitic was closely related with an interrogative sentence type, not always functioning as a link-verb and meaning a non-factive action of supposition. The je word form is also used widely in a non-enclitic position, where it has a non-actual, primarily gnomic, present tense meaning

    On reflexes of ti- and t-forms of verbs in Ancient Russian

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    The origin of the forms of the present without inflectional consonant (or zero forms) and their functioning in the old Slavic languages is one of the most complex and intriguing questions in diachronic morphology. Differences in the forms present in the Slavic languages are considered in the light of a proliferation of different models of generalization of the original system, in which there was a variation of forms for the 3rd person singular and the plural in *-ti vs. *-t and *-nti vs. *-nt. This requires evidence of t-forms in the Proto-Slavic period and, in addition, the identification of the mechanism of the penetration of t-forms in the present tense forms and their motivations. Typically, zero forms are related in Old Russian to the so-called general present tense or future tense and have the meaning of potential or non-referential action. They are found almost exclusively in polypredicative groups with strong coupling predicates. Forms of *-t in the present tense or future tense inherit functional characteristics of the Indo-European injunktive mood and its historical substitute-conjunctive mood. Historical corpus linguistics should open up new horizons for studying the evolution of the Slavic verb. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Заметки о словоформе е ‘есть’ в древнерусской и старославянской письменности

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    A study of the so-called zero-forms of the present tense 3rd person singular and plural (without inflectional -tь) in the birch bark manuscripts has once again attracted the attention of researchers to this grammatical phenomenon. Andrey Zaliznyak established the zero-forms usage positions and their range and functions, and he arrived at the conclusion that they are Novgorod dialectisms. Analysis of the Old Slavonic and written sources of the Russian Southwest found similarities with the Novgorod birch bark manuscripts, so the zero-forms should be considered Proto-Slavic dialectisms, inherited by different Old Russian dialects and tracing back to the injunctive and the conjunctive, its later substitute. At the same time, data correlation showed the narrowness of the birch bark manuscripts’ discursive range. A. Zaliznyak discovered several jе ‘is’ word forms in a supposedly enclitic function. He noted, however, that there was a lack of material for drawing final conclusions. The present paper provides evidence of the jе word form usage in the function of Wackernagel enclitics in different sources, especially in the 11th century Sinaiskii Paterik (Pratum spiritual), where, as it turns out, this type of enclitic was closely related with an interrogative sentence type, not always functioning as a link-verb and meaning a non-factive action of supposition. The jе word form is also used widely in a non-enclitic position, where it has a non-actual, primarily gnomic, present tense meaning.Исследование так называемых нулевых форм презенса 3 л. ед. и мн. ч. (без флективного -ть) в берестяных грамотах вновь привлекло внимание исследователей к этому грамматическому явлению. А. А. Зализняк установил позиции употребления нулевых форм, их диапазон и функции. Рассмотрение старославянских и книжных источников юго-запада Руси обнаружило сходство с новгородской берестяной письменностью, так что нулевые формы следует признать праславянско-индоевропейским диалектизмом, унаследованным разными древнеславянскими диалектами и восходящим к инъюнктиву и его позднему субституту — конъюнктиву. Вместе с тем сопоставление данных показало узость дискурсивного диапазона берестяной письменности. А. А. Зализняк обнаружил несколько словоформ е ‘есть’ в предположительно энклитической функции. Однако он отметил, что для окончательных выводов недостает материала. В статье приводятся свидетельства употребления словоформы е в функции энклитики вакернагелевского типа в различных источниках, прежде всего в Синайском патерике кон. XI в., где данная энклитика, как выяснилось, была тесно связана с вопросительным типом предложений, далеко не всегда выступая в функции связки и обозначая нефактивное действие предположения. Словоформа е широко распространена и в неэнклитической позиции, где имеет значение неактуального, прежде всего гномического презенса

    Язык древнеславянской проповеди: неординарность глагольной морфологии в гомилиях Кирилла Туровского

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    The article’s subject matter—verbs functioning in the sermons of the Old Russian church writer Cyril Turovskij (second half of the 12th century)—is considered in details for the first time on the basis of the earliest source, Tolstovskij Sbornik (second half of the 13th century). Since Cyril’s sermons were addressed to a wide range of listeners and readers they had to be based on intelligible and simple language forms that also preserved a connection with literary standards. This manifested itself in the significant Russification of the preaching language. The article describes the following features of the language of Cyril’s sermons: the earliest and widespread usage of “praesens historicum”; the exclusive usage of aorist forms with additional endings (načętъ type); the special functional and syntactic nature of the aorist rěšę; the unusually wide usage of 2 Sg. aorist and imperfect forms; the usage of perfective imperfect forms and imperfects with additional endings; the prospective future tense and modal functioning of the paraphrastic forms with the auxiliary verb xoščè; special cases of 1 Pl. imperatives usage; the special character of the reflexive enclitic sę; and the extraordinary distribution of periphrastic preterits forms. Some similarity of verbs functioning in Cyril’s homilies and The Tale of Igor’s Campaign is detected as well as in the original Chronicle, early Old Russian translations, and Paroemiarion.В статье впервые подробно рассматривается функционирование ряда глагольных словоформ в проповедях древнерусского церковного писателя второй половины XII века Кирилла Туровского по самой ранней рукописи, в которой они сохранились, — Толстовскому сборнику второй половины XIII века. Поскольку проповеди Кирилла Туровского обращены к широкому кругу слушателей и читателей, они должны были опираться на понятные и привычные языковые формы, сохраняя вместе с тем связь с книжной литературой. Это проявилось в значительной русификации книжного языка. В статье выявлены такие особенности языка проповедей Кирилла Туровского, как наиболее ранние случаи широкого использования настоящего исторического; исключительное употребление аористов с дополнительным окончанием типа начатъ; особый функциональный и синтаксический характер употребления аориста рѣша; необычно широкое употребление аористов и имперфектов во 2-м лице единственного числа; употребление перфективных имперфектов и имперфектов с дополнительным окончанием; проспективное, футуральное и модальное функционирование перефрастических форм со вспомогательным глаголом хощю; особые случаи использования словоформ императива первого лица множественного числа; особый характер рефлексивной энклитики -ся; неординарная дистрибуция форм сложных претеритов. Отмечается близость функционирования ряда глагольных словоформ в проповедях Кирилла Туровского и в “Слове о полку Игореве”, а также в начальной летописи, раннедревнерусских переводах и паримейнике

    The synthetic indicative in Cyril and Methodius’ sources (the internet edition of the Paroemiarion Zacharianum dating from 1271)

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.The Old Slavic Paroemiarion dates back to Cyril and Methodius’ translation. The Paroemiarion Zacharianum written in 1271 is the oldest accurately dated copy of the Paroemiarion and the second oldest complete copy after the Paroemiarion Grigorovičianum. The article provides evidence of the Glagolitic protograph impact on the manuscript. We have prepared the first edition of this piece of heritage. This is an internet-publication, which includes search modules, as well as direct, inverse and quantitative word form online-indices. The preparation of the manuscript for publication along with the research project into it have been funded by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. The synthetic indicative verb form system is described for the first time ever in this paper. In the manuscript, dual number, present tense, aorist and imperfect archaic forms are preserved, all of which had been lost in the other copies. The paper presents new data on the history of the Slavic verb, which are included in the context of a scientific discussion on problems relating to verbs


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    Abstract. The article presents the research of an Old Russian copy of Apostolos (Tolstovskii Apostolus,National Library of Russia, Q.p.I.5) yet recently dated by the end of the 13 th – the 14 th century. The codex stands out among other Old Russian written sources having a unique structure. It represents a full-text version (the continuous text type) of the Preslav recension. An online edition of the manuscript was accomplished at Kazan Federal University. This machine-readable publication is accompanied by various search modules and indexes and located on the “Kazan digital collection” page of the “Manuscript” portal. Recently, a hypothesis of the same provenance of this Apostolus and the Onega Psalter (precisely dated by 1395) has emerged. Besides, it is assumed that both manuscripts were produced at a Moscow scriptorium. The article critically examines these hypotheses describing the manuscripts’ history and comparing their handwritings, orthographic systems, and decoration. The study presents an analysis of regionalcharacteristics of Tolstovskii Apostolus, which confirm its north-western origin and root relations with the book culture of the 14 th century. The analysis of the linguistic parameters of both codices was undertaken for the first time.Key words: Old Russian, book culture, continuous Apostolos, manuscript history, dialectal features